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Asmara group brings in warlord IndaCade [same old clan joke]

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Indha-cade oo loo magacaabay jago


Muqdisho, Somaliya ( 24-Sebtember-2007


Waxaa maanta magaalada Asmara ee dalka Eritrea lagaga dhawaaqay xilal ey ka mid yihiin ku xigeenada gudoomiyaha fulunta, kuwa golaha dhexe iyo xoghayeyaal tiradooda gaaraya 22-xubnood.


xubnahan la magacaabay oo uu ka dhex muuqday madaxii hore ee gashandhigga Maxkamadihii Islaamka Sheekh Yusuf Siyaad Indhacade ayaanan isagu goobjoog aheyn goobta magacaabistu ka dhacday, ilaa iyo iminkana saxaafadda looma sheegin halka uu ku sugan yahay.


Indhacade ayaa loo magacaabay isla jago uu u hayay Maxkamadihii Islaamka oo ah Xoghayaha Gaashandhigga, iyadii masuulkan laga waayay shaashadda saxaafadda tan iyo markii Maxkamadihii Islaamka dagaalka la galeen ciidamada dowladda federalka iyo kuwa Itobiya ee lagaga awooda roonaaday.


Waxaa sidoo kale la magacaabay xubno kale oo ey ku jirto qof dumar ah, oo ka tirsan Barlamanka xorta ah.


Magacaabista xubnahan ayaa timid kadib markii magaalada Asmara lagaga dhawaaqay urur loogu magac daray Isbaheysiga Xoreynta oo kasoo horjeeda dowladda federalka iyo ciidamada Itobia ee ku sugan Somaliya.

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^^^What do you mean adeer?


Or are you upset at facing yet again the real leaders of the "struggle" none other than the man who burned down Dhoobley and took the motors from its Mosque?

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

Duke is clearly on steriods today...


But he has a point on the re-emergence of Indhacadde.It does not sell good.

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^^You’ve got few propaganda slides to present…that’s what my being on steroids meant---today’s announcement has been disappointing to many among whom you can safely count me.


As your persistent focus on few characters, the struggle to bring Somalia back violently or peacefully is greater than mere personalities…no doubt.

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^^^Adeer, Somalia has not gone anywhere, its still where it is. Bringing it back did not start when the clown courts and their clan ambition was thwarted. It started in a Basketbal court in Nairobi on 10 October 2004, it started with Yey. It will continue for a number of years.


Restoring the state apparatus , Police, army, NSS, Ministries and so on will bring back Somalia.


The comedians in Asmara and those who support them out of clan love, ignorance or peer pressure will not make any real dent. Just get upset as you have said, any group led by happless IndaCade and the Sharif's could not liberate a public rest-room let alone Somalia.

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24 Sep 24, 2007 - 12:34:17 PM


ASMARA, Eritrea Sep 24 (Garowe Online) - A former defense secretary under the Islamic Courts movement ousted from southern Somalia late last year by allied Somali and Ethiopian troops has been named to a top post in a newly formed opposition alliance, sources said.


Yusuf "Indha Ade" Mohamed Siad was appointed to the defense post of the Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia (ARS), a loose coalition of opposition groups including Islamists, deposed lawmakers and Diaspora activists.

loool: an Islamist Warlord, what an oxymoron. He was looting and raping the Lower Shabbele for his faith, no doubt :D Another example of the western emdia chatting utter rubish. ;)

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1.Awoodda ay ku tiirsanaayeen maxkamad beeleedka Xamar qabsaday waxay ahaayeen tii Ifka Xalane oo ay iska laheyd beesha C/qasim iyo Xasan Daahir Awees.Anagoo xasuusana in C/qasim uu horay ugu qabtay Baraawe sidii ay tahay degaankiisa shir loogaga soo horjeeday dawladda, ayna ka soo wada xaadireen ********tii xoogga ku heysatay Shabeellada Hoose iyo Jubba sida Sareer, Cirfo,Dhuxuloow,goobaale,Indhocade

He is back.. :D

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