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SSC Regional State Cautions USAto Side with the Secessionist OneClan Somaliland (SNM)

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SSC Autonomous Regional State of Somalia Cautions USA to Side with the Secessionist One-Clan Somaliland (SNM Militia)‏


International media outlets have reported the announcement of a hint of US policy shift toward Somalia. Mr. Johnnie Carson Assistant Secretary for Africa was quoted as saying, "


But we will also be pursuing a second track, which we think is also increasingly important, and that is we will work to engage more actively with the governments of Puntland and Somaliland.


We hope to be able to have more American diplomats and aid workers going into those countries on an ad hoc basis to meet with government officials to see how we can help them improve their capacity to provide services to their people, seeing whether there are development assistance projects that we can work with them on.


We think that both of these parts of Somalia have been zones of relative political and civil stability, and we think they will, in fact, be a bulwark against extremism and radicalism that might emerge from the south.


Equally as a part of the second-track strategy, we are going to reach out to groups in south central Somalia, groups in local governments, clans, and sub-clans that are opposed to Al-Shabaab, the radical extremist group in the south, but are not allied formally or directly with the TFG. And we will look for opportunities to work with these groups to see if we can identify them, find ways of supporting their development initiatives and activities."



In principle. in the face of endless choas, the SSC Autonomous Regional Administration agrees that the United States of America cooperate with and assist all Somali parties who show respect for law and order, civility, interest for social and economical development, and commitment for peace and security including peaceful co-existence with neighboring regions, tribes, and regional administrationns.



However, the SSC would like to point out that the anarchy and the Somali civil war does not only exist in the southern part of Somalia, but also extends to the northern part of Somalia. All the international community is aware of the aggression of the One Clan Somaliland and their occupation of parts of the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn territories.


As the SSC people had formed their own Autonomous Regional Administration for the Sool, Sanaag, and Cayn Regions of North Somalia, the territory has effectively ceased to be part of Puntland and never been associated with the secessionist agenda of Somaliland and its regional administration.



Therefore, the SSC would like to draw the attention of the United States to the realities on the ground in Northern Somalia, while the United States is planning its new approach toward Somalia.


The SSC specifically cautions the United States not to commit any funds for the One Clan SNM adminstration aka Somaliland, because these funds will be used to fund the Somaliland clan militia fighting in the SSC Autonomous Regional Territories.


The SSC forces and Somaliland militia are fighting a difficult war in which the Somaliland militia is trying to occupy the SSC by force and the SSC forces are pushing the aggressors back to their tribal areas.



In these circumstances, obviously, any funds the USA grants the secessionists with all good intentions would not be spent on development projects. But, instead would be diverted and used to fuel the civil war raging between the secessionists and the SSC. Thus,


the tribal conflict and the dire humanitarian situation in the SSC Northern Somalia warrant that the United States make a thoughtful desicion on the matter and take a balanced approach in all its involvements with the Nothern Somalia territories and communities.



The first step that would clear the way for a productive USA involvement in the area is to convince the secessionists to pull out their militia from the SSC territories and commit to a peaceful co-existence and developmental cooperation with the neighbors.


As soon as the withdrawal of secessionist militia from the SSC is achieved and peace and stability is restored, the United States new policy of engagement would definitely be successful - USA engaging with all Somali jurisdictions on equal footing, SSC, Puntland, Somaliland, Galmudug State, and other clans/regions in the south. Surely, the process will eventualy facilitate a fruitful Somali reconciliation path.



On the other hand, if the United States goes ahead with unbalanced approach with regard to conflicting jurisdictions and assists one party over another, the end product would be the US ending in fueling and funding a disasterous and protracted civil war in the North of Somalia that will be much worse than the situation in the Southern part of Somalia that the United States hoping to pacify.




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I think Somaliland has been waiting for something to challange it in the east for some time now, we were really getting bored.


just sign this and lets get started,


I hereby declare that i wish to enter into war with the Republic of Somaliland and am happy and willing to sacrifice what little is left of my people and land in the event that i am conquered and willing to submit to the state of Somaliland if conquered for the rest of eternity and it is only in death that i and my offspring will find freedom from the Republic of Somaliland whether i recognize it or not.



------------------------ please sign here and lets get this show started, i give you the first move.

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