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Appeal for Truce and Forgiveness!

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We, the TFG supporters of this section of SOL are hereby making an earnest and solemn appeal/bid for a truce taking place and ask for reconciliation and forgiveness from our brothers who were in disagreement with us politically, although it was never doubted, that we did still hold fast to our collective and mutual fondness to each other regardless of our political persuasion!


That could be observed from the discussions that took place which were frank although heated but never showed signs of deep hostilities or contempt for each other! We still found room to discuss in a manner, which proved how much we actually share in common and it was acknowledged that, we shared more than what divided us!


We want to keep it short, therefore we want you to help us in achieving the mission and challenge we set ourselves in order to pacify our differences and focus rather on what we have in common! This is not a political appeal but an appeal to the ethical consciousness of all forumers, who participate in the discussions of SOL political forum!


Our request is that we want to reach out to our brothers and sisters and ask for forgiveness and an appeal that they join us in our quest to bring peace and harmonious relations to this forum in order to move on from the patty and trivial discussions and arguments currently pursuit!


We ask from you, that you join us hand in hand in raising the discussions in this forum to a higher intellectual level that has a reconciliatory approach and tone to it! Jointly today we’ve a golden opportunity to put a side our differences and work for the collective good of our battered and bruised country!


We honestly hope and are trustful that you upon reading this appeal will rise to the challenge and act on the requests put forward in order to jointly make this forum a place whereby opinions are exchanged in a mature and adult-like manner that will give satisfactory evaluation to the new set standards of this forum!


Last but not least, We the TFG supporters in here would urge our follow brothers to accept this truce and forget the past and reconcile with us by joining hands and forgiving each other. We are the first to extend our olive branches to you and We would like to hope that you except our olive branches and call for reconciliation in good faith!


We leave you with the glory of God and the love of our nation Somalia!

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Yoonis, I partially agree with you. I will try my best to be respectful and discredit those whose views I argue against with notions based on reason and not fool language.


However, what is the point of forgetting the past, when it could educate us about the future. We should not forget, but rather forgive. We should at least try to forgive the TFG supporters for being the cyber-supporters of the Ethiopia invasion. ;)

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Sister We hope you're not politicising the issue at hand here because if you're you have totally misunderstood the message that it is trying to convey!


We say let's forgive, forget (atleast take some of the depressing issues to the back of our brains) and move on!


Raise the discussions standards a bit more (to an intellectual level), let's reconcile and focus on our common values/interests and things we share collectively rather than the trivial and artificial lines that divide us!


We're the first to extend the olive branches to you mystic and fellow minded forumers and the first to say 'Let's move on and forgive each other' for the better of this forum and our divided nation!


We're merely appologising for some of the conduct and behaviour in here displayed but in no way or shape are we saying or talking about our political believes, they are ours and the same is for you!


It is healthy to have disagreements but how is the best way to overcome those disagreements and if they can't be overcome that doesn't mean we should make each other angry or shout at one another, simple sister!


We can do that in a constructive way and scientific way!


But please don't take this is an political issue, it's not political! We want to talk to you and atleast we acknowledge that will not agree or see eye to eye on all the issues that are discussed in this forum!


But how is the best way to bring over your views to your 'opponents' without attacking them personally that is!


Let's work out a framework after we finish the reconciliation process!


Forgive our faults that's all we say and let's move on from the patty and trivial and self-centred discussiosn that we're in at the moment!


Agree sister?

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Before I can agree to this one person Memmorundum of understanding, I would like for you to remove one of those stunningly annoying large jpegs images as your signature.


In the spirit of reconciliation, I hereby ask to remain with one image.


As for your truce....Unless you catogorically denounce the invasion of the Habash army & the US bombardment of innocent Muslim Somalis. I have nothing to talk to you about.

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Many of your faults my friend comes from your political POV. That is where our disagreement comes from. The political views we hol and represent are very much part of the problem. We should portray our political views in ways that is positive and satisfactory to all and I will guarantee you that there will be more arguments which are lucid, constructive, accurate and productive. However, I have noticed that there are some people who make accusations and personal remarks. They need to bring forth some evidence to back up their claims. The argument shouldn’t only be based on personal statements but also facts.


Besides what is there to forget and forgive? You actually think that we have taken the offensive words any of the TFG supporters may have uttered to the heart?

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