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General Duke

Breaking news: Heavy Fighting resumes in Mogadishu: Al Shabaab offensive

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WAR DEG DEG AH: Dagaal culus oo goor dhow ka qarxay nawaaxiga Garoonka K/Cagta Muqdisho Stadium.


Dagaal culus ayaa mar kale dib uga qarxay meelihii shalay ay ku dagaalameen Xoogaga Maxkamadaha Islaamka iyo kuwa Alshabaab, iyadoona dagaalka uu xoogiisa ka socdo agagaarka Garoonka Kubada Cagta Muqdisho Stadium oo fariisin u ah Ciidamada Maxkamadaha.


Dagaalkan ayaa waxaa uu u dhaxeeyaa xoogaga Maxkamadaha Islaamiga garabka taabacsan dowladda KMG Soomaaliya iyo Ururka Al Shabaab kuwaasi oo maalintii shalay ku dagaalamay qeybo ka mid ah wadad warshadaha ee magaalada Muqdihso.


Hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan ee la isu adeegsanayo dagaalka ayaa ah mid aad loo maqlayo, waxaana jugta xoogeeda ay ka dhaceysaa dhinaca Isbartiibada ama Garoonka Kubada Cagta Stadium Muqdisho.


Ma cada qasaaraha uu geysanayo dagaalka, iyadoona ay tani wiiqeyso baaqyada nabadeed ee loo jeedinayo dhinacyadan Islaamiyiinta oo aan dhag jalaq u siin baaqyadaas, iyagoona dib u bilaabay dagaalkooda.


Wixii warar ee ku soo kordha kala soco wararkeena dambe


Hooyga wararka Somaliyed m

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Blame it on this incompetent imbecile president who believes that these troglodytic gangs will accept peace negotiations and join the peace process.


He is an accomplice to a massacre.


If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

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^^^nah adeer the blame should lie with those who for 19 years have been using the city as a battle ground. Every time a new excuse, "Ethiopia" was the biggest and Sharif Ahmed was a tool used to destroy the last government so he could sell the sea basin full of oil to poor little Kenya.


It is time for a rethink and a big one.

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Muqdisho:Dagaalka oo caawa sii xoogeystay iyo Shababka oo wacad ku maray in ay afjari doonaan

8. maj 2009


Muqdisho(AllPuntland )-Dagaalkaan ayaa sii xoogeystay caawa marki uu gurmad xoogan soo gaaray kooxda Al-Shabab ee dagaalada kula jirta ciidamada maxaakimat ee dawlada ku biiray.


In ka badan 20-gawaari oo kuwa dagaalka ah ayaa kaga yimid gobolada ay ka arimiyaa kooxda Al-shabab, waxaana imaatinkooda kadib ay bilaabeen dagaal ka qarxa wadada warshadaha ilaa garoonka Stadio Muqdisho.


Goob jooge dagan xaafada tawfiiq ayaa u sheegay AllPuntland in dagaalkii galabta ay weerar ahaayeen kooxda Al-Shabab oo gurmadyo iyo rasaas ay soo gaareen.


Dhinaca kale gudoomiyaha G/Banadir ee Al-Shabab Sh.cali Xuseen ayaa sheegay in dagaalka ay kula jiraan maalinti labad koox uu ugu yeeray ashahaada la dirir ,waxaana uu sheegay in ay soo afjari doonaan.


Waxa uu sheegay Sh.Cali Xuseen in dagaalkaan uu qeyb ka yahay baaqyo dagaal oo ay jeediyeen Cumar Xaashi iyo C/qeybdiid oo ahaa in dagaal la bilaabo lala galo mujaahidiinta .


"Mujaahidiinta waa ka feejiganyihin qandaras walba kooxdaan waa koox qandaraas cusub soo qaadatay laakin ilaahay fadligii waa jabayan "ayu yiri Sh.Cali Xusee.


dagaalka ayaa u muuqda mid aan hakan doonin marka loo fiiriyo hanjabaadaha ka imaanaya dhinacyada is haya iyo diyaar garowga ay ku jiraan.


Xafiiska wararka Muqdisho AllPuntland

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^^^Secessionist: The news is early and in these types of clahses there is no clear victor.

And the unarmed civilians will be the big losers.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^nah adeer the blame should lie with those who for 19 years have been using the city as a battle ground. Every time a new excuse, "Ethiopia" was the biggest and Sharif Ahmed was a tool used to destroy the last government so he could sell the sea basin full of oil to poor little Kenya.


It is time for a rethink and a big one.

Some of the wars fought in this city were righteous. For example the one against the late dictator in 1991 and the one that dislodged the warlords in 2006.


Besides, Abdullahi Yusuf was a petty quisling who is rotting in a Yemeni house-arrest. Keep your deranged fantasies of a patriotic Abdullahi Yusuf to yourself. Despite the eternal propagandization of the maritime deal, the fact remains that no-one has sold Somalia's maritime territory.


You will go along way in educating yourself if you read the facts on more analytical basis instead of fantasying about the reality.

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^^^loool. Adeer insulting Yusuf [who founded Puntland which is peacefull and progressing] will not cover up the weaknesses of your argument. Yusuf a nationalist fought and defeated these clowns when they attacked him. Then they started a clan wailing and madness in the city which resulted in the deaths of thousands. Now the same madness continues and there is no Yusuf to blame, no Ethiopia to blame.


Also Yusuf never sold the rich sea of Somalia. ;)


If those wars were rightous then this one is also rightous right?


You do not get it, and thats the real tragedy.

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Dagaal qaraar oo u dhexeeya kooxaha Islaamiyiinta oo Muqdisho ka qarxay


Waxaa waxyar ka hor ka qarxay dagaal culus oo u dhexeeya kooxaha Islaamiyiinta gaar ahaan kuwa Al-Shabaab iyo Maxkamadaha deegaanada ku xeeran garoonka kubadda cagta ee Stadio Muqdisho iyo wada warshadaha.


Dagaalkan ayaa waxaa la isku adeegsanayaa hubka noocyadiisa kala duwan, waxaana la maqlayaa dhawaqa madaafiicda ey isweydaaranayaan kooxahan, mana la sheegi karo wali khasaaraha rasmiga ah ee uu dhaliyay dagaalkan iminka socda.


Sida aan wararka ku heleyno ayaa waxaa weerar lagu qaaday garoonka Stadio Muqdisho oo ey daganaayeen maleeshiyaad daacad u ah Maxkamadaha Islaamka, waxaana uu dagaalkani ku fiday deegaanada ku xeeran garoonka.


Shalay ayey aheyd markii uu dagaalkan wajigiisii hore uu bilowday, waxaana uu ka bilowday kadib markii sarkaal ka tirsan kooxda Al-Shabaab uu ka bad-baaday fal dil ah iyadoo lagu dilay weerarkaasi sadex ka mid ah ilaaladii la socotay sarkaalkaas.


Shalay iyo maanta ayaa waxa ka socday xaafadaha la isku farasaaray qax balaaran xilli ey dadkii intiisa badan ee awal xaafadahaasi ku sugnaayeen ey qax ugu maqan yihiin degaanka ceelasha biyaha.


Kadib dagaalkii shalay ayaa waxaa socday abaabul dagaal oo ey wadeen kooxahan ey dirirtu ka dhexeyso.


Wixii kusoo kordha kala soco Calanka

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Dagaal qaraar oo u dhexeeya kooxaha Islaamiyiinta oo Muqdisho ka qarxay

i always find that funny when they use that

ma dagaal macaan ba jiira wamaxay dagaal qahdaadh. :D

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^loool. Adeer insulting Yusuf [who founded Puntland which is peacefull and progressing] will not cover up the weaknesses of your argument. Yusuf a nationalist fought and defeated these clowns when they attacked him. Then they started a clan wailing and madness in the city which resulted in the deaths of thousands. Now the same madness continues and there is no Yusuf to blame, no Ethiopia to blame.


Also Yusuf never sold the rich sea of Somalia.


If those wars were rightous then this one is also rightous right?


You do not get it, and thats the real tragedy.

Abdullahi Yusuf the great nationalist fought on the side of the Ethiopians in 1977 and flew the Ethiopian flag over Balanbaale in the 1980s. He didn't have time to sell Somali seas because he was busying curving up the LAND for Meles

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^^^lool. If you are going to make up stories then at least get the timelines correct. Yusuf fought as a comander of Somali armies in 1964 & 1977. He also fought Siyad barre, and was arrested for 6 years in solitary for insulting Menghestu attempt on balan bale.


Yusuf fought Aydeed and the mauaruding USC, he routed Xasan Dahir and his clowns in Bari in 1993, was the founder of Puntland, the first President to come close to unifying the country.


Who resigned went into retirement oversaw an open election in Puntland for health reasons resides in Yemen as a Guest of HE Ali Abdala Salah.

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Originally posted by General Duke:

^^^lool. If you are going to make up stories then at least get the timelines correct. Yusuf fought as a comander of Somali armies in 1964 & 1977. He also fought Siyad barre, and was arrested for 6 years in solitary for insulting Menghestu attempt on balan bale.


Yusuf fought Aydeed and the mauaruding USC, was the founder of Puntland, the first President to come close to unifying the country.


Who resigned went into retirement oversaw an open election in Puntland for health reasons resides in Yemen as a Guest of HE Ali Abdala Salah.

Keep telling yourself these endless fantasies that Abdullahi Yusuf was a nationalist, that he never came to Mogadishu in the 90s to beg Aideed to join his Salbalaar government and that he resigned for the sake of Somalia after killing thousands of women and children. The facts won't go away.


It is almost as pathetic as going to Yemen for "health reasons"

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