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Video: War criminal General Morgan oo tolka Guubaabinaaya

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Dahir Riyaale waa sakhsi, sakhsi waa tagaa, waa joogaa, waa is bedali karaa. Wax walba waa ku dhici karaan qofka sakhsiga ah.


Somalilandse waa Qaran, way jiraysa, way joogaysa. Marka kala garo oo kala baro.

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Actually when he was peacefully invited to Muqdisho and we all saw him for the first in his life looking like human being and studying the Quran, we all wished him good luck even I from the city which he was given the nick name of 'butcher of Hargeysa'. He also promised that he wouldnt' get involved in any other wars or clan fued...he has broken that promised. All his time in Xamar was just to wait for the right time. I say next time he is seen, he should be killed, no more mercy for this creature, he deserves no third chance.

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Meesha aad link-ga kasoo qaadday jawaabtanna maxaad uga soo qaadi weyday??



-bal ii macnee sida morgan ku yahay cunsuri, miyaad ogayd waxa caydiid ku hadli jiray, ama magool iyo kooxdii fanka ay ku heesi jireen marka ay soo boqqdaan magaalooyinka iyo dhulka ******, sidoo kale qawdhan miyaadan ogayn waxa siilaanyo iyo ragiisu idinku dagaal galin jireen, ceebtan soomaali oo dhn bay ku dhacday mana filayo in ay ku kooban tahay moorgan oo kaliya, walibana ilaa maanta baa jidkii lagu socdaa ,allow soomaali u naxariiso daalimiintana ka qabo



*******Jabarjaan is banned from Somalia Online********




[ April 14, 2007, 01:56 AM: Message edited by: Admin ]

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This is bad.


Badda Case, This vidoe has 1992 stamped on it which explains the mood of Morgan. I can not justify what he is saying, and he was wrong undoubtedly then, but at least the time of the event might explain his conduct in the video. I must tell you, I felt very uncomfortable when I saw the poor woman being interrogated about her clan that I almost quit watching the clip. A scene too disturbing to watch and one that happened often in Somalia in those days. Cadaab waa la mutaystay. I wonder how many millions of somalis will go to hell for either directly participating in the civil war, or indirectly supporting it in oral encouragement, in justifying it, or contributing financially to the degeradation and self-mutaling frenzy going on those days. Equally troubling are the same mentalities who justify what A/Y, Jeelle and Geeddi have declared to be their mission. The same stories again and again with different players.



Anyway, what matters, at least to me without offending anyone else who has a just grievance against Morgan, is what morgan doing and how he is conducting himself now. If he stays true to his word and keeps on the new course he chartered for himself, doesn't get involved in the TFG criminal enterprise, doesn't get exposed in some vidoes like this once more, I give him the benefit of the doubt.

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