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Somalis in Dubai resent US strikes, Ethiopian meddling

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Somalis in Dubai resent US strikes, Ethiopian meddling

By Riyasbabu


13 January 2007



DUBAI — Somali expatriates living in Dubai are a worried lot in the wake of US intervention and advance of Ethiopian-backed troops in their country.



The residents of ‘Somali Gully’, a street in Deira mostly inhabited by people of Somalian origin, are worried about the safety of their near and dear ones. The coffee shops and restaurants in the street have turned into discussion forums where Somalis are openly expressing their apprehensions about the developing situation in their country.


Most of them here believe that the US airstrikes and actions of Ethiopian-backed troops would result in more instability in the country.


“In the past six months we had peace in our country after the Islamic courts took over.


“It is clear now the Ethiopian-backed attack was a US plan. The new developments would only result in more bloodshed and instability in Somalia,” said Ahmed Hassan, a resident of Somali Gully.


“We are suffering since 1991. We do not want warlords to return to power. All these developments would lead to a civil war,” he lamented.


Hassan Mohammed echoed the same sentiments and said: “I am worried about my relatives who live in Sinai on the outskirts of Mogadishu. I could not talk to them after the American attack.”


“I had visited Somalia three months back and everything was better. There was not much violence and people were happy,” he added.


Abdul Kareem, who has been living in ‘Somali Gully’ for the past 10 years, said: “We are all worried about the situation. We all watch television together to know what is happening. I am optimistic that all these problems would be solved one day.”



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It is good to know that we still have Somalis who are criticizing the American assault which only left Somalis drowning in a pool of blood. Unlike some people who turned away as if they never heard of or know of the American and Ethiopian bombardment on their fellow Somalis. :(

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