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Brussels: Somalia to get $60 million for security

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Donors pledge 250 mln dlrs for Somalia- EU official


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - International donors have pledged more than $250 million to help Somalia boost security and restore order, a senior European Union official said on the sidelines of a donors conference on Thursday.


"We are on target. We are even a little bit higher. The target was 250 million dollars. It seems we are above 250," Louis Michel, EU commissioner for development and humanitarian aid, told reporters.


Source: Reuters, April 23, 2009


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Xaaji Duke,


I rather trust on this issue then your om.



The figure is 250 million $ not your wish of 60 mil euro's.

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^ Didn't Duke say the same thing? Target of 250mils from international donors and 60mils given by EU. At least that is how I understood.


It is a good start and hopefully donors will pay what they have pledged.

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Meiji did not read the post and the titel came from the Calanka page.


The $60 million is for now and I think not even a pledge for security.


Anyhow Mr Meiji it seems the "foreign" created government might be on a good course of the foreigners give the money.

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Gheele T.


The brussel conference of Donors pledged more than 250 million dollar.


Xaaji Dukey's topic title is: ''Somalia to get 60 mil euro's''


Why only mention the portion the EU will pay and not the whole figure?


Clearly a distortion of events by the websites who cheered for A.Yusuf not too long ago.

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This is fantastic news. The money can be put to use. Let's see what mechanism of accountability there will be for this money. Also does anyone know who the donors are at this stage.

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^^^lool. Meiji is cloutching to straws. The dude does not know the difference between actual money and pledged money. :D


The EU has according to the news outslets $60 million avliable now for securityand thats what my report entails. We will know by the end of the summit how much is pledged in total and by who.


Meiji try again dear lad.


JB: Dont worry things have changed and for the better.


The world is realising the importance of this little nation. :D

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^^JB, al tashaa'um close to xaasid :D


Anyways, it was good that Sharif requested the rebuild of Somali milatery from a country that played a major role in establishing it, Egypt. The visit to the Ottaman land was also quite symbolic. Today, those who let Somalia down are pledging albeit a pocket change considering what is needed. Ina Dahir Aweys is finnally back to Somalia and my reading of it is that it's positive that he is back instead of being away and isolated in Asmara


The Caravan is on the move yaa Jacaylka

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Xiin, al xaqiiqatu laysa tashaa'um ,,, man yaqra'u taariikh yacriful mustaqbal :D



I just want to see this happening ... i'm just fed up of the REPUBLIC IS BACK BS ,,,, qoortii baaba na daashay sidaanu u sugaynay. Each one comes, visits some countries then goes ,,,,,,,,,,,, :D

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^^^Its not the same adeer, concrete things have taken root. Abdiqasin started it, Yusuf added abit more and Sharif will add to it and before you know it, the republic is back and functioning as a whole.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:


Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte:

Shariif and his TFG is just another tyrannical hand-puppet for “foreign enemies of Islam”.

And you doubt that ??/



That is what i've been saying. Not that the west respects the people's choice to implement Shariah
but shariifka is just a tool for them.
I'm sure he doesn't know that but they're using him against Alshabaab.


Once they're gone ,, he will be gone too
Waryee JB, your Somaliland-mania notwithstanding, you have talent for cutting through bullshit narratives in a few sentences. Ayyoub, Che, Geel-jire, and a coupla other nomads share that talent with you.


Lol@and you doubt that. Of course he 'doubts' that. Not only that, but any other salient facts-on-the-ground that might threaten Shaykh Hotel's government. Have you not seen Xiin's desperate gambit to bestow 'theological legitimicy' on the Kaafir-built, Kaafir-financed, Kaafir-supported TFG ? Waraa, niman'kaan peaceniks have not only replaced the dhaboqhoodis of yesterday in their delusional cherry-picking of reality, but they have surpassed them. I don't think I ever saw Duke try to invoke the name of Islam and Shareeca to legtimise the bas.tardous entity known as the Tigray Founded Government.


The peacenik qowleysataha know that what you wrote is the truth, all the truth, and nothing but the truth....especially the highlighted parts. but they will never admit it(same way you won't admit that the Somaliland dream isn't feasible. sorry, had to stick that in :D )


The good Shariif must not fall for the bait.

The good brave noble Shariif will fall for that bait and all the other baits that have ensnared corrupt power-hungry men throughout history.


Shaykh Hotel is the Somali equivalent of Hamid Karzai and Ahmed Chalabi. Nothing more, nothing less. Do not speak to me of what he once was. Tell me what he is TODAY. A faithful servant tasked to carry out the Western and Ethiopian agenda in Somalia. And so far, he has been able to (partially) achieve what Ina Yey, Gheedi, and 50,000 Ethiopian troops failed to do: Divide the Muqaawama. Give Ethiopia a second foothold in Muqdisho after the departure of Yey, Gheedi, Nur Cadde.


Only a shameless liar(and fool) would deny that.


But shame, honour, truth, and Xaq are worthless currencies in the mustanqac of SOL Politics section.

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Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Just show me in practice ,,,, i'm sick of the talk

The same can be asked when it comes to the secessionist agenda in Somalia.


18 years of nac nac and nothing in practice, no recognition, a defunct administration, disillusioned Somali civilians, hampering economy, an opportunist elite heavily controlled by Addis Abebba.


Ofcourse, your nac nac and their nac nac of ''Somalia is back'' (read: Somalia almost a Donors trustee-ship) is the same and will never materialize.

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Originally posted by Meiji:

quote:Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o:

Just show me in practice ,,,, i'm sick of the talk

The same can be asked when it comes to the secessionist agenda in Somalia.


18 years of nac nac and nothing in practice, no recognition, a defunct administration, disillusioned Somali civilians, hampering economy, an opportunist elite heavily controlled by Addis Abebba.


Ofcourse, your nac nac and their nac nac of ''Somalia is back'' (read: Somalia almost a Donors trustee-ship) is the same and will never materialize.
Adeer we survived 18 years and showed the world we can stand alone despite all the hatred from Somalia, Arabs and others .....


Your so called presidents did not manage to stay that long or even few months .....




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