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Should Somaliland open dialogue with Israel for its own interest?

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Ladies and gentlemen,



Allow me to send you my regards specially in these difficult times, I am referring to the bad economic straights the country is in, the lack of recognition from the world, and even worse; the recent invasion of Somaliland by ONLF mercenaries trained by Eritrea.


What happened in the western Somaliland region of Awdal on September 10 2010 was an act of war against Somaliland by the Government of Eritrea. Eritrea has long been implicated in aggression and terror in the horn of Africa; it was just in 2006 that it was rumored to have sent troupes into Southern Somalia which prompted Ethiopia to attack the Islamic Court. The Asmara regime and it policies of belligerence towards its neighbor pose an existential threat for Somaliland; it just does not undermined Somaliland but also threatens it by sending trained mercenaries to its shores.


My advice for Somaliland is simple; wake up before it finds itself in hell.


I am amazed that a country whose constituents have voted for separation, had a few successful democratic elections, is still considered a region of Somalia by the UN and the current government of Somaliland seems to be content with such state of affair when we know that southern Soudan will have a similar referendum in January 2011 and is assured to get recognition by the like of the United States, Kenya and a few other countries; I see a double standard here. I was particularly surprised to hear that a UN institutions was not happy that the hear from the airways that the foreign Secretary of Somaliland had announced the lowering to the danger level in Somaliland before they could announce it themselves, this shows that Somaliland is at the mercy of the United Nations. How can Somaliland accept to be belittled after a hard won fight against one of the most vicious regime in Sub-Saharan Africa?


I also think that Somaliland is plagued by ignorance, is not savvy in international politics which makes it easier for the likes of the Arab League to undermine the aspiration of its people, we are just content to get little morsel of bread crumbs thrown at Somaliland by the United States and other western institutions like beggars when we sit on one of the most strategic piece of real estate in the world; I am referring to recent announcement by the United States to assist Somaliland with $26 million a year.


It is my sincere belief that Somaliland should engage in talks with the Government of Israel who seems to be the only one interested in Somaliland at this point.


I see as idiocy to ignore Israel, who needs a friend just like Somaliland to trade with, just because of religious differences. You are talking with the United Kingdom and United States, who are both Christians, why aren’t we talking to Israel who is Jewish, is there a difference between Jews and Christians which makes ones less favorable for you?


You are in the throes of a budget deficit, your reliance on livestock export is flimsy and makes you very vulnerable to the whim of Saudi Arabia, your youth do not have jobs, you don’t have a viable energy policy, you cannot even provide potable water to the whole of the capital Hargeisa, where do you get this complacency not to engage a country which is technologically advanced and might need you?


Israel and Somaliland needs each other tremendously; Israel is isolated in the middle-east and could use a friendship with Somaliland to open herself an important trade route into east, central and southern Africa, on the other hand Somaliland could benefit technologically, economically and militarily.


There is a misconception that Somaliland would lose out on its current ghost relationships with Arab and Muslim countries if it has discussion with Israel; I think that those fears have no foundations, in fact if Somaliland has diplomatic relationship with Israel, then the Arabs will also open relationships with Somaliland so that they can conduct back room deals and trades with Israel through Somaliland, so it is in fact beneficial from both perspectives for Somaliland to have a relationship with Israel.


Such a relationship with Israel is not incompatible with our constitution or our religion; Egypt, Jordan, Morocco and Turkey have diplomatic relation with Israel, I don’t see anything that makes those countries different than Somaliland, if anything three of them are more Arab than Somaliland and the fourth has more proximity to Israel than Somaliland.


Somaliland should support the middle-east peace process as the only viable solution for this problem; we should acknowledge the Jewish Holocaust and the need of the Jewish people to have country of their own on earth, we should also recognize that the Palestinian deserve a country where their aspirations will be fulfilled and where they would not live under occupation.


Somaliland should open a dialogue with the Palestinians also and assure them that it will advocate for a lifting of the blockade against Gaza with the expressed condition that Hamas recognizes that existence of Israel and stops launching rockets towards Israel.


As it concerns Iran; Somaliland should open dialogue with Iran, by actively engaging both Iran and Israel Somaliland could help avert a dangerous war in the middle-east, a war should it occur would have dire consequences on Somaliland. We know that Iran wants to develop nuclear weapons and has engaged in belligerent rhetoric toward Israel such as wiping it out of the face of the earth, this could be the precursor to a terrible conflict where nukes would be used. Somaliland can just sit by the sidelines and be a victim of such a conflict or be proactive and try to create unofficial venues for both of them to at least communicate; if Iran launches a nuke at Israel, radioactive cloud will reach Somaliland because of our relative proximity.


Somaliland should consider Ethiopia as it most important friend, it should work with Ethiopia to fight terrorism, instability, and it should vigorously pursue the construction of the Berbera corridor to allow exchange of goods, services and people between the two countries. Somaliland should set its priority in strengthening its military capability to secure its borders and specially its shores against infiltration by Eritrea.


Somaliland should have strong relationship with Puntland also, it should exchange trade offices immediately, should cooperate with Puntland in matters of good governance, education, security and economy. The problem of Piracy could be eradicated by strengthening the government of Puntland and improving its economy.


Somaliland should not have a relationship with TFG in so far that it doesn’t acknowledge the existence of Somaliland. Somaliland should do everything in it power to ensure that the TFG does not pretend representing it at the United Nations.


My advice to the people of Somaliland; it is good to be democratic and free, but the opening of unlimited number of political parties will not serve the interest of Somaliland, this is an unnecessary distraction when you are faced with dangers, you should think of improving the economy of the country by engaging in a courageous foreign policy I have suggested above. You need to remember that unless you take audacious steps, the problems you are facing will not resolve by themselves. Do not underestimate these problems, these can only be solved by powerful means, it is time for Somaliland to look elsewhere to get a powerful military that will protect its people and its institutions, and you should do everything to get those means.


My advice to the government of Somaliland; take the sectarianism out of politics, the current government should not consider itself the government for just kulmiye sympathizer but the government of the whole country. There should be a change of strategy and more openness on the part of the current government, perception is everything and the current government should be more guarded in the way they express their views, maybe they should hire more public relation people. The current government should also heed the advices of the opposition parties, not dismiss their views; I pretty sure that the opinions express by the leadership of Ucid, Engineer Faisal or professor Maxamed Rashid, or the leadership of Udub, previous vice president Ahmed Yassin, are extremely relevant and useful to the current government.


Ruthless, a friend of Somaliland.




hassan ismail

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i welcome this the state of israel and the rep of somaliland should work together when it comes down to trade and also in creating a healthy transparent diplomatic relations with the state of israel.Siilaanyos goverment should seriously consider in working with the super power in the middle east. i agree with the article Israel needs more friends in africa so does somaliland in Asia.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

I see as idiocy to ignore Israel,


Somaliland should open a dialogue with the Palestinians also,


Somaliland should open dialogue with Iran,


Somaliland should consider Ethiopia as it most important friend,


Somaliland should have strong relationship with Puntland also,


Somaliland should set its priority in,


Somaliland should do everything in it power to ensure that the TFG does not pretend representing it,


Somaliland should not have a relationship with TFG,

Says Ruthless, a friend of Somaliland. :D

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

Ladies and gentlemen,



Allow me to send you my regards specially in these difficult times, I am referring to the bad economic straights the country is in, the lack of recognition from the world, and even worse; the recent invasion of Somaliland by ONLF mercenaries trained by Eritrea.


What happened in the western Somaliland region of Awdal on September 10 2010 was an act of war against Somaliland by the Government of Eritrea.


Blaming Eritrea is unfair, this group of ONLF freedom fighters would never have landed or crossed through without the help of the local community of Awdal. Proof of this is that after NW Somalia police were going to hand over some of the men to the Ethiopians, the people of Awdal protested and freed them. The community did not protest the fact that the force crossed through their region. You would think if they didn't agree with it, there would have been public protests against the ONLF, but instead the protest were directed against the triangle admin based in Hargeysa.


Awdal is the area which the recently defeated ex-president Riyaale hails from, did we ever see the ONLF crossing through during his reign which ended a few months ago? NO....So why now?


The local population look to be less enthusiastic about the unfair balance of power given to one side and discontent seems to be growing; it may be that this ONLF incident is just the tip of the iceberg.


Again, why aren't the people of Awdal protesting the ONLF or the Eritreans???

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