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Suldaan Cismaan Oo Mar Kale Ku Celiyey In Beeshiisu Go'aansatay Shareecada Islaamka. "Idinkoo Foolxun Ayaad Ka Degi Doontaan Xilka.."


Somaliland.Org — Burco, Somaliland — 19 December, 2006


Buco ( – Suldaan Cismaan Suldaan Cali Madar oo Jimcihii laga siidaayey Xabsiga Mandheera oo uu ku xidhnaa muddo laba toddobaad gaadheysa ayaa mar kale ku celiyey in uu dhaqangelayo go’aankii uu hore beesha Galbeedka Burco ugu go’aamiyey ee ku dhaqanka Shareecada Islaamka.



Suldaan Cismaan, warsaxaafadeed uu xalay ka soo saaray Magaalada Burco, waxa uu faahfaahin kaga bixiyey go’aanka ku dhaqanka shareecada Islaamka ee sababay in la xidho, dhabihii xukuumaddu u martay xadhigiisa iyo guud ahaan sida uu u arko siyaasadda hoggaamineed ee Madaxweyne Riyaale. Waxana uu yidhi Warsaxaafadeedka Suldaanku u dhignaa sidatan:

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Bayaan Ku Lid Ah Suldaan Cismaan Oo Ay Burco Ka Soo Saareen 43 Cuqaal Iyo Odayaal Ka Soo Jeeda Beesha Suldaanka


Somaliland.Org — Hargeisa, Somaliland — 18 December, 2006


Burco ( - Bayaan ay saxeexeen 43 xubnood oo isugu jira cuqaal iyo odayaal ka tirsan beesha Galbeedka Burco ayaa ku baaqay in xadhigii Suldaan Cismaan Suldaan Cali uu ahaa xaq, baaqyada uu soo saarayna aanu cidna ku metelin.


Bayaankaas oo caawa soo gaadhey saxaafaddu wuxuu u qoran yahay sidan:


Ka dib markii ay shirar isdaba joog ah yeesheen ardaaga uu ka soo jeedo Suldaan Cismaan, gorfeeyeena hawlaha uu Suldaanku faraha kula jiro – waxay garteen in ay u jeediyaan Talooyin wax ku ool ah waanu ku gacan saydhay.


- Markuu baal maray Distoorka iyo sharciga dalka u yaala ayaa la xidhay


- Mar labaad Beesha oo ka adkaysan weyday xadhigiisa waxay ku tashatay inay Ergo xukuumada ugu tagto lana sii daayo, ayadoo ku mahadsan xukuumaddu waanay aqbashay waanay noo sii daysay.


Haddaba waxaanu halkan ku cadaynaynaa in Suldaan Cismaan diiday Talooyinkii beeshiisa, kana doortay cidaan u danaynayn asaga, magaca uu sito iyo qaranka Somaliland.


Sidaas darteed reerku markuu isu yimid Cuqaal, Culimo, Guurti iyo aqoonyahanba wuxuu go’aansaday sidan:-

Inuu Suldaan Cismaan ka baxay dhaqankii iyo haybadii Saldanadu lahayd, lana bahoobay kooxo xag jir ah oo aan u danaynayn Beesha, Qaranka Somaliland midna. Isla markaana cidna kuma matalo go’aamada iyo baaqyada uu hore u soo saaray iyo kuwo danbe.

Inay shareecada islaamku tahay tii hore ee aynu haysanay, mid cusub oo timi aanay jirin beelaha Somalilandna aanu kala mid nahay.

In xukuumadda Somaliland ee loo igmaday Ammaanka iyo kala danbaynta ay gacan bir ah wax kaga qabato ciddii khalkhal iyo khilaaf abuuraysa.

Waxaaanu u soo jeedinaynaa Beesha Suldaankeeda Guud Suldaan Maxamad Suldaan Xirsi Qani, Cuqaasha, Guurtida iyo Wax garadkeedu inuu taageero buuxda ku siiyo Ardaaga Reer Sugulle Qodabadaas oo danta ummadu ku jirto.


Magacyada Cuqaasha, Culimada, Guurtida iyo waxgaradka Beesha:-


Chief Caaqil Ahmed Maxamed Cali Raan

Chief Caaqil Maxamed Cumer Xayd

Chief Caaqil Cismaan Aw Maxamed X.Ibraahim

Chief Caaqil Maxamuud Jamac Tahar “Arawe”

Chief Caaqil Baashe Guuleed Gaboobe

Xil. Ahmed Maxamed Nuur

Xil. A/laahi Ibraahim Xirsi “Dhugad”

Xil.Yuusuf A/laahi Suldaan Warsame(KL5aad)

Beeldaaje Jaamac Cabdi Maxamed “Ganaf cadde”

Jamac Cilmi Cabdi

C/laahi Cumer Xayd

Maxamuud Cali Ahmed

Cabdi Sulub Maxamed

Ibraahim A/laahi Ismaaciil

Jamaal C/laahi Ibraahim

Mataan Dhuule Cawad

Nassir Gaaxnuug

Xiis Gamadiid Ahmed

Ahmed Ismaacil Maxamed

Cali Maxamuud Jamac

Ahmed Maxamed Cumer

Maxamed Axmed Ibraahim

A/laahi Maxamed


Maxamed Cabdi Jamac

Xuseen Taray Ibraahim

Ahmed Cabdi Caalin

Cabdi Cawed Abyan “Dhaylaawe”

Cabdi Xariir Cali Iid

A/laahi Cumer Cabdi

Ahmed Jamac Gidhigidhi

Yuusuf A/laahi Warsame

Muxumed Cumer Xayd

Maxamed Cabdi Sanweyne

Diiriye Gamadiid Guuleed

Maxamed Cabdi Yoome

Yuusuf Ibraahim Nuur

Cawil Karuur Jamac

Xuseen Xasan Ducaale

Faarax Yuusuf Hassan

Iid Cumer Muuse

C/laahi Ahmed Kuluc

Yaasiin Maxamed Xuseen

Ahmed A/laahi Ibraahim


C/risaaq M. Dubbad, Hargeysa.

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General believe me this dude is alone and he has realised now he is shouting at brick wall, he has no support and has finally shut up when nobody would give him an ear.



it is silly to say one tribe should pratice shareecada, this dude is wasting his time and energy.

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^there is absulately nothing wrong in implementing the islamic Sharica,but I am quite confused on how exactly the Suldaan plans to enforce it.However,that doesn't give anyone the right to arrest him and put him behind bars,that is the blame Somaliland authority could be given,and the Questions for the Suldaan would be,how will the Shareeca be practiced since everyone lives next to anoother..I don't get how...

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If you don’t have clear vision and understanding of how to implement your idea, don’t introduce it. It ‘s only gonna create confusion. Hadalkaaga waa laga fiirsadaa!

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Fisrt time I have to agree a secessionists. Indeed the good Suldaan has committed the grave mistake of putting the kareeto before the dameer. No problem ya can do that. But you won't be able to use ur daabad for the dameer will only trip over the obstacles you have put in front of him.


It is all good and i fully support the idea of Shariáh. However have any1 especially the "clean heart" crowd ever contemplated of ways and means to advance that noble cause. Mere chanting of shahada and Allah Akbar won't get you anywhere.


What is required is very simple if they holier than thou crowd have the brains to grasp. First and foremost as a rule of thump you don't disturb the stability and peace unless you are not 100% sure you can win the control of levers of power in one claen swing. Then you gradually educate the masses about the beauty and sweetness of the diin and then you apply the full force of the letter to the masses.


Anything short than that is what i call the war of hubris and impatience.


Danm the simpletons are getting my nerve as of late. My way (UIC impatience) or the highway (TFG) is what the spin doctors are asking us to choose between.

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