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Wa kan Mayorkii Hore ee Ceerigaabo , Caruurtiinan aan waxbana ka aqoon ceerigaabo

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Maayorkii Hore ee Ceerigaabo oo Beeniyey.



Written by Qarannews

Feb 07, 2010 at 01:47 PM






Yaasiin Mire Maxamed (Maayorkii hore ee Ceerigaabo xilligii doorashada degaanka ka hor) ahna xildhibaan katirsan golaha degaanka Ceerigaabo ayaa qoraal uu soo gaadhsiiyey Xarunta Qarannews gobolka Sanaag ee magaalada Ceerigaabo wuxu ku beeniyey oo gebi ahaan wax aan sal iyo raad lahayn ku sheegay qoraal dhowaan kusoo baxay Shebekedda Wuxuna qoraalkiisa ku bilaabay sidan:-



Mayorkii hore ee ceerigaabo - Yaasiin Miire Maxamed

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Yaasiin Miire Maxamed former mayor of Erigavo before Haji Ismail Nuur & brother of SNM legendary Axmed Miire maxamed.

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PA, I think you mean enquiring instead of enquring. as for what this is all about you can clearly see it's about mayorkii hore ee ceerigaabo and some people were claiming a mysterious man was mayor of erigavo for 13 years before haji ismail nuur (NASSIR) so i was putting him out of his misery and lack of knowledge about erigavo and who the mayor was before haji ismail nuur.

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The Zack   

If people are correcting others' spelling errors or typos, let me take the time to correct you, Mr. Sacad Muse..


Originally posted by Libaahe*:

PA, I think you mean enquiring instead of enquring.

Adigana I think you mean inquiring instead of enquiring




Duqa magaalkan maxaa laga rabaa tolow.

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The Zack :D may i meant enquiring is the right spelling instead of enquring. As for duqa ku jiira maqalka (mayorkii hore ee ceerigaabo) waxbana lagama rabo his just proving there is no truth to the allegations taleex website made againt him.

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The Zack   



You are like "I like my British spelling" LOL. We spell it "INQUIRE" here in the US but that's besides the point.


Mayorka adeerkaa ah ii dhaafa nimanka, maxey kuugu heystaan LOL>

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