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Job well done Admin! Long overdue if you ask me.


AU is as guilty as the other characters and whatever you do, please do NOT unban any of them.

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This is not the first spring clean operation and I’ll bet all my dirhams that this time next year or sooner MMA and Admin will be mopping up more hunqaaco and rubbish.

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Originally posted by Yoonka:

The banning of Alle-ubaahne concerns me indeed. He was a man of integrity who vehementaly oppossed the enemy of his religion. SOL proved to be a place for certain people with certain political believes.


First of all, Alle-ubaahne was demonised by his opponents in here, who accused him of clannism. Secondly, his remarks were all taken out of context to justify the process to tarnish his Islamic reputatioin. And thirdly, we have seen the establishment of SOL believing and acting in the bogus allegations against AuB that he was a culprit of all that went wrong in this section.


Yesterday, it was Castro, today it is Alle-ubaahne, and tommorow is pregnant with "one show, one man, and one family", the making of new SOL that is in line with the ideas that AuB had resisted to comply with.


Long live to AuB, the man who revived the struggle to its highest peak.

loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Aub weyeey dheh :D Raageedi! si ficin baan uu qosleey :D

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Saaxib, I am having hard time understanding your bood bood, but take it as you wish.


Xalane appeared good man to you and other TFG supporters, however lost creature who needed to seek immediate help to the rest. Anyhow, take it as you may, my principles iyo waxan kale aad ka hadlaysana iska daa waayo you know nothing about me.


However in my time here since I was here when you joined this site,I have to say you have changed alot, you are influenced it seems like every other week into new position. One day you sounding off like Duke of being TFG supporter, second day you say you don't support the Xabashi puppet regime.


Anyways, enough with Xalane dude, whether he is back or not makes no difference to me but does do this site a great deal.

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"you know nothing about me."


and u know nothing about the others, yet u judge them and umm even curse them no? because they have different political views then u, shame no?....unlike u i dont support af-xuumo u defend the af-xuumo of your comarades thus it aint about principles sxb but favoritism, ya get me? and bro dont worry about me, um an independent cat, i dont have blind loyalty to no group or any positions of corrupt politics of somalia, when right i support, when wrong i condemn: something called principles.....lets move on brah

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