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General Duke

Report: Government troops moving towards Bali-doogle...Its begun

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^Much of southern Somalia, like the control they had in Bur-Hakabo today?


The TFG controls were it has all a long it has not lost an inch to the courts. The courts who represent the most armed clan in Somalia controls much of the area its clan occupies and in that sense nothing has changed.


Outside Mogadishu they represent no threat.

Its a myth to say that it has taken over areas, the clan courts had a presence in Mogadishu, Lower Shabbele and Kismayu. The TFG did not.


Red Sea: what will you say when the TFG defeats the clan courts? Will you then recognise the government, since you belive in millitary power?

I think the one who is overly obsessed with power is all well too known around here,it happens to be you dear Duke. To remind you of your position a bid, you have been the one clapping whenever small movements of the supposed government troops made into Buur Hakabe and else where if ever existed,saying the "government" have taken control of Buurhakebe and Buur whatever. I am always concern of the well being of the people who might get caught in the crossfire not much of any threat that TFG might pose to the ICU which it is all clear it can't deliver such. unlike you, my support doesnt lie in the interest of my kins, I have my loyalty in my faith, Islam, wherever it might be taking place at the time, theh that is where I will give full loyalty, that can't be said about you in my opinion.


One more thing, Duke, I dont' know the control of Buurhakabe, but check the news, you will see photos taken from same place, it's in the hands of the ICU--dont' believe me? check the news.


Northerner: true, I have made that statement before, yet it's considered notlogic. The ICU controls only their tribal areas, and are occupying other clan territories is what I got back in response.So yeah, that trend which you have suggested doesnt' sit well with some, so anymore suggestions and ideas as to how to tell some folks here, what is going on.

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Red Sea, you have pretended too long to be something youare not. Lets close this argument once and for all.


If you think hiding behind Islam will bring the demise of my clan then youare wrong.


1. The TFG wins and brings order to the country. The clan I hail from will survive as it playes a central role in the TFG etc,etc.


2. The courts win and bring an true Islamic revoulution, the clan I hail from has many religious scholars and will no doubt play a central role in the future of the country. All its property will be returned and everything will be nice.



Both scenarios we do not lose. So calm down my brother. :D

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I missed the point where Mr. Red Sea attacked your clan in any of his posts.


Both scenarios we do not lose. So calm down my brother.

Lets hope every clan wins.

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^well, that I didn't know you had in mind,but thanks for telling.I have always questioned myself "maxaa sidan u gartay shakhsigan".But you have answered clearly there.


I think I have told you before,that the tribes that you are talking about play vital role in the ICU.Them tribes, your tribes are in the ICU that is well known,my tribe also plays vital role, but that is no where the reason as to why I support them.So if you thought everything in reverse, then it's your problem.I live in Western country, in which the lowest of low practice what you are practicing(merely Qabiil). If that is your thought process,maybe consider that everyoen doesn't hold the same believes and thoughts as you have.


Besides, I have lived long enough, well at least I can catch up of what happened in the past by reading, and I am fully aware, that only Allah can bring upon someone' demise,it has been attempted by various clan to cleanse each other,but each clan is strong today, so what you said won't happen in my opinion nor do I wish for it to happen.So relax a little and get rid of this fear that is taking hold of you yaa Akh.


anyways, have it your way, and I shall have it my way.Fair enough?


Duuliye, his claims are non existant,they are widely based on assumptions he made to satisfy his own personal demise.Besides to see Duke wishing other and wanting others to have what he wants for himself is not going to happen, he just aint that kinda of character, that cares for other,he serves the interest of his uncle,which I have no problem with.


one last note: if you General think the ICU have that potential of giving all the properties back to its owners and thus everything will be nice, if you know that much already, why can't except the simple truth instead of fighting your true nature,because I know you know the truth,but you just think it's emberassing to admit the truth.

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the nasty hidden agendas behind the propaganda is all too obvious jenerale. But might I remind all that in federal government does not "control" a country. you, its very difficult to argue with you dowlad diids, one minute the president is a dictator another he is too week. One minute the government controls too much another it controls nothing. People, make your minds we can come to a middle ground.

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