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The End of Djibouti Conference - As Usual

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Shirkii magaalada Jabuuti uga socday wufuud kala metelaysey dawlada kumeelgaadhka ah iyoMucaaradka Xoreynta Asmara ayaa ku dhamaaday natiijo la'aan,kadib markii qolo waliba ka debci weydey mawqifkeedii.


Wufuuda mucaaradka oo ay horkacayaan labada Shariif ayaa ku adkaystay inaanay wax heshiis ah yeelayn ilaa inta la isla meeldhigayo xiliga ay ciidamada itoobiyaanku ka baxayaan ciida Soomaaliya,meesha waftiga dawladu iyaguna arintaas gaashaanka ku dhufteen,oo ay diideen in wakhti loo qabto in ciidamada Itoobiyaanku baxaan.


Arintaas ayaa caqabad aan la dhaafi karin ku noqotay shirka la filayey in wax heshiish ahi ka soo baxo,waxaana arintaasi waji gabax ku noqotay malaayiin Soomaali ah oo u haraad qaba in ay arkaan heshiis mar uun la gaadho si loo badbaadiyo dalka iyo dadkaba.


Wakiilka Qaramad midoobay u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Mr Abdalla ayaa eed kulul dusha uga tuuray labad dhinacba,isaga oo ku eedeeyey inay ku guuldaraysteeninay tanaasul isu sameeyaan,si walbana ay isugu dayeen inay isu soo dhoweeyaan,arintaas oo ay kuguul daraysteen.


Safiirka Itoobiya u fadhiya Jabuuti ayaa si lama filaan ah u yimid xarutnii Siminaarku ugu socdey kooxaha iska soo horjeeda,arintaas oo keentay in waftigii mucaaradku albaabka boobaan,inksatoo markii danbe safiirkii laga saaray shirka,kadibna ay dib u soo laabteen.Waxaa isna ku sugan Jabuuti Gen Gebre oo ah taliyaha ciidamada itoobiyaanka ee jooga Soomaaliya,kaasoo shirar la yeelanaya waftiga dawlada Soomaaliya.


Maanta ayaa la filayaa in shirkala soo gebgebeeyo,iyadoon wax natiijo ah laga gaadhin.


Arintu si kastaba ha noqotee waxa cad in dib u heshiisiintii Soomaalida ay caqabad ku yihiin kumanaanka ciidan ee Itoobiya ee kusugan gudaha wadanka.


Dhanka kale waxaa sii kululaaday dagaaladii u dhaxeeyey kooxaha iska soo horjeeda,taasoo ah hada wadada kaliya ee banaan oo ah in xoog lagu kala baxo.

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The Problem is that the neighbouring African States and the Western states don't want the Ethiopians to leave at this moment! At least without another force coming to replace them! Western Envoys and Kipliagat,amongst others, have stated as much in their interviews! This Ahmad Oud Abdullah sounds optimistic and energetic, lakin it isn't acceptable to expect the Alliance/others to attend Somali Peace Talks, and not even mention the Ethiopian Occupation! They say lets talk only about Somali problems and divisions! Well sOMALIS are being bombarded in Bakara Market! On the other hand it appears as if the Ethiopian Officials are encouraging the TFG not to sign any document which makes a timetable for a withdrawal in the near future! Hence the deadlock!



quote:C/raxmaan C/shakuur oo ka hadlayay waxyaabaha keenay in wada hadalladooda ay miro ka soo bixi waayeen muddo todobaad ka badan wuxuu sheegay in ay jiraan waxyaabo la isku mari la’ yahay oo uu ka xusay in erayeyn (wording) loo sameeyo bixitaanka Ciidamada Itoobiya, wuxuuna xusay in ay iyagu qabaan in la yiraahdo Ciidamada Itoobiya waxay Soomaaliya ka baxayaan waqtigaas, halka uu xusay in ay dhinaca kale ee TFG-da ay arrintaas ka soo horjeedaan.

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Well if they say Xabashida are leaving saying within 5 Months! Then if there are no other troops(UN) to protect them and Ethiopians have leave: they fear for their lIFES!



So I can understand why they are reluctant to give a timetable for withdrawal...without getting an apporval or date for other foreign troops...On the other hand it's obvious why Sheikh Shariff and co can't compormise on the matter of Ethiopians Troops...both from outside and inside pressure.....



ps. the conference hasn't ended, not yet!

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The whole thing was a farce to begin with. Both sides of this round of futile negotiations were ill-adviced.

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^ Samirkaakuu kii N.Ayuubna wuu dhaafay. I am no more sure inay sidan caadi kaa tahay.


But most of all, I am amazed the good wise man is not asking people like Duke inay amaanka ugu dadaalaan. Isku si uma bugtaanee,iska du warkooda ragaa.

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