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I support my countries new Peace thus I support the new Somalia 'Time to rebuild it'

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Originally posted by Northerner:

Some SOL championers of the 'sayid' are also TFG fans.

That is referred to as Cognitive Dissonance.


"Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term which describes the uncomfortable tension that comes from holding two conflicting thoughts at the same time, or from engaging in behavior that conflicts with one's beliefs."



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They need Cognitive Therapy


'a form of treatment used to change someone's habitual patterns of thinking when these thoughts are damaging that person'

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The hypocrisy in some peoples attempts at a put down is astounding. How do u attack someone for the TFG support when you yourself advertise and champion a clan based nation..

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If supporting SL and also speaking out against the TFG/Ethio/US alliance and their crimes against the people when there was peace after 16 years is hypocritical then i'm a big fat hypocrit!


But (and its BIG but), why shout things like Somalinimo and champion M Hassan only to do things contrary to your ealier thoughts/opinions in supporting the TFG?


That not also hypocritcal in your 'observer' stance (well it is Sunday) ya CG?

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yes its sunday,


But whats the difference, i support the TFG, and i support the waqooyi administration, either way i'm supporting a group that defines themselves a political elite based on the clan. In effect how they can be made to be seen as separate from the rest


The means by which they achieve the position are irrelevant, since in the interest of self preservation a group will do what ever it takes

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I support one over the other. If the other was not involved in killing their own people and worked for peace then my support would be given.


Question is, can one talk peace and support the TFG?

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wrt can one talk peace and support the TFG?


In fantasy or in somali politics?


In as much as one can talk somalia and support the wayooqi administration as republic. Ask yourself will the administration accept an Ethio/US alliance to preserve it self - if you answer no then your saying that its not self interested, and then you have to find answers to why its there in the first place, why is it seeking recognition and all those mucky questions that we like to cover up with 'but Hargeysa is peaceful'. I'm sure you see the obvious contradiction


- this doesn't result from inferring that some group equals good and another bad, but simply somali politics is nasty tournament of self interest. Support for one group based on the divided ideology is support for all since it perpetuates the spread and survival of that ideology.


So is there much difference between the two .. at the core none, they both pursue power with the same ideology. So really the support that is given does not benefit one group over the other, so much as it only propagates and strengthens an ideology of division and exclusivity of power.

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Originally posted by Nabada Soomaaliya:


* Abdullahi Yusuf Ahmad was the first person in Somalia after a failed coup’d’etat who started the armed resistence against the regime of Mahammed Siyad Barre. He was the first to show others what they did not dare and soon they follwed his footsteps

That is a lie. Soomaalida maxaa taariikh la bedelayaa! Abdullahi was not the first person. First I read from a book a while ago there was another failed one probably in early stages by some officers mainly from the Northern Somalia (sida kacdoon walba ama hal cid u wadatey ama ugu badnayd).


Secondly he has been one of the officers but not necessarily the leader for the 1978 one. Raggii hoggaaminayey inqilaabka ee sida geesinnimada leh uga hor yimid Mr Barre's regime waa kuwii la toogtey markii inqilaabku dhacay ka dib.


C/llaahi xitaa Xamar ma joogin, Saldhigga Ciidammada Militariga ee Baydhabo ayuu madax ka ahaa waana la ogyahay inuu durbadiiba xadka Soomaaliya iyi Kenya u cararay oo uusan xitaa u soo gurman raggii uu ka dhinac dagaali lahaa.


Waxaa taariikhdu xustaa inuu Kenya u cararay kadibna u wareegay Itoobiya oo ay isku uruursatay jabhaddii SSDF. SSDF C/llaahi ma samayn waxaana aasaasay muwaadiniin Soomaaliyeed, waxaana igu maqaalo ah in lagu aasaasay dalka Iiraan dadka aasaasayna qabiillo kala duwan oo Soomaaliyeed ayaa ku jirey in kastoo markii dambe ay SSDF ku dambaysay hal qabiil oo keliya taasoo sababtay inay burburto. Waa markii la tegey Itoobiya ayuu billaabay inuu ka hor yimaado maamulkii jirey ee uu madax adayg kala horyimid illeen waa ninkaas xukun-doonka ahaa dhiigyacabkana ahaa ee aan maslaxo Soomaaliyeed iyo mid cideed(dadka qaarba ha iska dhaadhiciyeene) aan raadineyn.


Waxaa noo caddaynaya sida dadku Siyaasad ahaan u kala qoqobnaa in Jabhadihii waddanka soo maray ay ku dhisnaayeen qabiil iyo kacdoonadiiba. Kii saraakiisha reer waqooyi ay hoggaaminayeen, kii SSDF, kii SNM, kii USC, SPM, SDM iyo firqooyinkii ay kulligeed u sii kala jajabeen ee tirada badnaa.

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Originally posted by Caano Geel:

The hypocrisy in some peoples attempts at a put down is astounding. How do attack some one of the TFG support when you yourself advertise and champion a clan based nation..

Exactly! It is like I-see-others-but-not-myself kinda attitude!

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loool...@ Jacaylbaro signature...I was wondering What colour is that passport? Could I get one as a soveniour to claim in the future insha Allaah "I once received a passport of a region that called itself Somaliland"? Is there some sort of Bakaara market in Hargeysa which I can get one from?

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Originally posted by Allamagan:

quote:Originally posted by Caano Geel:

The hypocrisy in some peoples attempts at a put down is astounding. How do attack some one of the TFG support when you yourself advertise and champion a clan based nation..

Exactly! It is like I-see-others-but-not-myself kinda attitude!
I need a mirror, can you provide one or are you just going to state it and run like the rest?


Caano Geel,


Well I’m not here to justify why there is SL, an SL admin and all those mucky questions as that’s a forgone conclusion (why and how we are all aware of).


Now, for an entity to ‘preserve’ itself it must be threatened in the first place. I just don’t call the first peace for 16 years a ‘threat’ hence my objections to their self preserving methods.


Somali politics is dirty and its all about self interest but one is free to judge on the ways that self interest is achieved with a degree of comparability to other more peaceful entities. If others consider that hypocritical while equating it with the same entity that is doing the dirty then thats their prerogative. But I would hazard it’s a flawed view.


For the gallery


I objected to the recent clashes in Dhahar between SL and PL.

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