
HSM realises he is checkmated

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His yesterday uttering "loo joojin maa, yeeli maa" has been replaced with "aryaa dhaha"! He has now taken to releasing press releases, on his own, supposedly expected POST the FGS & FMSs leaders meeting.

With the decision now taken off his hands, and no longer relevant, he is pretending as if a conciliatory national leader, when in reality he acts as if a "goof" chieftan. What a f@cking imbecile.

"anigoo gudanaya xilkeyga dastuuriga ee ah ilaalinta midnimada iyo wadajirka dalka waxaan xusuusinayaa sida uu qabo Dastuurka Dalka in dowlad goboleedyadu aysan marnaba siyaasadeynin arrimaha masiiriga ah ee dowladnimada Soomaaliyeed sida: midnimada iyo wadajir Dalka, madax-bannaanida iyo gobnimada siyaasadeed ee Dalka, amniga Dalka, iyo bedqabka muwaadinka"

Markii la i doortay 15-kii May 2022, Dowladda Federaalka Soomaaliyeed ee aan hoggaamiyo waxay ugu horreyntiiba mudnaan gaar ah siisay xiriirka wada-shaqeyn ee  kala dhaxeeya dowlad goboleedyada iyadoo saldhig uga dhigaysa  mabaadi’da dastuureed ee hagaysa hannaanka wadashaqeynta Dowladda Federaalka iyo dowlad goboleedyada  si loo dardargeliyo fulinta ajendayaasha qaran oo ay ugu horreeyaan adkaynta amniga dalka, dhammaystirka Dastuurka Dalka oo dabranaa muddo ka badan 10 sanadood, xoojinta federaalaynta dalka iyo horumarinta dhaqaalaha.

Nasiib wanaag, muddadii koobneyd ee aan talada Dalka hayey, Dowladda Federaalku waxay ka mirodhalisay xaqiijinta inta badan ajandeyaashii mudo inagu madlanaa inaga oo guulo ka gaarnay la-dagaalanka khawaarijta oo aan deegaano baaxad weyn ka saarnay,  qaadista cunaqabateyntii hubka ee ina saarnayd in ka badan muddo 30 sano ah iyo cafinta deyntii naga hortaagneyd maalgashiga caalamiga ah.

Dowladda Federaalka waxa ay horumar ka sameysay dibu-eegista lagu dhammaystirayo Dastuurka J.F.S iyada oo sameysay wadatashiga saamileyda siyaasadeed iyo si gaar ah talo aruurin dadweyne si toos ah iyo si danabeysanba (Online), welina waxa ay dowladu dhiirigelinaysaa wada-xaajoodka iyo wada-tashiga lagu dhameystirayo dastuurka dalka si shacabka Soomaaliyeed u gaaraan himillooyinka ay hiigsanayaan ee ah helidda dowlad hagaagsan oo dimoqraadi ah kana shaqeysa baraaraha muwaadinka Soomaaliga ah.

Waxaan si gaar ah  hoosta uga xariiqayaa in Dawladda Federaalku dadaal farabadan ku bixisay hagaajinta xiriirka wadashaqeyn ee kala dhaxeeya dhammaan Dowlad Goboleedyada si gaar ahna Dowladda Puntland si uu noqdo  xiriir sharci ah oo ku salaysan danta dadka iyo dalka, welina waxaa ka go’an Dawladda Federaalku in ay sii wado dadaal kasta oo ay ku hagaajineyso Xiriirka Dawladda Puntaland si dadka Soomaaliyeed u hantaan dawlad Soomaaliyeed oo xaqiijin karta himilooyinkooda Dawladnimo.

Hadaba, Dowladda Federaalka waxaa ka go’an sidii horeba in aysan marnaba siyaasadeynin waajibka ka saaran wadashaqeynta labada heer dowladeed ee federaalka si gaar ah arrimaha ku saabsan dhaqaalaha, horumarinta iyo la tacaalidda arrimaha bini’aadannimada iyadoo oo adkeynaysa waajibka iyo xuquuqaha dastuuriga oo ay leeyihiin Dowlad goboleedyadu.  

Ugu dambeyn, anigoo gudanaya xilkeyga dastuuriga ee ah ilaalinta midnimada iyo wadajirka dalka waxaan xusuusinayaa sida uu qabo Dastuurka Dalka in dowlad goboleedyadu aysan marnaba siyaasadeynin arrimaha masiiriga ah ee dowladnimada Soomaaliyeed sida: midnimada iyo wadajir Dalka, madax-bannaanida iyo gobnimada siyaasadeed ee Dalka, amniga Dalka, iyo bedqabka muwaadinka.


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He is checkmated alright, albeit in an ugly way.

You invite people for dinner and no one shows up. Not even Guudlaawe , Qoor Qoor or Madoobe. Despite his difficult character, C/laahi Dani and his Puntland seem to be the only region to challenge HSM. I guess it is all about having your own cheque book and not begging HSM. If Galmudug and Southwest had money rather than begging HSM, they would probably would stood up to him. Economic independence is the key.

As a Kacaanist, I wanted the fool to march all the way to Lowyacado and the Kenyan border.

Xuduudahaan soo xidhayaa dalkana waan xoreynayaa.

Bal muxuu  iskaga dhigayaa wax uusan ahayn?

Now he has to vacate all those four chapters and sit down with C/laahi Dani. That embarrassment alone makes him weak. You called him yesterday Hogaamiye, but today he is an equal president. Labadii Madaxweyne ayaa kulmaya. 

I think both Farmaajo  and Shariif Ahmed should sit out from this challenge and let Dani take the fight to HSM and probably replace him.


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Very very unlucky country 

What was HSM thinking? That he exclusively write his own constitution? And where will it work? Unukaa Leh territory? Btw I was alarmed how some here including Galbeedi thought, something good would ever come out in this rotten process? That would work? How?  Any changes must be first done by independent experts, that has no interest other than making a great nation.

I am certain if this country does not change this trajectory, and not build a very strong institution, that is inclusive , Shabaab will take over 

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1 hour ago, maakhiri1 said:

Very very unlucky country 

What was HSM thinking? That he exclusively write his own constitution? And where will it work? Unukaa Leh territory? Btw I was alarmed how some here including Galbeedi thought, something good would ever come out in this rotten process? That would work? How?  Any changes must be first done by independent experts, that has no interest other than making a great nation.

I am certain if this country does not change this trajectory, and not build a very strong institution, that is inclusive , Shabaab will take over 

Ismaaciil ayaa dhagta qurufaad ugu aqriye. Axdi beenaad ku qoro two-party state. Madaxweynaha adigaa leh oo Xamar idinkaa xukumo oo amarkiina shaqeeyo. Give to useless ii dheh madaxweyne ku xigeen to Reer Waqooyi and that you will rule Soomaaliya like Jabuuti in near future. It is political extension of Urursamaale. That is why most of Reer Waqooyi were all on board supporting axdi qaran ku sheegaan. Jagada madaxweyne ku xigeenka isku diyaarinayaan.

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1 hour ago, maakhiri1 said:

I am certain if this country does not change this trajectory, and not build a very strong institution, that is inclusive , Shabaab will take over 

I was worried about the dysfunction of the unending debate about the elections which is away 2 years from now to drag the country while neglecting the major issues, but I guess I was wrong.

The biggest obstacle that will destroy HSM is himself. He want to do everything by himself. The Somali state is bigger than one man or one clan. He surrounded himself with his own students to manage major national issues while neglecting the Somali experts. He is paranoid of other people getting in the system. I couldn't find one single Somali expert or experienced politician among his inner circle or running major portfolios.

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The Prez. even managed to piss off and 'insult' his closest supporters with xarunta dab demiska issue. 


If Latgaareen can secure Lower Shabelle thru HSM, that's great.

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Che, Xasan doesn't care about Shabeellaha Hoose. He gave up that long ago and Lafta's maamul controls most of it.The isbaariste who wanted gobolkaas using his dowlad waa isku dhaceen, Mahad Qalaaye ka koow yahay.

Lafta wants inuu soo noqdo without la qash qashaadin. Mucaaradkiisa waa kala haadeen, only Shariif Xasan remains and cannot do anything oo Nayroobi iska joogaa. You can see former senator Ilyees in that photo above. He is the owner of Arlaadi TV and was formidable opponent, using hos Maay-basee media. Lafta la heshiiyey now.

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so did hassan sheikh concdede did he say he will back track and keep the TFG federal charter  as it was before ,,  muxu dadka ka waaley if he was not keeping his back straight , war wuxu fulaysana


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2 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

muxu dadka ka waaley if he was not keeping his back straight

I think Xaaji (Habro in Mogadishu) and company and his inexperienced students from Damujadiid told him to have his cake and eat it. The state institutions are not as easy as making Qaad deals with Kenyans , it is more complicated.

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Who is going to challenge it somalia is mogadisuhu is somalia aslong as he holds tight on mogadishu he can do what ever he wants what can the pirates possibly do 

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Political commentators forget the evolution of Somali regional politics. With FMSs beginning to crawl, FGS on its feet, if rather fragile, and SL's separatist agenda neutered, PL/Makhir is no longer concerned with the Somali project, as gone are the days of trying to constitute the nation state at its expense. It has since shifted its strategy to self-sustainability within the Somali context, whilst remaining on the periphery, and will continue strengthening its collaboration with SSC-Khatumo. It'll maintain alliance with JL, SW, and Hiran to charter their political direction. Let the FGS institutions function in Xamar.


A warning to the Kacaanist crowd: let us not advocate for tyranny, and root for a corrupt leader just because we crave a stable, strong nation state. The two are not mutually exclusive.

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7 hours ago, Illyria said:

Political commentators forget the evolution of Somali regional politics. With FMSs beginning to crawl, FGS on its feet, if rather fragile, and SL's separatist agenda neutered, PL/Makhir is no longer concerned with the Somali project, as gone are the days of trying to constitute the nation state at its expense. It has since shifted its strategy to self-sustainability within the Somali context, whilst remaining on the periphery, and will continue strengthening its collaboration with SSC-Khatumo. It'll maintain alliance with JL, SW, and Hiran to charter their political direction. Let the FGS institutions function in Xamar.


A warning to the Kacaanist crowd: let us not advocate for tyranny, and root for a corrupt leader just because we crave a stable, strong nation state. The two are not mutually exclusive.

SL neutered are U mad we are having the best times of our lives. The Koonfurians at each other throat balkanized more then ever in a dead lock and a constitutional crisis  if anything SL is on the right tracks these days. The west doesnt know how to deal now the the fake bunker government and the clan states who oppose it. bal wataas xadhig xadhig kale halugu xidho in the forseable future.

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13 hours ago, galbeedi said:

I think Xaaji (Habro in Mogadishu) and company and his inexperienced students from Damujadiid told him to have his cake and eat it. The state institutions are not as easy as making Qaad deals with Kenyans , it is more complicated.

It is highly possible Somalilanders are working with Shabaab,  and eventual takeover, against TFG interest and formation of strong state

The HSM and his team of looters are not very smart and obsessed with plundering the meagre resources.

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20 hours ago, Xaaji Xunjuf said:

SL neutered are U mad we are having the best times of our lives.

Forgive me, for I am an amateur in Somali politics discourse, remind me, besides the 1996 - 1997 armed internal conflict, which partly still fuels the current tussle against GXJS, could you recall a time in SL's recent history where it was weaker economically, and strategically with its political currency at ts lowest value than 2022 - present? Try to be honest, and even consider truncating a reverse collect call to a friend in a cell for a life line.   

Trouble with SL politics is as if it was designed by a tuug cawaran. Perhaps in conversations within tolka circles in Hargeysa and its immediate eviron, the toast is handsomely buttered on both sides, but politics is about mirages, mirrors, and optical illusion, and SL's had been shuttered to smithereens with its chance of being reconstituted well past distant possibility.

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