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French President

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Dont know if this belongs to General section because its funny but hey he's a president so deserves to be in the politics section, but anyways this happens when a presidents meet's with putin for some discussion all i can say is the guy is russian he knows how to handle but poor sarcozy who's use to little wine loool. Besides its the british who are presenting it and we know the hate we have for the french loool


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^^^^ Lol..Boris Yeltsin in the making.


I don't understand how the French people voted for him, he should've remained as the mayor of the city.

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Yeah man another boris yeltsin in making but the funny thing is that when every one heard when he said he was late due to lengthy discussions with putin lool everyone laughed everyone knew there was something with vodka to do and obviously the russians can take it as they proably drink for breakfast too :D He lookes as if he lost a bet and he got drunk as i cant find putin doing the same press conference he let him there all alone :D

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