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Siilaanyo faces stiff competition in his own party Kulmiye!

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Muuse Biixi iyo Dr. M .A Gaboose, oo dadaal Mataanaysan ugu jira qabashada Hogaminta Xisbiga Kulmiye




Waxa mudooyinkan danbaba socday loolan loogu jiro madaxnimada iyo hogaaminta xisbig kulmiye, kaasi oo imika u kala miirmaya laba dhinac.waxaana sida aanu ka xaqiijinay dad kala duwan dadaal iyo firfircooni dheeriyihi ka muuqataa dhinac ay hormood u yihiin Muse Biixiiyo Dr Gaboosi oo aad ugu fadalcad dhinac ay horjoogaha u yihiin gudoomiyaha xisbiga ee waqtigan iyo ku xigeenkiisa Fagadhe.




Ololahan ay wadaan Muuse Biixi Dr Mohamed Abdi Gaboose iyo dad badan oo kale waxa uu sida ay wararku tibaaxayaan bilawday muddo bilo ka hor ah, kaasi dardar iyo xawlina kordhiyey xilliyadii uu socday shirkii xisbiga kulmiye ku qabsaday magaalada London dhamaadkii bishii January ee tagtey. Shirkaasi oo xisbiga gudihiisa ka abuurey kala shaki badan


Ololaha kooxdan oo sida muuqata aad looga dareensan yahay gudaha dalka iyo debedaba yeeshana wadatashi iyo shirar googoosa ku oo u dhaca hab aan kaashif ahayn, iyagoo yaalaaba ka dhaca meelo cayiman oo ay ka mid yihiin Ambanssador Hutel, guryo gaar ah iyo sidoo kale dhulbeereed u Muse Biixi ku leeyahay agagaaraha Geed-deeble.




Kooxdan oo aad ugu dhiiran in hello isbadal lagu sameeyo hogaaminta xisbiga si looga soo kabto guuldarooyinkii xisbigu kala kulmay doorashooyinkii wadanka ka dhacay, loogana samatabaxo bay yidhaahdeen ididiilo xumadda ka muuqata saadaasha kuwa soo socda.




Sida la xasuusanyahayna waxa xisbiga aad loogu jabiyey doorashooyinkii dawladaha hoose, iyadoo xisbigu ku guulaysan wayey degmo kaliya ka hello tiro macno leh si uu dhiso maamul degaan. Sidoo kale doorashadii Madextooyada, inkastoo xisbigu waqtigii ololaha doorashada adeegsadey halkudhegyo caadifi ah oo aad xasaasi u ah(clannationalism election propaganda) kuwaasi oo ka reeban hanaanka, tartanka doorashooyinka demoqraadiga ah iyo siyaasadaha casriga ah(modern politics), haddana waxay noqotay doorashadaasi mid lagaga adkaaday.




Guuldarada seddexaad ee soo gaadhay oo ahayd waxay ahayd tii Golaha Wakiilda, taasi oo xisbigu filayey qoondeystayna in uu ku guuleysandoonaa inta u dhaxaysa 50 ilaa 60 kursi, xaasilkii wuxuu noqday in uu ku guuleysto 28 kursi oo kaliya 82 kursi ee Golaha.




Kooxdani ay horseed u yihiin Muuse Biixi iyo Dr Gaboose iyagoo cuskanaysa guuldarooyinkaa isdaba yaaley, waxay ku adkeysanayaan in la gaadhay waqtigii xisbiga lagu sameyn lahaa hogaan bedel (change of Leadership), dib u habayn iyo dib u qaabeyn siyaasadeed.




Sida ay xaqiijiyeen xubno ka mid ah guddiga ee fulinta ee xisbigu waxa jirta teegeero la isku haleyn karo oo lagu taabacsan yahay ololahan Muuse iyo Gaboose. Dadka xisbiga miisaanweyn ku leh ee taageersan arintana waxa ka mid ah; Dr Cabdi Aw daahir, Dr Ahmed Ibrahim( Obolos), M Ahmed Hirsi, Mohamoud Haashi, Ciise Curaagte iyo Abdirahman Aw Cali oo isagu markii ka cagotaaleeyey taageerida kooxdan haseyeeshee Muuse ugu baanay abaalkii u geystay waqtigii u socday shirkii Boorama ee uu C/rahmaan uu tartamayey jagada madexweyne ku xigeenka una sheegay in abaalkaa gudistiisa maanta looga fadhiyo, taasi oo bedeshay mawqifkii hore ee C/rahmaan Aw Cali.




Sidoo kale waxa jira Xubno ku jira G/Wakiilada sida; C/Casiis M Samaale oo isagu markii hore ku taamayey in uu tartanka madaxnimada xisbiga ka qaybgali doono haseyeeshee ay doonistiisii xagaldaacisay xaalada cakiran ee guddiga doorashooyinka qaranka oo majarohabaabinteeda dadku ku eedeeyo gudoonka golaha wakiilada si gaarana farta loogu fiiqo Mr Samaale, taasi oo ku noqotay dhaawac siyaasadeed oo hakisey hamigiisii(a spectacular political own goal).




Xubnaha kale ee ku jira golaha waxa ka mid ah xildhibaan Ikraan X.Daa’uud, Yussuf Mohamed(Tuke), Axmedweyne, Ibrahim Ahmed (Kacaan),Dr Cali Yuusuf, C/rahman Yussuf Cartan, Mohamed X. Yussuf(Waabeeyo), Axmed Cilmi Rooble, Mohamed Xuseen X. Ciise ,Bulqaas iyo xubno kale. Waxa iyaguna jira shakhsiyaad kale oo hore ugu soo bixi waayey doorashadii Golaha wakiilada oo imika kaalin firfircoon kaga jira ololahan hogaan xisbiga lagu bedelayo kuwaasi oo ay ka mid yihiin Cabdillahi Black, Yussuf Nuur (Guruusje) iyo qaar kale.




Xisbiga oo ay raggaadisay ku naaloodka iyo guul isku waabida la xidhiidha tagtada taariikhda ku xusan iyo waajibaad guurtiisii wadar lagu gutay (pre-Somaliland era existing matters and circumstances) imikana aan geyin galina karin wax lagu goolaaftamo ama lagu dhigto gabaad siyaasadeed oo ciddi gaar u wadato(dadkuna u macnaystaan anaaninimo iyo awrokacsi) iyo xisbiga oo u baahan kasmo iyo fogaan arag la falgasha jirtadda waayaha taagan iyo dunida maanta(contemporary Somaliland political, economic and social issues).




Ta labaad mawqifka iyo majaraha qalafsan ee ay ka maqantahay u nuglaanshaha iyo xeerinta danta dadka iyo dalka, suuldaaradana ku ah geedisocodka iyo nidaamka guud.




Ta seddexaad sensaanqaybeedka xisbiga ku sidkan ee gaabisey in dalaalimada iyo dabaysha xisbigu gaadho degaamada, darifyada iyo dacalada dalka oo dhan.




Waqtigan xaadirka ah waxa la sheegayaa in kooxdan ay hogaaminayaan Muuse iyo Gaboose haysato taageero badan oo ah xisbiga gudihiisa dal iyo debedba. Sidoo kale waxa jira maalqabeeno caan ah oo u muujiyey in ay taageero u hayaan kooxdan sida; Khadar Abaansader, Mohamed Indhodeero iyo mid ka mid ah tujaarta caanka ah ee reer Jabuuti oo aan magaciisa la sheegin iyo waliba qaar badan oo ka mid ah ganacsatada heer dhexe ee Somaliland.Sidoo kale waxa jira qaar ka mid ah odey dhaqameedyada iyo salaadiin ka soo jeeda galbeedka Burco iyo waqooyiga hargeysa oo muujiyey in ay taageero u hayaan xisbiga haseyeeshee ku xidhay shuruuda ah in marka hore lahelo bedelaad lagu sameeyo hogaanka xisbiga.




Hormoodada kooxdan loolanka ugu jirta hanashada hogaanka xisbiga ee Muuse Biixi iyo Gaboose waxay sida laga warqabo kawada tirsanaan jireen xisbigii la odhan jirey Sahan intii aanu ku hadhin tartankii dawladaha hoose, arinta kale ee ay wadaagaan labada masuul waxa weeyi sida la xasuusan yahay waxay labadooduba soo qabteen xilka wasiirka Arimaha gudaha waqtigii dawladihii marxuum Cigaal. Muxjisada Seddexaad ee ay wadaagaan waxa weeyi sida dad badani ogyihiin Dr Gaboose wuxuu ahaa shir gudoonkii Shirweynihii Somaliland ee Hargeysa !997 kii halka Muuse Biixi ahaa shir gudoonkii Shirweynihii SNM ee Beleygubadle.




Haddaba iyada oo la leeyahay Labadan xubneed ee Muuse iyo Dr.Gaboose, waxay leeyihiin waayo aragnimo ku filan oo ay ku hogaamin karaan xisbiga, haddana sida muuqata cid kasta oo ku guulaysata hogaaminta Kulmiye waxa ka horeysay hawl laxaadle ku saabsan dib u qaabaynta xisbiga.




Arrintu si kastaba ha ku danbeysee, waxay dadka siyaasadaha ka faaloodaa aaminsan yihiin in xisbigu u baahan yahay dib u habayn dhameystiran oo dhanwalba ah (from a philosophical thinking up to the opinion manipulation, public sentitivity awarness and political strategy) ka libkeenida iyo gofeynta qabyadan daldalloolka badanina waxay u baahan tahay geesnimo, guurtinimo,go’aan qaadasho dhiiran iyo gadhwadeenimo runta iyo danta ummaddu daadahayso taasi oo garab u noqon doonta gayiga gobonimadda iyo guusha Somaaliland ee facyowga danbe.




Waxaase marwalba la isku raacsan yahay in gabagabada loolankan ee madexnimda ee xisbiga kulmiye ay doorweyn iyo saameyn ku yeelan doonto cidda uu taageero buuxda siiyo gudoomiyaha kulmiye ee waqtigan Siilaanyo.

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they have only one year left for all these competition and changes ,,, means Rayaale is going to win 5 more years while KULMIYE is doing their own changes and elections ,,,,,,,, what a bad time ,,,, :D

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Although i am from a UDUB supporting family i think i would support a true somaliland hero in Muuse Biixi. if he were to run against riyaale i would vote for him definely.


i dont give gaboose any chance really i think the guy is right up himself and too concerned with filling his own pickets. that's just my opinion people's

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i think that a true SNM hero like Biixi would stand a good chance.


I would like to see Axmed Yusuf Yasiin come to the front of the UDUB party and lead the nation. i think he has seen most of the changes in the modern somaliland era and his experience in government would stand him in good stand. I would vote for him if he stood for election based on the his experience merits

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I would be fainted if he becomes the next vice president let alone to lead the nation. They guy sucks and he is good for nothing. UDUB should change this guy and dismiss him from the party.


I like Muuse Biixi too ,,, but it is not the right time for him to lead KULMIYE specially after Siilaanyo.


Forget about Gaboose, he is mentally sick. :D

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What do you think is wrong with Axmed Yusuf Yaasin. i mean i dont know that much about the fellow but suggested him for the presidency because of the experience he's got in government as he has been there since the early days of modern somalia but if you know more about him i would be glad if you could share it with us!!!!


i think Siilaanyo is a bit confused at times but he has the interest of somaliland in his heart and i wouldnt mind if he were to be made our next president although i dont see that happening. i dont even see him being the chairman of Kulmiye at the next elections

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I would say Ibraahim Meygaag to be the KULMIYE chairman ,,,, like that they can easily win.


Ahmed Yusuf Yassin ha no experience at all ,,,, he has been a normal citizen oo weliba suufi ah ,,, and he was a student of the Hargeisa University when he was elected for this post ,,,, he doesn't have a political background, military background, Security (basaasnimo) background, and even a guurti and odaynimo background. Ever heard of him since 1988 ???? i don't think so. I say this is not his time we need him to be the president, it is a tough time and we need someone more experience, active, leader than him.


I'm not sure how Siilaanyo can handle the situation too ,,,, this is not a JABHAD ,, it is a nation ,,,, he should understand that.

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you make some good points there about Ahmed Yusuf Yaasin but if he can go directly from hargeisa university to become an influential player in the egal government it shows he has ability and was recognised as a potentially good politician. However i dont think all this will matter that much as i dont see him removing The Goat from the udub chairman ship anyway.


you are right about this being a time where we need the right man who can handle the pressure and continue to push for stabilisation, economic growth and most importantly recognition of our independence. i dont know ibrahim meygaag well but you seem to be well knowledged on this topic so he might stand a chance.


whatever happens i think the winner of the kulmiye chairman position will be our next president as people have grown fed up of the UDUB mentality and leadership at the present moment

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Walahi that is what ppl used to think but it is KULMIYE who is disappointing their supporters ,,,, they keep been good in public but once it is the election day, they seem inay saliida iyo biyaha isku darayaan and giving the chance to UDUB ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



About Ahmed Yusuf Yassin again, he was not part of the Egal's government ,,,, After Igal's death when Rayaale became the president, they brought him from Nowhere to be the vice president and was elected by the parliament and guurti at that time ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

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I am not sure about when exactly ahmed yusuf yaasin became the VP but i think i remember him being talked about when egals government was in charge but i could be wrong about that.


Kulmiye have been confusing indeed about what exactly they are doing in opposition especially around elections but UDUB has messed big time with riyaal in charge. i dont see UCID going anywhere with the Crazy Hyena which means that Kulmiye is the only credible party left.


I have one question for you JB as you seem to be more up to date about these things then me. What is happening with some of the smaller party in the last elections like ASAD? are they still arounf and what are the possiblities of them making any gains this time round

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The municipality elections are coming at the end of this year Insha Allah ,,,, the debate is still within the Parliament if other parties can take part or not ,,,,,,,, there are also some suggestions of allowing independent candidates but things are not yet clear.

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Inshallah, those elections will prove to be fruitful for somaliland. on the issue of minority parties i think it just complicates the voting procedure but i have to say i am not an expert in this field so i could be way of.

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Dr. Gaboose yes. Ina biixi NO. waa seef la bood adeerkay. He needs to go back to the military life.


Gaboose is very intelligent. I would vote for him any day!

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