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Jaad: Haa -- Xashiish: Maya

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Marba marka ka dambeyso ayee kaa yaabiyaan.


Yaab iyo nus marmar.




Who are these three frightened men, including the elder in the middle?


Waxaa lagu qabtay, allegedly, xashiish iyagoo gadaayo ama ma ganacsanaayo. The result was publically karbashing of the three at the former famous Suuqa Dahablaha. Fine if it is in fact wax xun galabsadeen.


However, take a closer look at that picture above? Obviously, an experienced Soomaali eye can detect two of them belonging Jareerweyne clan, while the odeyga in the middle wearing a Muriidi Goolof-stamped t-shirt, obviously looks Banaadiri. [To read more on the story, here]


Always dadka aan hubeyneen ayaa la dulmiyaa.




Faradheer jaadka ka ganacsado oo hundreds of thousands maalin walba keeno Xamar qof la hadasho maleh, of course since some of wadaad ku sheeg's erstwhile warlord-supporting militia cuno bahalkaas xun.


One should apply drug laws equally or hala iska dhaafo masaakiinta oo nolol maalmeedkooda aanba soo saaran karin.

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Tragic as it sounds,


Other News, Maxaakimta oo mamnuucey dhoofinta dhuxusha, biraha duugga ah, ugaarta iyo in la jaro dhirta, haddey tan rumoowdo dhabar-jab bey ku noqon Indha-madoobe oo dakhligiisa ugu badan ka helo dhoofinta dhuxusha

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