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Against the Saudization of Somalis

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Why do people feel like they have to come to the rescue of our religion? did the author attack Islam or did he attack wahabism and Saudi culture? Did he talk about the liberation of somali peoples from "the constraints" of islam? or did he discuss importing certain aspects of saudi culture and wahabism into Somaliland?



Did we all read different articles or the same?

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why would not we come to defend our religion when people are trying to twist it, if we did not who would? yes he did attack islam when he mationed 7th century in a big negative way,like a dark age. and yes he attacked islam when he mationed that poem. "Shaydaan aanad arkayn,

oo shaambinaaya agtaada,

waa naag shaadhir hagoogan.” isn't that mocking a ayah, and making a fun about women who follow the rules of our religion?.if that is not attacking our religion? then i do not know what you consider attack on islam. lastly wahabism is western term,but since some people agree with them may i ask them what is wahabism?.

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We should not waste anymore time on this weak minded and specious argument, it has neither merit nor is it original.


Secondly WHAT do people mean when they say WAHABISIM, my interpretation is that it is a more robust or even stricter intepretation of islam.

If that is the case and he has qualms with that then he should convince us using the quran and islamic jurisprudence otherwise.


He does not and chooses to create an impression of our religion that is neither helpful nor accurate.


He's is a political tract and it should destroyed as such.

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after i read the article i can only say these few words about it.whatever the intention of the writter,and regardless of his view about wahabism,or to be more pericse the saudization ,i can say that the measure taken by the ulema was apropraite cuz if we do not give the people who make that kind of mistake the chance to think again then we are jumbing over the islamic wisdon.islam is always against quick chargement.for example islam doesn't allow or permit one to report if he saw two people doing fornication,why cuz that will result either the death of the two or the sever slash depend on their marriage status.

one thing else ought to be look at is the deffrence between a culture and relligione,religone is not some one can just decised it is rather teachings and guidance we follow.diffrent interpretion of quaran doesn't mean that islam are diffrent,no it rather indicates diffrent cultures of the more point that i would like to add to is that some people always argues about our islam today and the islam of 7th century!!!!!!!i rally find this kind of arguemnt meaningless,cuz we have to understand that islam is the last religone which absolutely suitable for all centuries for everywhere,in short for every generation.but one thing we can't ignore is tha fac t that we live very diffrent world from the one prophet and his conpaions lived,the technology,the advaced scientific discoveries are one main factor make our world diffrent from 7th century, the challenge are not comparable in terms of division between moslims and the power of it's enemy.were shia and sunis there at the time of prophet mohamed(p.b.u.h)? were the wahabism and ash'ariya there?i think we have to fight in two fronts (a) unifying among moslims,and (B) defending our islam from the it's enemy.these two front require from us deep concentration and focus and please leaving argument behind us.

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Shame, Shame Shame. Ignorance, they say is the killer of human the concious. This disgorge of an article makes any Islamic hearted sick to the core.


The man seems to have a problem with Hijaab and those who seem to defend him argue that he is not merely trying to attack Islam but indeed he is shunning away "Wahabism". Such a claim is totally not true. When the author of this vile article says, Islam should belong to the hearts not to the body- meaning women should dress un-Islamically, then surely this is a direct contradiction to what Islam teaches us. Women are require dto wear the Hijab, and yes they are require both when they are single and when married. This is the basic teaching of Allah SWC. The guy is obviously is emancipated by western thought. He has no bounds as to what he speaks about.


He brands Mohamed Abdulwahab as some sicko who had no respect for any Madhab. This is trully erronous claim. Mohamed Abdulwahab was himself Xambalil- a flowwer of the Madhab of Imaam Ahmed Ibnu Xambal.


"………asterpieces of Sufism scholars such as Al Ghazali's Ihya Ulum ad-Din (The

Revival of the Religious science), the most referred book of Islam after the Quran

and the Hadith, al-Munqid min ad-Dalal ("the savior from Error"), the Mishkat

al-Anwar ("The Niche of Lights") and Muhyiddin Ibn Arabi's Alam al-Mithali (Ideal

world) are counted by Wahhabism as nothing more than infatuations of

demented men."


Look at this false claim here. Where did he get that Ixyaa'u Culuumu Diin is the second reffered book in Islam? Has Islam become more dominant Aftar Al-Ghazali? Where are the Umahaatu Sita (the Six Mothers)-Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmadi, Abu Da'ud, Al-Nisaa'I and Ibnu Maajah? This guy clearly had read Islam through the eyes of orentalists. The books he speaks about are full of Kalam and indeed inverted platonian ideas. Ibnu Carabi's work had been refuted by the famous Sheikh Islam Ibnu Taymiyah. The whole book is full of Kalam, very few Ahaadiith or the words of the Sahaba.


He then goes on to say "……With tolerance being the norm for all other Madhabs, Wahhabism, is the only

school that compels its followers strictly to observe Islamic rituals, such as the

five prayers, under pain of flogging, and for the enforcement of public morals to

a degree unprecedented in the history of Islam." Okay where does he know from this. The fact that he had never lived in Islamic state (not that we had such a thing in our life time) and had not seen these practices enforced does not certainly mean they don't exist.



Again he goes to vomit more "….ufism, however, which was the Somali way of Islam and which Wahhabism

condemns as a heresy, reaches out to the heart and good sense of all mankind

without distinction. Instead of shunning all other faiths and branding them as

bogus religions, Sufism sees all faiths as equally valid, following directly God's

words "wheresoever ye turn, there is the face of God." Where Wahhabism

sows hatred and rancor even among Moslems, Sufism preaches sulh-e kull

(universal peace) and Mahabbat e-kull (universal love).'


Allah speaks about other religions in forceful tongue. He does not love those who claim Allah have had a child or those who had killed his prophets more than once or even those who worship idols. This business of universal love is nothing short of the dream of certain jewish philosophers who were extremely attracted to the seemingly mellow Sufism is. In the early ages, we had no Sufism, we had puritan Islam. Islam that teaches the correct teachings of Allah.



"…Wahhabisim's best example of humanism is "the harsh religious police that forced

a group of school girls to their deaths by forcing them to go back to an inferno

that had been their school. Their crime? Forgetting the head coverings in their

haste to save themselves." (Time Magazine, 15 Sept. 2003)." If this happened this is of course due to ignorance, nothing to do with enforcing hijab. In Islam we have the principle of Aqafu darareyn, meaning the taking of the smaller problem. Coming out of the house without Hijab is clearly sin, but the preservence of the Muslim life is far important than this. Clearly, the police made a terrible mistake on this. Perhaps this illustrates that Saudi Arabia (Hijaz) is not a Islamic State. They mix culture with Puritan Islam.



Then he uses sentimental bollocksss "If we let them have their way, these prophets of "purity" would soon be on a

mission to destroy what has remained of our culture. The melodious voices of

Zahra Ahmed, Khadra Dahir, Hibo Mohammed, Amina Abdillahi, Sada Ali, Magool,

Maandeeq, Farhiya Ali, Zainab Egeh and many others of our women singers we

will be history. The cassettes of their songs will be burned in the streets. Just

remember Taliban. They want to edit, re-write and censor the treasures of

Somali oral literature. Future generations will not be able to enjoy our beautiful

folk dances, particularly women's heelo yar-yar. Even traditional religious

gatherings of our people such as siyaaradii Aw Barkhadle, Ramadan hymn

chanting sessions in teashops and the dhikr/xadro circles of sufi tariqas, will be

brandished as devil worshiping rituals of the infidels. It has been a strange déjà

vu that while I was working on this article, I came across a news item that Saudi

Arabia's moral police had arrested expatriate workers practicing Sufism in their

private house in the town of Sakaka, capital of the north Al Jouf region. Sufism in

may parts of the Moslem world is a healthy spiritual communion with God, a

combination of enchanting hymns and ritual dances that allows the individual to

let out pent up stresses of life."


Hey budy, I am all for getting ridd of these corrupting songs which are against the teachings of the Propher SCW.


I am giving up Walahi, this guy is clearly demented and needs hidaaya mina Allah. Let us all ask Allah to direct him to the correct path. Amiiin



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Somalis have always put Islam last on their list. The integrity of the nation, the tribe, the man and dhaqan were always dearer to us than Allah's deen. This guy is just expressing in words what we've been doing for decades.



One thing that annoys me is the fact that men think they can insult Islam via Women. Isn't discussing the opressed state of women without the consultation of women taken away theirright toexpression.. or does this geezer assume we'r unable?


They need to find another subject because this one is a little played out :rolleyes:

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I was really pleased to read this article. I agree some of his statements about some aspects of the sharia is problematic. Tasawwuf and Sharia are inextricably joined and its incompetent on muslims to sincerely put both into practice. However, the main theme of the article was right on the mark: That Wahhabism is a scourge and a cancer within the ummah



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I was really pleased to read this article. I agree some of his statements about some aspects of the sharia is problematic. Tasawwuf and Sharia are inextricably joined and its incompetent on muslims to sincerely put both into practice. However, the main theme of the article was right on the mark: That Wahhabism is a scourge and a cancer within the ummah



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Someone trying to serve Islam yet doing diservice. Must be the Somali way. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:




Perverted and Malicious

In Response to Goth's Article


I was stunned to read the misguided and corrupted article written by the person Bashir Goth "Against the Saudization of Somaliland" and posted on Somali Websites. This article was drafted by Mr. Goth with mischief and evil intentions in mind against Islam and its followers. There isn't any truth and logic in what he says and its crystal clear that this person is outside the fold of Al-Islam and here is the evidence of why it is so:


1. Authentic religion like Al-Islam and man made traditions are two different things

2. Wearing of 'Xijaab or Headscarf' by mulsim women is a mandatory command of Allah in order to safeguard them from evil minded people and keep them in good faith and chaste

3. Islam is a religion based on moderation, justice, purity and good manners

4. Sheikh Mohamed Abdi-wahab was a great scholar of Islam and never contradicted the four Imams of Islam or schools of thought

5. Islam liberated women, gave them dignity and never oppreses or exploites them for any purpose; be it financial or sexual as happens in many parts of the world

6. Somali girls are better off with taking Islam as a whole and you see the dignity and radiance on their faces

7. It is obligatory in Islam to kill someone who foresakes his religion Al-Islam unless he/she comes back into the fold of Islam on the spot and repents honestly


Hence Mr. Goth's article is at war with Islam and its followers around the globe but Islam and its followers are here to stay and prosper and he wouldn't be able to do anything about it because Allah the all powerful promised to safeguard Islam and its followers till the day of judgement. Also Islamic Scholars, intellectuals, dutiful soldiers of Islam are ever ready and watchful to propagate and protect Al-Islam.


Therefore, Mr. Bashir Goth, has bargained for a far cheaper price, whatever that price or material gain is !! Because he is campaigning for women nudity in Somalia and the destruction of Islam in essence. He is glorifying Westernism, pornography, materialism, social slavery and immorality. His article has no meaning and is bascially complete with lies, hatred against Islam and muslims and no one who is a muslim should believe his trash article for a second. His whole article seems to be drafted by 'Satan' and no doubt whatsoever that Mr. Goth is an evil person who has lost all hope and honour with regard to Islam and its followers. He is agent of an alien culture and must be expelled from Somali society.


Finally, Islam and its philosophy will grow and prosper in Somalia and Somali women will not take lecture from somebody who is perverted and misguided. Mr. Goth is hopeless person who is attempting to take on mighty Islam and its followers but he is totally deluded and possessed by the charm of Satan's devilishness. In the eyes of muslims, Mr. Goth, you are a laughable cow !!


K. Majiid ( Kaligii Jabhad )


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