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Somali Parliament Gives Landslide Vote of Confidence to Prime Minister Mohamed Abdull

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he Somali Parliament gives today the vote of confidence to the new Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed. 392 MPs attended today’s session and 297 MP voted for the new Prime Minister. 92 MPs voted against and 3 abstained.


“We will move with full speed to do the people’s business. I will very soon form an effective and dedicated cabinet that will put the Somali people first.” Prime Minister Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed said after the victory.


President Sharif Sheikh Ahmed said, “This is a great day for Somalia”, and he thanked the MPs for “voting for change and renewal” and called “The MPs, the Somali people and the international community to cooperate and collaborate with the new Prime Minister and his team.”


The Prime Minister will take the oath of office and form his cabinet in the next weeks.

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