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Lool, war yaa iga sii faaidaystay intaan soo cibaadaysanayey? :D:D


Three things stand out from this news:


1. Somaliland's president news comes after local news of advisors nominated by Ethiopian PM (not something that is common when serious delegations visit Ethiopia)


2. The 'President' of SL was received by Ethiopian FM, when Meles was in town!!!


3. The news-reader stated the visitor was the President of the SOMALILAND ADMINSTRATION.


So, unless the fact that the news was read in Amhraric adds importance, there is nothing new.


But, we know the Hargeisa guys are fond of Amharic!!

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^Masha'allah ma Xajkaa jirtay, Allaha aqabalo boowe.


Laakiin manoosoo wada ducaysay mase reer Bosaaso ducada waad kala bakhayshay, waa kaftan laciif ah taasuna :D lool


Al-Xaaji AT-yow hade marakan waa inaad shidada yaraysaa.

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