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The Zack

Al-Jazeera: ONLF VS Al-itihad and Ethiopia

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The Zack   

Abdirahman Mahdi of ONLF debates the chairman of UWSLF (formerly known as Al-itihad), Sh. Ibrahim and one of the (somali-kusheeg) Ethiopian ministers, Mohamud Dirir.


Make sure you watch the whole debate, the best part is at the end.



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The Zack   

It was funny how Sh. Ibrahim and Dirir both attacked Mahdi personally, Ibrahim told Mahdi that he lives in a five star hotel in Europe and don't know any thing about O'gadenia where Dirir claimed that Mahdi was not from O'gadenia but from Somalia. The reporter called out on both asking them to stay on the topic at hand.


P.s. Dirir and Mahdi both used to be memebers of the WSLF of 1977 era but Dirir is trying to deny that since he is now an "Ethiopian Minister"!

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The Zack   

these high ranked three politicians debating on a very respected international tv are all from the same family, now can u tell when was the last time an internation tv considered to talk to three high ranked pirates or lowyo kuus members? :D:D . That being said, I see you are still bitter, are you still being abused in San Diego?

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First of all I have to point out that I am not 'bitter' about anything. We should clear that up right now, along with the puddle of watery poop at your feet, caused by the sudden realization that you have been forced once again to appease the caanoboore gods of SOL, and are thus poised on the precipice of the eager inferno amicably known as Mr.Somalia, which I imagine has loosened your bowels somewhat. :D


If my remarks, "Anyone who says he can moderate a debate where large amounts of caanoboore has been imbibed---- asagaa cirka roob ku og!", confused you in some way, I'll have to explain that this was a joke, although also a deliberate fact that the topic is indeed about a couple of raving mad caanoboore guzzlers whom no one knows what they want nor even cares.


But as usual, you got defensive too quickly and you let your imagination run wild and lashed out most brutally at your betters. Nonetheless, I'll let you off this time-- you're probably still PMSing. :cool:

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Originally posted by The Zack:

these high ranked three politicians debating on a very respected international tv are all from the same family, now can u tell when was the last time an internation tv considered to talk to three high ranked pirates or lowyo kuus members?
. That being said, I see you are still bitter, are you still being abused in San Diego?


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At the risk of being accused of tolnimo allegiance and despite Mr.Somalia's colorful choice of words, I must say he got you guys on lock.Depose of the guy once and for all even if you have to enlist A&T help :D


I will keep Khaliif and Duke distracted.

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I still insist Zack and I are genuine tol, even though sometimes the excessive caanoboore in his bloodstream may cause him to disagree vehemently.


But let's ask anyway...Zack: aniga iyo adiga tol soomaanu nihin? :D

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Originally posted by Che -Guevara:

At the risk of being accused of tolnimo allegiance and despite Mr.Somalia's colorful choice of words, I must say he got you guys on lock.Depose of the guy once and for all even if you have to enlist A&T help


I will keep Khaliif and Duke distracted.



Why waste of time bothering with such folks, i.e Khalif, Duke and Mr.Puntlnad.

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Originally posted by The Zack:

It was funny how Sh. Ibrahim and Dirir both attacked Mahdi personally, Ibrahim told Mahdi that he lives in a five star hotel in Europe and don't know any thing about O'gadenia where Dirir claimed that Mahdi was not from O'gadenia but from Somalia. The reporter called out on both asking them to stay on the topic at hand.


P.s. Dirir and Mahdi both used to be memebers of the WSLF of 1977 era but Dirir is trying to deny that since he is now an "Ethiopian Minister"!

Zack, is it true that Dirir was member of WSLF of 77 ? lol

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