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General Duke

Some speak of Somalia great opportunity

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The "experts" are now starting to change position, the ICG[not one of my favourite] groups has started to be "hopeful"..


Some speak of Somalia great opportunity

Somalia, Politics, 1/6/2007


Meeting yesterday for the first time since last week's heavy fighting in Somalia, which may have given the Transitional Government of the long-troubled country the chance to establish its full authority, the International Contact Group for Somalia – which includes the United Nations – called the current moment "a historic opportunity."


In a communiqué issued in Nairobi, the Group welcomed a commitment by Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf to inclusive governance and the prevention of a resurgence of warlord activities.


The communiqué also stressed the importance of immediately launching a process of political dialogue and reconciliation in the Horn of Africa country, which has not had a functioning government since the regime of Muhammad Siad Barre was toppled in 1991.


Last month the Security Council adopted a resolution authorizing the creation of an African protection and training mission in Somalia to help protect its transitional federal institutions, and yesterday's communiqué emphasized the urgent need for that force.


To be known as IGASOM, the new force is to be set up by the African Union (AU) and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), an east African group, and will have an initial mandate of six months. No countries bordering Somalia will be able to deploy troops.


Yesterday's meeting of the International Contact Group for Somalia was held following a wave of heavy fighting between the Transitional Federal Government (TFG) – backed by Ethiopian troops – and the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) last month. The Secretary-General's Special Representative for Somalia, Francois Lonsény Fall, represented the UN at the meeting.


Yesterday, in a statement released by his spokesperson, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on all sides in Somalia to "seize the moment and end the bloodshed" and urged the rapid deployment of IGASOM.



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The "cyper insurgency" and their comanders wont like the posative wind that is blowing.


"a historic opportunity."


Yesterday, in a statement released by his spokesperson, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called on all sides in Somalia to "seize the moment and end the bloodshed" and urged the rapid deployment of IGASOM.

In a communiqué issued in Nairobi, the Group welcomed a commitment by Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf to inclusive governance and the prevention of a resurgence of warlord activities


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This dude should be appointed as an ambassador or something!


You and your likes are shaming the people of puntland! You do this for the sake of a warlord (abdullahi Yusuf). What a shame!

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^^^Now you care about the people of Puntland, at least you know the name, I give you that much.


As for Abdullahi Yusuf, even the old enemy ICG has changed its tune, so who ae you?


In a communiqué issued in Nairobi, the Group welcomed a commitment by
Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf
to inclusive governance and the prevention of a resurgence of warlord activities.


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Duke, the majority of what you call the people of "puntland" support the IUC vision of eradicating clanism. But you and your few fellows on this website are equating PUNTLAND with Af Biijo- and that is a shame.


You have opted to lend your finger muscles to a government led and nurtured by the culture of warlordism. Af Biijo will sooner or later kick the basket and when he does that, one does not need to be a rocket scientist to figure that you will cease your support.


I think you should be rewarded for your efforts. Writing 8000+ articles (actually most of them are copy and paste from tribal outlets) should not end in vain. You should be appointed as an ambassador or nabadsugida aalada internetka.

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^^^lol. Are you tha latest stand up on SOL. How on earth where the clan courts eradicating clan when they where from a single clan, Cayrow, Xasan Dahir, IndaCade, Abukar Cadaan and then built up clan based courts?


Go tell that to some one else, even in Puntland they tried to open a courts for a Sub-Sub clan from Galkacyu, oh how people laughed at this comedy.


Puntland, supports its state which has developed our state, we need only Allah SWT.

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Duke, I have read the "digniin from the moderator" so I guess I have to mind my language ( I am not going to make you look like a fool- because I risk being warned). If you think the IUC members were all from Mudug, you ought to seek some medical assistance. That is a lie.


For the benefit of doubt let us assume that Indha-cade and Dahir Aweys ( I have never heard of Cayrow, cadaani and the other guy)are "warlords". How do you compare them to AF Biijo, Caato, Caydid, Huraale, Maxamed Dheere, Qanyare?


Do you have anything on Sheikh Shariif, Sheikh Maxamed Ibraahim Suuley, Sheikh Turki, Sheikh Ibraahim and the other 80+ members.?


The rise of the IUC was a result of the fall of warlordism as a governance. The TFG has rejuvinated warlordism. All those responsible for raping the somali nation are back in power.

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^^^No warlord is back in power, they are back home with their wives and children as IndaCade were a few days back.


They know the Zuu, and technicals mean nothing in the present Somalia, the TFG is taking incremental steps, thus your pointing a slimy finger at broken men, who lost weight running from Shadows.


Lets wait on these men, if they have not learned anything, they will soon.


The men, you mentioned where nothing, the real powers where IndaCade, Xasan Dahir, Cayrow and Abukar Cadaan and we know what they did and how they even started this war.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

[QB] The "cyper insurgency" and their comanders

The cyber insurgency and their secessionist cheer leaders.Or is it the other way round?

General Duke,don't u think the 360 degrees turn of the hating secessionists in to fervent loving patriots is a miracle ?

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Originally posted by Captain Xalane:

Duke,don't u think the 360 degrees turn of the hating secessionists in to fervent loving patriots is a miracle ?

Oh my! Are you having a door knobish moment son? Do you even know what going 360 degrees means? I guess not. Grab a pen and paper and sit up straight for your lesson.


Going 360 degrees is a reference to going around in a full circle around the circumference. If you start at point A on a circle and go 360 degrees, you would arrive at point A again. So, your use of that shows you've no idea what 360 degrees means. Did you mean 90 degrees? 180 degrees? LOL.


Put your thinking cap on and answer this: how many sides does a triangle have? Take your time, I'll check your answer tomorrow.


This is too much. LOL.

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Originally posted by castro:

Going 360 degrees is a reference to going around in a full circle around the circumference. If you start at point A on a circle and go 360 degrees, you would arrive at point A again.

Not 180,its 360 degrees.Normal folks turn 180 degrees about matters,secessionists however turn 360 degrees,going about around the circle cheerleading and when things don't get to be as they thought,they go back to the their original stance .Oh u never thought it that way did u? :D:D:D

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