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A Hargeysawi lady arrested in Bosaso for revenge purposes.

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Maxkamada Magaalada Bosaaso Oo Shan Sano Oo Xukun Aar-gudasho Ah Ku Riday Muwaadinad Reer Hargeysa Ah..

Somaliland.Org — Boosaaso, Soomaliya — 13 October, 2006



Xaawa Xusen Xandule oo ah haweeney dhalinyaro ah oo reer Somaliland ah oo mudo haatan laga joogo sadex bilood booqasho ku tagtay magaalada Bosaaso oo ay degan tahay walaasheed ayaa lagu eedeyay in ay waday howlo shirqool ah oo ka dhan ah dadka ku nool magaalada Bosaaso.


Waxana lagu eedeeyay in ay Somaliland soo dirtay.


Xaawa Xusen waxa loo taxaabay xabsiga magaalada Bosaaso ka dib markii ay ciidanka magaaladu xabsiga u taxaabeen kuna soo eedeeyan in ay howlahaasi waday waxana la soo taagay maxkmad ku taalada magaalada Bosaaso ka dibna bishan bilowgeedii ayaa maxkamada magaalada Bosaaso waxa ay ku xukuntay shan sano oo xadhiga.


Waxa kale oo Xaawa loo gaystay intii ay ku jirtay xabsiga magaalada Bosaaso jidh dil aad u xun kaasi oo dadkii arkay ay sheegeen in ay ka muuqdaan jidhkeeda dusheeda.


Xaawa Xusen oo aan waxba galabsan waxa ay dadka ku nool magaalada Bosaaso sheegeen in ay aad ugu faraxsan yihiin xukunka lagu riday maadama ayay yidhaahdeen ZamZam loogu aargudaayo. Waxana ay sheegeen in Xaawa la marsiiyo ayay yidhaahdeen wadadii la mariyay ZamZam.


Ehelada Muwaadinad Xaawa Xusen ayaa sheegay in ay aad uga warwarsan yihiin xaalka ay ku sugan tahay inantoodu. Iyo waliba sida ay u tahay qof aan dambi galin, waxanay sheegeen in ay dhowr jeer arrintaasi kala hadleen masuuliyiinta sare ee Puntland xaalkooda balse ay u sheegeen in ay ugu aarayaan ZamZam sidaasi daraadeedna ay nin walba markii tahay.


Sidoo kale ururada Xuquuqal Insaanka ee magalada Bosaaso ayaan war cad ka soo saarin sababta loo xidhay Xaawa Xusen Xandule iyo waliba jidh dila loo gaystay,


Tan iyo markii ay soo baxday sheekada ah in Xaawa Xusen Xandule lagu xidhay xabsiga magaalada Bosaaso waxa ay dadka ku nool magaalada Hargeysa aad isha ugu hayeen bal halka uu maro xaalkeedu. Hasa yeeshe waxa ay rajadu luntay markii lagu jidh dilay xabsiga dhexdiisa iyo waliba xukunkaasi lagu riday.


wixii warara ee ku soo kordha xaalka muwaadinad Xaawa Xusen waxa aad kala socon doontaan halkan, oo aanu si toosa idiinku soo gudbin doono kolba wixii ku soo kordha



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looooooooooooooooooooooool@ this. I looked at the titles business man arrested in Hergeysa, Hargeysawi lady arressted in Bosaso.....come on brothers!!!! What do u gain from this, how does this help? :confused: it only divides us! Walaahi this is stup1d, we are muslims and these corrupt governemnts/police dont represent any one of these governemnts dont represent the ppl...they are controlled. This is dumb.....I know some somalis are dumb and will blame entire qabiils for this like the wadaad who was suposdly abused blaming it on the qabiil! Cut this bull, we are brothers....there is no benefit in this for us nor for victims.

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^exactly bro.You got it, that was my only intention, which is anyone can publicize the wrong doing of one,in which I have always stayed away from,but the purpose of this thread is nothing more than to shove on the face of those who think arrests only take place in Hargeysa nothing more.


I know we are Muslims, but sometimes, getting down and getting dirty is the only way to go.But I have to except your advice Khalaf, a bright individual you are, you are right it does no good.I hope the ears of others are open as well to let your good advice sink in.



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My brother, I know ninyahow its frustrating. Walaahi my brother, you are not on the same level as the somali culture cats ninyahow, we cant understand each other, dont get down and dirty with their politics....there is enough Slanders and Planders, Xlanders ect do that amongst themselves looool.....always my brother stick to justice....we slip at times because its natural. The reminder is for men of are a good brother. Ramadaan Kariim.

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Allways the poor people are paying the price



Puntland is wrong to discriminate people


Somaliland and Puntland should stop this game because it’s the ordinary people that suffering


How we can condemn the discrimination that Somali people are facing from south African racists, when we witnessing the discrimination that Somali people are facing from so-called clan-states like Somaliland Puntland and shabelle?

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This is sad. Crazy people may is daayaan, meelna ma kala aadayaan meel walbana way isku haystaan.


Mr. Red Sea tan wax ka baro.


Hadii gabadhan laxiray sheekadeedu run tahay waa wax laga naxo. Waa in gabadhan si dag dag ah loo sii daayaa. Hadii wax danbi ah lagu haysto waa in maxkamad lakeenaa, hadii wax dambi ahi uunan jirin waa in la siidaaya, xaqeedana la ilaaliyaa.

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Xaawa Xusen Xandule was sentenced to 5 years in prison at the start of this month, I don't know, looks very disturbing to me, it says the reason she was sentenced is because she was trying to carry out some assasinations against PL.


It also says jirdil ayaa loo geestay Xaawo in the prison, Allaahu Aclam, but this is not good news at all.


Hope for the best

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assasinations aaa? triple X miyaa gabadhani mise waa aargoosasho?


This case sums up Somalia's civil war. Tit for Tat.

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Originally posted by me:

assasinations aaa? triple X miyaa gabadhani mise waa aargoosasho?


This case sums up Somalia's civil war. Tit for Tat.

Tripple X kuye. Sorry but it seems Cade's list of harrassment and Riyaale's watch of 17 year old girl assissins are becoming more and more rediculous by the day.

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you guys dont understand wallahi all you people warship clan wallahi, bot administration the one in hargessa and bossaso are commanded to do this to creat tension between shacbka , they are doin to sabtoge kacank somalia "the new somali revolution". come on we should understand this i mean we in the outside we know best,most of us are educated and go school. Only Time will tell wallahi , warlord digging to their own grave or shacka will digg their own grave.

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Originally posted by Paragon:

quote:Originally posted by me:

assasinations aaa? triple X miyaa gabadhani mise waa aargoosasho?


This case sums up Somalia's civil war. Tit for Tat.

Tripple X kuye. Sorry but it seems Cade's list of harrassment and Riyaale's watch of 17 year old girl assissins are becoming more and more rediculous by the day.
Waryaa paragon. WAX AKHRI intaadan hadlin. What did I write?




Ps. the triple X comes from her name Xaawa Xusen Xandule. :D

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^^ :D Ma waxey kula tahay in aanan akhrinin, me? Gartey waxaad ula jeeday hadalka, lidna kuguma ahi sxb. Take it easy, I didn't quote you out of context. Though the Tripple X part did make me laugh (real joke the way you got the X's)- I couldn't laugh- seemed insensitive of me.

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