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Congress for Liberation And Reconstitution Opens in Asmara

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Originally posted by Ducaysane:

quote:Farah Brown posted:

I certainly dont want to see Hussein Aideed,Sh Turki,Buuba & Indhocade on that list,Period.

Brother, I feel your notion that the individuals you mensioned are up to no good, I also believe that some of them are in Asmara for Espionage reasons. but to add Hassan Turki on your list is great disservice to the Sheikh.


About this convorence, it is another "Shinbirayohow Heesa" meaning it is waste of time.
Inshallah,I dont think we need to dwell on who should be shouldnt be on a list that is yet to come. The only reason why i added the wonderful Sh.Tuurki to the list is because of his lack of political experience. In this kind of politics,i think one needs to play his cards close to his chest, unfortunatly,the great sh. did some tactical blunders,thats all. As for the rest,I really dispise Aideed Jr & I wish Sh.Shareef will kick him out,laakin i can understand the need for alliances.


But Most importantly,i think it is unfair of all you folks to shoot down the conference without waiting for the results. This kind of dismissive pessimism & lack of resolve is not the way forwar. I'A,they will come out with tangible & reasonable proposals. After all,this story,just like any other story,must come to an end.

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Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar:

Sawiradda from shirka.



The Soomaali flag can be impressive, more impressive in the right colours and in the right venue. The thick, dark blue some Soomaalis use is not the calanka dhabta ah.

It really looks beautiful, walle. Very impressive indeed.

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^yes it looks impressive but what will the outcome be? the same as Ali Mahdi's one? Before they embark this project "Liberation Somalia" they themselves need to sit down together and discuss how to have a common strategy and goal. Nin walba xaashi u qoran aa jeebka ugu jira and I already see some loose canons amongst them.

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for the first time in history, Islamist and secularist, terrorist, pro and anti ethiopian and members of the Isreali government are in the same meeting. this a historic meeting indeed, we will see how the plan to chase the Ethio from Badame let alone Mogadishu!

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Dulqarnayn Al sumaale,


There were some mistakes that were made during the war against the filthy xabashis however that doesn't mean that you should dismiss the ICU and put them along side the traitors. Don't be misled to believe such things.


Yes Ethiopia is in our country, it's not due to the ICU as some say, it's due to warlords and thugs who have no inch of patriotism left in them like Geedi and AY. These noble men of the ICU are trying to save the country from such group. They have done so in the past when they chased out the warlords, along the way they did make some mistakes cuz they are humans. They are more than prepared to correct those mistakes and get their country BACK from the evil hands.


Thus you are in no position to critize them because they are doing what many of us aren't doing. These guys arent' getting paid to do this. And for those who died trying, may Allah bless their souls. They didn't die for no reason, they died for Just cause, and not disrespect them dying for their country. Regardless of the timing, they died for their country.


Unlike them we are not even opposing the current xabashi regime. All we do is simply lay back and critize everyone. If you think the ICU is not worthy of being supported, then I have to ask what is?





^^^ Melez is feeling the heat. How close is Asmara to Addis. Oh messing with those 'Islamists' was really a bad idea wasn't it Melez.

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Labaduba waa wadankaygii. Halkaana walalahay ayaa ku nool oo wixii soo gaadha waan kaxumay halkan na walaalkood ayaa dagan oo waa in ay ka xumaadan wixii isoo gaadha.


However, you are no brother to me you are an pro Xabashi invasion. Nor should you even consider yourself of being a Muslim let alone being a somali.


Get out of here>

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LOL, Muslimnimadeyda aside (I don't what has to do with anything), I am Somali. will for the love of God choose beteween Somali and Somalilander. See, the Fact that you are confused is coming through again and again. The Habasha or melez are not the ones trying to cut Somalia into two but you and those with the Same believe as yours, are. forgive if i don't buy into you bogas claims of Somalinimo while at the same time advocating for the dismemberment of Somalia in the same breath as nothing more then bs. hypocrisy, my friend the easiest to show a fallacy.

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Let me put this in simple context. Because you don't seem to get a thing. which is unfortunate.


somaliland is my country. Yes I do love and support it to death.


Somalia is also my fellow somalis' country, I love them and I will not support those who are harming them.


In addition, somali galbeed are also my fellow somalis. I love them and am against those who are harming them.


On the other hand, You are in support of those harming other somalis (melez zenawi) and yet considering yourself of being a true somali. I don't buy that nor does any sane person except such thing.


If anyone is claiming anything, it's you claiming o to being a muslima and somali, you are neither. A muslim would never support those who are harming his brothers and true somali would never support and watch as his people are being raped, looted and killed in broad day light. TAke those things into an acount and see where you stand.

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I hope these two groups come together and solve their own problems without the inteference of another foreign party except for UN envoys and good intentioned International community.

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Red Sea "On the other hand, You are in support of those harming other somalis (melez zenawi) and yet considering yourself of being a true somali. I don't buy that nor does any sane person except such thing."

That would mean I would support you in you efforts to cut Somalia into to two yet I do not not. How can you not see that you hope to do to Somalia is far worse then anything bogas claim you have against melez?

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I have only one question for the smpthysers of this group; let's hypothetically say that this shir went really well, it was smoothly run and concluded as expected (Just a thought), what might the outcome be? How would this group be able to drive the Ethiopians and Ugandan troops out, how would they fight the TFG. Knowing that the TFG is a legitimate recongnized body and is supported by both the regional states and international community, how would they compete with it politically, economically and even militarily. What the usual suspects like Sheik Aways, Sharif and Dr Galayr and the rest that attended this meeting will be able to do which they couldn't do before this Shir... this group is seen as one and have done nothing before, they harbor the same veiw, the same goal and purpose, what brought them toghether is purely because of their anti-TFGism movement.


The TFG is getting stronger and becoming more credible by the day, and the only good thing that can come out of this Shir is may be to form a normal opposition political party that recongizes the TFG and takes part in the political process i.e. elections.

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Naxar Nugaaleed


get off Somaliland's back there not harming your people, i would accept and recognize 'right now' 18 different countries replacing Somalia if i could erase this shame the entity your supporting brought upon the Somali people, i really don't know how you, Duke and Emperor can support this puppet parade called TFG and it's so-called ally when the same ally is massacring and raping your women and children in their own country and in your country aswell




Muj Red Sea


I do have the right to criticise them because i believed in them and i had high expectations of them but they allowed themselves to be tricked into a trap set up by a rogue 'trigger happy' western government who is notorious for providing other countries with Satellite images and arm shipments(and it's a known fact that the army that has the 'former' in 'conventional' warfare has allready won the battle before it started)


The whole world knows this 13 trillion dollar military machine hates Islamic governments, the ICU should have processed this simple truth and be carefull untill they were powerfull enough to resist any possible proxies


just look at Iran, since 2005 they have been playing the game very well by allowing IAEA inspections and are cleverly stalling untill the Neo-cons are out of the game in 2008


The ICU put the wrong individuals in high ranking positions, and made the wrong moves, again look at Iran's revolution in the 70s they consolidated their gains and slowly build up their administration and military that stalemated the powerfull western backed Iraqi army, today the roots of the ICU administration would have been planted so deeply in Somali society that it would have been impossible to topple them, their military machine would have been more efficient with thousands and thousands of young patriotic men having joined their ranks in the past year


they would have been well prepared for any potential foreign invasion, they would have had a considerable network of support from foreign countries (Western ones included) because of the lightning renovation of the Somali Capital and restoration of stability


i never liked this coulda,shoulda,woulda talk but i'm going to be honest with you, i'm very dissappointed in ICU because before the Warlord vs ICU battles that sparked my interest somewhere in the beginning of 2006, i knew zero of Somalia, i only knew it was my birth country


so when i started reading about Somalia, all that info regarding violence of the last decade combined with the Warlord/ICU wars of the present really put me off and all those stories circulating of a possible US invasion similar to the brutal Iraqi invasion of 2003 got me really shooked, with images of more rape and carnage going through my mind, this ill-feeling stayed with me for a long time


but then months later 5 june they kicked those ugly trolls out of Mogadishu, that day i had the biggest smile on my face even teachers thought something was wrong with me, just imagine me a guy in the 'Diaspora' feeling this joy despite the fact i lived all my life in stability and wasn't in danger of any roadblocks or having my female relatives raped yet i felt so much safer and at peace when they came in power


now imagine what our beautiful people who were suffering a decade long under those corrupt trolls were feeling when they were liberated by the ICU, it must have been a paradise on earth like feeling no doubt


Mothers,daughters,wives,sisters,nieces all safe and able to walk through their capital in peace, shops re-opening on every block, business booming,Airports,seaports ready for commerce, cars freely traveling from road to road, schools flooded with students,piracy obliterated, houses rebuild and re-painted


the Somali world's eyes are focused for the first time in a 'long time' on Mother Somalia and entrepreneurs from the diaspora flood the capital


okay now that you have visioned that... now see through their eyes how the sky came falling down on them when the ICU allowed a drugs dealer to represent them and play with innocent peoples lives


can you feel the dissappointment of our people? when foreign tanks were allowed to come through their re-dignified and cleaned up capital only to destroy it?


or the feeling of betrayement young Somali men felt on the battlefield when there leaders abandoned them?


or the 300 thousand people that had to drop everything they had and flee to areas infested with deadly animals combined with a deadly environment?


The TFG is acting the way there supposed to act cause there traitors so i didn't expect any less from these weak men(although that xabashi card really put the icing on that treacherous cake)


but the ICU they should have never allowed themselves to be tricked..this conference might be good for airing the dirty laundry of the puppet parade called TFG out to the world, but to me that's all it's good for..cause they ''the ICU'' should have been in Mogadishu right now instead of Asmara and instead be busy with planning a good strategic election campaign for 2009 which would have seen them as guaranteed winners and legitimize their rule even more in the International community's eyes and therefore make them immune from any foreing threats especially those coming from the former prostitute of Siyaad Barre mr Meles


The ICU were our last hope and they threw it away, honestly right now i don't have a clue where Somalia's future will lead to and what Allah swt Grand master plan is, but 'right now'' it really doesn't look healthy


confused and dissappointed. :(

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