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Somali Talks Delegates Head Home


The Nation (Nairobi)


June 1, 2005

Posted to the web June 1, 2005


By Tony Kago



A group of delegates to the Somali peace process started relocating to their country yesterday.


Two sets of delegates left for Mogadishu and Joha in line with an announcement last week by Kenya's minister for Regional Cooperation John Koech.


The Somali government's spokesman Yusuf Ismail while confirming that the delegates had left, said President Abdullahi Yusuf and Prime minister Mohammed Ali Ghedi would relocate at unspecified date.


He announced that President Yusuf's seat of power will be at Mogadishu and not Baidoa which was early this week rocked by clashes that left 13 people dead and 29 wounded.


A dispute over where to locate Mr Yusuf's divided government has deepen power struggles within his administration.


The President is under pressure from foreign governments and donors to return home from Kenya. The location of the government, which has been based in Kenya since it was formed last year, is a key security issue for Somalia's neighbours.


Yesterday, Mr Ismail told a Press conference at Chester House that the relocation was being done on a free will basis as part of the transition process. The spokesman added that Troops from the African Union will move in after the relocation of the government.


He said the clashes in Baidoa were caused "by people opposed to the peace and stability of the country." While making the appeal last week, Mr Koech urged the international community to help the government settle down and start rebuilding the country.


The minister said that although the Somali government still looked divided, the people at home were anxious to see it united and get down to business.


Initially, he said, it would be based in either Mogadishu, Doha or Padoa towns.


The minister accused the media of portraying Somalia as an irredeemable country.


Early this month, 13 Members of Parliament from three regions in the country announced they had formation a federal State.


The MPs from lower Shabella, lower and middle Juba regions declared they had formed the Federation State of Somali Hinterland.


Led by Dr Ali Mohammed Mohamud (Apollo), they said the State will be autonomous from the transition Central government and will have its headquarters at Brava.


The MPs told the press at Nairobi's Chester House that formation was in line with the Somali Provisional Federal Charter, the laws of the country, its culture and traditions.

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