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Finally wey qirteen

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When the Xabashi regime qirato one fact, multiply it a hundred times. So when they list a few hundred casualties as a list, multiply whatever the final figure is a hundred times.



Hundreds of Ethiopian troops have died fighting Islamist insurgents in Somalia


ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia: A government spokesman says hundreds of Ethiopian troops have died fighting the Islamist insurgency in Somalia.


Foreign Affairs spokesman Wahide Belay said Tuesday that Ethiopia has about 3,000 troops in Somalia.


They deployed in December 2006 and drove out Islamist fighters who had seized control of most of southern Somalia including the capital, Mogadishu. But since then they have got bogged down and failed to halt the insurgents.




Also multiply the "3000" figure a hundred as well.

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Waddamada adduunka marka lagu sameeyey cilmul baaris ku saabsan dowladda ugu beenta badan waxey noqotey Ethiopia, ma jirto dowlad la mida itoobiya markey sheekadu gaarto been abuur.



Ethiopia illaa hada waxee aaminsanyihiin in ciidadmadii Soomaaliya ee wada qabsadey Harar ioy Nazareth una jirsadey wax yar caasimada Addis Ababa, yaa ka dhaadhicin karo hee, ayagoo og ay beeninayaan,



Laakin inkiraad iyo been cad waa laba kala duwan, labaduba wey isku darsadeen nimankan.

waa ummad maskaxdoodu been ka sameesan

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^^lool Ma hilib qaydhiin cunistii ayay beena ku darsadeen. Inkaari ha ku dhacdo oo haku dhamaadeen. Habash iyo daba-dhlfskoodu dhibaato wayn ayay Soomali u gaysteene.

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Wa nimaanka who said that they had 50 trainers in Somalia........and funny some SOmalis tried to sell us that story on here......another classic one was that the ethio soldiers were really Somali soldiers who had been donated uniforms....


But this is probably the MOST classical :D :




To furnish him with a bit of history lesson without implying anything else besides straightening the historical record, the Somalia he favors over his own country, was a part and parcel of the Ethiopian Empire as far back as 2000 years ago. 2000 years ago when Somalia was not yet called Somalia, and ****** was called ?Awlat?, Somalia and ****** were ruled as one entity by an Ethiopian king named Mogadishi who reigned under Emperor Bazzen whose capital was in Ethiopia proper. The capital of Somalia , Mogadisho, which bears his name to this day, is a proof for this. King Mogadishi was one of the twelve great Ethiopian kings and prophets who took gifts for the baby Jesus and traveled for two years as far as Jerusalem and Bethlehem , following the star which signaled His birth.


Dr. Fikre Tolossa

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^^^ lool Leezi-Gaal, kamoon dear, u aint looking for sources, indhaha kala fur smile.gif , ma nimanka lahaa after their invassion of Somalia adduunka kulahaa we only have 20 advicers in Somalia.


Waa nimanka inkirey oo beeniyey the famous FAMINE in 1985, one of the worst famines to hit Ethiopia



And one time Melez-daacuun interview laga aqaadey he said,


we only have few hundredhs of solders in Somalia, a thousand, few thousands maybe, average 800, he knows what he was saying, because it was the same TIME Magazine that interviewed Mengistu of 1985 who was denying the femine at that time.



Nimankan beentooda waxaaba ka daran inkiraada,


The whole country is full of lies runti, if u only go there and visit you will only see what is happening there.

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