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Waxaa Xafiiska Idaacada SPR ee Degmada Dhahar Soo gaaray nuqul qoraal ah oo ku saab san heshiis iyo go aamo ay wada gaareen salaadiinta iyo wax garadkii maalmihii lasoo dhaafay ku shirsanaa magaaalada Dhahar ee xarunta gobiolka haylaan. Kuwaasoo ka shiraayey colaad ku salaysneyd aano qabiil oo ka dhacay deegaankaa.



Qoraalka ayaa wuxuu u qornaa sidatan:






Maantay oo ay taarikhdu tahay 11/10/2010 waxay go aamo ka soo saareen isamada iyo cuqaasha dhex dhexaadinaayey dhacdadii ka dhacday degmada Dhahar 6/10/2010 ee udhaxaysay labada beelood ee walaalaha ah ee Haylaan iyo Karkaar ayaa dhacdadaas ku dhinteen laba nin nina ku dhaawacmay dhacdaas oo ay u tageen isimada iyo cuqaashu iyaga oo arintaas u fadhiyey mudo dhan 4 cisho ayna kala qayb qaateen madaxada labada gobol iyo xildhibaano iyo masuuliyiin kaleba markay la kulmeen wax garadka labada beelood, markay u kuur galeen xaalada labada beelood ayna u damaysay xaalada a ay ku dhinteen labada nin ee ugu dameeyey waxay ka soo saareen Go. aamadan hoos ku qoran:



1 In colaada iyo dilalka labada beelood la joojiyo si shuruud la aan ah



2 In loo soo gacan geliyo dadkii falalkaas geystay isimada iyo cuqaasha



3 Waxay isimada iyo cuqaashu dhigeen gogol nabadeed oo labada beelood lagu dhex dhexaadinayo. isimada iyo guurtidu waxay mudeeyen gogoshaaas 1/Nov/2010



4 isimada iyo cuqaashu waxay go aamiyeen in goobta gogosha ay tahay degmada Xingalool



5 Tirada ergada labada beelood saxiixa waa 17 beel kasta



6 in ay labada beelood dacwadooda ku soo gudbistaan qoraal inta ka horaysa mudada gogosha



7 isimada iyo cuqaashu waxay go aamiyeen in xabad joojinta cidii ku xad gudubta laga qaadi doono talaabada ku haboon si wada jir ah.






1 suldaan saciid suldaan c/salaan suldaan maxamuud suldaan cali shire



2 ugaas xasan ugaas yaasiin ugaas c/raxmaan



3 beel daaje ismaaciil beeldaaje yaasiin



4 suldaan saciid guuleed san yare



5 suldaan c/laahi salax jeeni cad



6 suldaan ciise xasan cumar



7 suldaan bashiir muuse koonte



8 suldaan daa uud faarax maxamuud



9 suldaan abshir axmad jibriil



10 general cali ismaaciil maxamad



11 caaqil c/laahi c/ ibraahim



12 caaqil maxamuud xasan maxamuud



13 caaqil ibraahim aadan dishi biliin



14 caaqil ciise maxamad ciise



15 caaqil cali c/madax



16 caaqil cumar aw saciid



17 caaqi xasan faarax maxamuud



18 caaqil saciid farax jiidow



19 caaqil faysal c/laahi faarax






1 caaqil ciise maxamad ciise



2 ugaas xasan ugaas yaasiin



3 suldaa daa uud faarax maxamuud



4 caaqil c/laahi cabdui ibraahim



5 samadoon iimaan warsame ciroowe



6 shiikh mursal saciid cali,



7 guurdi yuusi faarax saciid



8 guurdi maxamad axmad cismaan






1 suldaan saciid suldaan c/salaaan



2 ugaas xasan ugaas yaasiin



3 suldaan ciise xasan cumar



4 beeldaaje ismaacil beeldaaje yaasiin



5 suldaan abshir axamad



6 xildhibaan c/laahi ducaale cali



7 xildhibaan axmada maxamad ducaale



8 xildhibaan c/qani diiriye cawl



9 xildhibaan c/naasi cali baaruud



10 suldaan muuse jaamac dalf



waa niuqulkii oo dahamys tiran




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Promotion of the nonsense killing as a political issue must stop also.

A great line by Duke again! He hit it straight on and in the naked eye. The truth can be such brutal at times but it is needed as without it we cannot live. Or we live a lie and in denial such as the shallow Atam supporters amongst these boards here.

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The rivalry between the communities of Haylaan and Karkaar is instigated by the Garowe admin. The people have no animosity against each other, but the immature system (Puntland) institutes injust policies with the intention of overpowering 1 community and marginalizing the other.


Haylaan region recognizes Puntland as a clan, thus holds SSDF for all actions done under the banner of Puntland. The fact that majority of traditional elders from Northeastern Somalia arrived in Dhahar is a testament to that claim.




Ugaas Xasan Ugaas Yasiin next to Suldaan Saciid Suldan Cabdisalan

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2 In loo soo gacan geliyo dadkii falalkaas geystay isimada iyo cuqaasha

The above point is important; murder is murder the culprits can not hide behind excuses.


Laughable stuff as usual from some quarters, the promotion of violence benefits who? The clan elders need to settle this dispute like any between livestock herders.


Nothing major or political about this incident, but the promotions of these nonsense killings will not get any advantage to those who have been found out to be weak in the knees.

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What you've pointed to further clarifies the illegitamacy of the clan enclave you parade so much. The murderers are chewing Qat in Dhahar and yet "Puntland" does not have the power to capture and bring these men to justice.


Puntland is not recognized in Sanaag, Western Bari and Haylaan regions and the quote you provided states that the murderers shall be handed to traditonal elders, not Puntland, thus further shoots you more in the knee.


This incident is nothing new, dozens from both regions, (Haylaan & Karkaar)have been victim to clan rivalry.


Offcourse it's political, considering that clan politics is the politics of norm. This incident is related to a prior killing engineered by the PIS in Bosaso.


The region is governed by traditional custom as always, thus go entertain yourself by creating another username. :D

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We don't believe these made up elders declarations. What you post cannot be trusted, because we are not certain what they actually discussed, do you have audio? I bet not!


There is no such tribal fighting taking place. If you look at incidents like Ufeyn, then you can call that tribal fighting. Where two groups where in sustained battled those lasted hours - where both sides used many men and weapons. These kinds of battles take place all over Somalia from the borders of Djibouti to Kenya's. This made up targeted killings most likely organized by Atam and his likes cannot be considered clan fighting. The men that committed these murders are in hiding and are unable to show their face, just like Atam.


We already provided you with photographs of Puntlands Interior Minister and Vice-President (not to mention other government officials) touring areas of that you are now saying Puntland is not recognized in....then explain to me why are officials representing the State having access to these area's?


Why can we provide you with photo’s of them and you are unable to show us Atam?

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Originally posted by Xudeedi:


Puntland is not recognized in Sanaag, Western Bari and Haylaan regions and the quote you provided states that the murderers shall be handed to traditonal elders, not Puntland, thus further shoots you more in the knee.


Here is one of many photo's of Puntland government officials in "Western Bari," if Puntland is not recognized, how is it possible that it's Vice pres and Interior Minister can be in these area's conducting military operations?




More Pic's

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Thanksful is chatting nonsense as usual. First your argument was, how come Makhiri clans are not supporting Atam militia's based in Galgala. We provided you with evidence illustrated through a grand meeting and you resorted to further nonsense, "where is Atam's picture".


I provided you with pics showing most of the traditional elders from northern Somalia gather in Haylaan regional capital and you asked for an audio. Miskiin, i've allready provided audio on SOL along with an interview from the head of Makhiri traditional elders; his excellency Sultan Saciid Sultad C/salaan.


The murderers are surelly roaming free in Dhahar with their technicals near their side. I trully condemn their actions, but disagree with your nonesense stand. Atam's loss of his fortress, was due to misinformation relayed to the clan. The truthe will prevail in the end and the Garowe clan enclave will be exposed.


Lastly, it was and Galgalanews making up lyes. Then it was VOA, Helo online magazine and other international outlets who turned to Makhiri mouth pieces. Your trully insane, so seek help. Cadde is history and the PIS will be dealt with.

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Originally posted by Xudeedi:

Thanksful is chatting nonsense as usual. First your argument was, how come Makhiri clans are not supporting Atam militia's based in Galgala. We provided you with evidence illustrated through a grand meeting and you resorted to further nonsense, "where is Atam's picture".


The clan is not supporting Atam!


Here is why your logic is flawed, if they are supporting his militia why was he defeated in a day? Why is he too scared to show his face in Public? More importantly, if they clan is supporting then basically you are saying they are weak since they can't ensure him security????


I said it before and it remains my point that the clans have never ever supported Atam! Again, the fact he was defeated in less than a day where he admitted he retreated saying he did it for the sake of the people is proof, the fact that he cannot show his face in public is even further proof - for you not being able to show us a single picture of him supports my basic argument that he has no clan support and protection. If they supported Atam's militia do you truly think the government would be touring the area the next day......the elders, business people of these area's are not supporting Atam. They are holding tournaments and celebrating in Bosasso raising the Puntland posted the pics of it.


So don't say my argument was first the clan didn’t' support always has been!


You don't need to be concerned with Cade or the need to figure out how President Faroole was able to very wisely dispatched the biggest politician from your region to take on the criminal Atam.


It was Faroole that will be remember for making Atam retreat and using force to show people that Atam is all talk!

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