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Sheekh Sharif C/nuur - Ethiopianka iyo Kuwa raacsan ha lagu jihaado

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disrespecting and insulting our great Culumaa udiin such as Shariif Cabdinuur and Cumar Faaruuq can be dangerous at some times.



To insult the Culuma for the sake of Itoobiyaanka is ridiculous and sick.

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Abu Geeljire mine was not an islamic lecture but I clearly told you, that the same men that are throwing grenades and mortars now, shouldn't have vacated and run off the battlefield, understand?


Their bravado was needed there but not in a city of two million people.


Now answer me this question why did they ran off the battle field?


Inshallah after that will we talk more.

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Originally posted by MKA Yoonis:

Abu Geeljire mine was not an islamic lecture but I clearly told you, that the same men that are throwing grenades and mortars now, shouldn't have vacated and run off the battlefield, understand?


Their bravado was needed there but not in a city of two million people.


Now answer me this question why did they ran off the battle field?


Inshallah after that will we talk more.

^^Adiga inaad Amxaaro xoogeeda ku faantid ma ahane wax kale ma haysaa?


Inshaallahu adiga iyo Amxaaradaada mar dhow ayaa hilfaha la idiin qaadi doonaa.

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^By whom? The pop-music and western culture loving would-be cyper-mujahid like you?


Adeer don't make me laugh, this bravado was needed in Buurhakaba, Idaale and Diinsoor but not in cyper-space or a city that is inhabited by two million people.


There are many things we know about but we shun away of telling you. Do you really believe the ICU put a fight up?


Credit goes only to where it is due, the only people that fought were the naive ones majority of mine clan. Both sides my clan died. Over 80% that were figthing were from my clan adeer so spare us the talk, we all know that no one else put up a real fight as the majority of the folks that were condoled and died were from my clan and the rest have been bought with hard currency.


They refused them to dig themselves in, in defence because they said 'Don't you want to die and go to paradise, why are you digging up the ground'?


The young folks that returned said it was a shambles and that they didn't have no real leadership.


Adeer you're a joke, where was Yusuf Siyaad Indhacaddde the defence minister of the courts at the time where thousands of young folks were send to their early graves?


Where was the head of the notorious Al-Shabaab a certain Mr. Abu Mansuur, did they partake in the 'Jihaad'?


If not, where were there? Adeer this is beyond embarassing, so let's not go further inshallah.


You cannot comprehend a lot of things and thus cry foul without really knowing anything, often things don't seem what they're and that is even more true in politics than in real life.


For you the governments obsession with AU-Peace-keeping troops is something that amuses you and you think what can 8000 ill-equipped and starving AU-troops do for you, what 45.000 combined Somali and Ethiopian Soldiers could not do for you in Mogadishu?


Which is a valid question but that question should have not been asked by a political observer that has the least selfrespect.


So roam in your little ignorant and naive world I say inshallah, because clearly you cannot comprehend or think deep enough to why grenade throwers are so vehemently against AU-Peacekeeping troops, there's a surprise for you in store so wait patiently I say and watch this space inshallah.

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Originally posted by MKA Yoonis:


Credit goes only to where it is due, the only people that fought were the naive ones majority of mine clan. Both sides my clan died. Over 80% that were figthing were from
my clan adeer so spare us the talk, we all know that no one else put up a real fight as the majority of the folks that were condoled and died were from my clan and the rest have been bought with hard currency.


So your clan were fighting in Diinsoor, Buurhakape, Hiiraan, Jowhar etc ? Cajiib, yaa libin qofkale leeyahay ku faanay!


Adeer you still barging about Ethiopian and AU soldiers. Will see what happens when your master abandon you. Inta ka horeesa meelaha ka nac nac lee, libin qofkale leeyahayna ku faan si dii la idingu yaqaanay.

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Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire:

Xalane, firstly, can you please stop the ultimatums, you are beginning to sound alla ubahane.....

My stance is clear.The pple will be unified at all costs no matter what, and nothing is important than the objectives.I am not voicing for clan or clan related stuff,Alle ubahne is a sicko clan infested dude and ur comparing me with him is an insult.All the same,willingly or unwillingly those pple and any any other individuals or organizations that tries to oppose the Government will be liquidated.Time for talks,for negotiations, and the times of calling the old men is over,there is a new reality on the ground and u better wake up to this new dawn,for it is one of many dawns that u will be forced to live with.Simple terms indeed!

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Originally posted by Captain Xalane:

All the same,willingly or unwillingly those pple and any any other individuals or organizations that tries to oppose the Government will be liquidated.

The clan president, his collaborators and the occupiers better get out of Somalia. Otherwise, willingly or unwillingly, the insurgency will use force to kick them out of Somalia.

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We all know that the fiercest challenge to the TFG and their Ethiopian allies was at Diinsoor and Idaale so don't blind yourself, I gave you what you deserved a fitting reply, which you could not handle apart from outting what is in your sick heart already.


You said we should brag as we used to do or are known, that undoubtedly shows to me that you hold clannish grudges against a certain clan and btw don't forget that I know already your viewpoint or stance that you're arguing from and believe me it's not pretty.


I believe that other things have to do with your deep resentment then mere Ethios being brought to the country, it runs deeper than that, believe me.


Fact is that your highest military leaders of the UIC mysteriously disappeared prior to the war.


Fact is that my clan was the majority that died on both sides.


Fact that Mogadishu populance did not fight as there was virtually no resistence in places like Jowhar and Beledweyne which were overrun in 1 and half days.


Fact that Hassan Dahir and his follow criminals send school boys to their early graves, school children were loaded like sheep on Urals to take them to the battlefield and also abducted from the mosque.


Fact they had no real leadership.


Fact majority of the high-ranking court officials run away to safeguard their own kin and to fight in Kismayo but when they saw that the populance was increasinly sabotaging their affords they took off to Afmadow clan area to invite american planes onto the innocent.


Fact Aweys is a specialised in sending children to fight for him and then escaping himself to safety, I'm being told that he's somewhere in between Somalia and Kenya, that he's wearing a dirac and other women/female clothes.


Fact Aweys is a renowned specialised in fighting in other people's territories as can be witnessed from his futile attempt to establish an Islamic state in the North-East along the lines 'You first start it and Mogadishu will folllow soon', although it has been later acknowledged that he was working for Aydid.


Also he fought in Gedo where else did he fight apart from other clans territories?


On the other hand Cadaado and Guriceel and the whole of Mudug, Galgadud, Hiiran, upper Shabelle and Benadir were taken by the governement without any real fight and oppostion as can be seen by the speed that they captured it.


You lost it I could write so much more but I've to leave it there inshallah as it wouldn't make sense to you anyway but soon inshallah you will get to realise what I mean.


Till then stay in your little and naive world, understand? I hope you get the message I'm portraying.

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Same empty words,if cowardice use of folks as human shields and throwing two or three rounds of mortars then running is to u a force,then they will be killed together with those they use as shields.Those objectives are underlined,casualties are over looked in this case.Use force,if u can.Simple terms again!

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^ His idealogical clan is that which chooses munaafiqs and kaafirs over the righteous people of this religion, namely the scholars.


MKA and those like him (we all know them) are beyond despicable. He and those like him are a shame to their somali clans, so no need to ask him.

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Put on your glasses Abu, it's not haraam to wear glasses I assure you.


Let me repeat it shall I?


My clan is ************* ************ *********** **************** ************* ********* ************** ************* ********* ************ ************ ************** *******


P.s. If you still can't see it 'zoom' in really close, maybe a magnifier can help or just come closer to the screen and try touching the stars with your eyes, I hear if you do that, you can see through the stars.


Good luck to you.


p.s. I shall not pm you inshallah.

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