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Xoghayihii gaashaandhiga ee xiligii gudagalka dalka ee ururkii SNM oo Geeryooday

Kayse Axmed Digaale- Alle haw naxariistee Col.Jaamac Cali Cilmi,oo ka mid Saarkiishii sare ee Ururkii SNM,ayaa maanta ku geeriyooday Magaalada Hargaysa.


Alle haw naxariistee Marxuun Jaamac Cali Cilmi,waxa uu ahaa Xoghayihii gaashaandhiga ee xiligii gudagalka dalka ee ururkii SNM,1988kii,waxa uu ka soo qabtay ururkaasi xilal kala duwan.waxa uu nin si weyn looga yaqaan guud dhulwaynihii soomaliyeed,isagoo intaanu ku biirin Ururka SNM,ka mid ahaa saarkiishii dawladii hore ee soomaliyeed.


Gaadiid iyo dadweyne oo uu horkacayo Maayirka Magaalada Burco Maxamuud Dhegalaab,ayaa galabta ka amabaxay Burco,si ay uga qaybgalaan Aaska Marxuunka,sidoo kale dadweyne badan ayaa ka sii qulqulaya dhinaca Hargayasa si ay uga qayb galaan Aaska Mrxuunka kuwaasoo ka soo ambaxay gobolada .


Alle haw naxariistee Marxuunka ayaa beri lagu aasi doonaa Magaalda hargaysa,iyadoo loo samaeyndoono Aas Qaran.





Jamhuuriya Online

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Muj. Jaamac Cali Cilmi Allaah naxariistii janno ha ka waraabiyee, taariikh-nololeedkiisii oo kooban waa sidan:


Marxuun Mujaahid Jaamac Cali Cilmi waxa uu ku dhashay magaalada Burco.




Dugsiga Hoose Dunbuluq School. 1959


Dugsiga dhexe Ahmed Gurey School. 1962


Dugsiga sare Sheekh Secondary School. 1966


- Wuxuu ku biirey Ciidamadii Somaliya 1966 dabayaaqadeedii, wuxuuna tababarkiisa ku soo qaatay Kulliyadda Ciidamada Qaahira Kuliya Xarbiya, dalka Masar, soona dhammaystay 1968.


- Shaqadii ugu horreysay wuxuu ka qabtay Gorayo-Cawl.


- Ciidammada Soomaaliya wuxuu ka soo qabtay xilal kala duwan ayna ka mid ahaayeen;


1. Abbaanduulaha qaybta 54aad ee Gaal-kacayo.


2. Taliyaha Ururka 17aad Dayax-gaal-kacayo.


3. Taliyaha Ururka 94aad ee dhuusa-mareeb.


4. Taliyaha Guutada 15aad – qaybta 26aad.


5. Taliyaha guutada 34aad ee qaybta Beer- qaybta 26aad.


6. Ku -igeenka hoggaanka tababarrada taliskii guud ee Wasaaraddii Gaashaandhigga Soomaaliya.


7. Waxa kale oo uu Marxuunku ka soo shaqeeyey oo Taliye ka noqday Ciidankii Cadaadley.


8. Hoggaanka Cilmi-baadhista Wasaaradda Gaashaandhigga.


9. Marxuunku wuxuu ka qayb-galay dagaalladii Soomaaliya iyo Ethiopia, wuxuuna ku dhaawacmay Magaaladda Tiridhaba (Airport).


Marxuun Mujaahid Jaamac Cali Cilmi wuxuu ka mid ahaa Saraakiisha Ciidammada Soomaaliyeed ee caanka ka ah ciidamada dhexdooda, sababaha ugu mihiimsan ee uu caanka ku ahaan waxa ka mid ahaa aqoontiisa tacliimeed oo aad u saraysay, isagoo leh aqoon iyo astaamo hoggaamineed oo hufan (Leadership qualifications), Asluub iyo hab-dhaqan aad u wanaagsan.


Marxuumka Mujaahid Jaamac Cali Cilmi wuxuu ka mid ahaa saraakiishii sida xun loogu cadaadiyey hab-dhaqankii caanka ahaa ee dawladdii keli-taliyihii Maxamed Siyaad Barre ee la odhan jirey Kacaan-diidka, taasoo aakhirkii sababtey inuu ka ruqsaysto Ciidammada, kadib markii dad fara badan, oo odayadii, waxgaradkii magaalada Burco lagu xidh-xidhay waa kacaan-diid, isagoo marxuunku ahaa Taliyaha Guutada 34aad ee Beer-degan, waana uu diidey inuu fuliyo amarradii cabudhinta iyo xadhigga lagu fulinaayey dadweynaha, isla markiina xilka laga qaaday.


Marxuunku Mujaahid Jaamac Cali Cilmi wuxuu ka ruqsaystay Ciidammada 1983, ka dibna wuxuu u baxay Dalka Sucuudi Arabiya, iyadoo ujeeddadiisu ahayd inuu halganka ku biiro.


Gudaha intii uu joogey wuxuu ka mid ahaa ragga sida joogtada ah dabagalka loogu samayn jirey dhaq-dhaqaaqooda.


Wuxuu Ethiopia yimi 1984-kii, mudadii uu halganku socdayna wuxuu ka soo qabtay xilal waaweyn oo ay ka mid yihiin;


1. Taliyaha Qaybta Bari.


2. Xoghayaha (Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga). Ciidammada Xoreynta SNM, isla markaana ah Guddoomiyaha Guddida Dagaalgelinta (Chairman of the war Committee)


3. Marxuum Muj. Jaamac Cali Cilmi, wuxuu hoggaaminaayey Ciidamadii xoreynta ee hawlgalkii waynaa ee xoreynta dalka iyo burburkii aasaasiga ahaa ee dawladdii keli-taliyihii Maxamed Siyaad Barre bud-dhigga iyo xuddunta u ahayd.


Marxuun Muj. Jaamac Cali Cilmi (Alla ha u naxariistee) wuxuu ahaa mas’uuliyiintii qaybta ballaadhan ka soo qaatay hirgelintii, taabba-gelintii, iyo dhidibo u aasiddii halgankii SNM.


Marxuunka waxa lagu xasuustaa, astaan uu u ahaa Alle ka cabsi, wuxuu ahaa nin Cibaadada aad ugu wanaagsan, asluub iyo akhlaaq wanaagsan dadka kula dhaqma.


Wuxuu ahaa nin hoggaamin wanaagsan leh, waxana caado u ahaa inuu ahaa nin waxna qora aadna wax u akhrista, gaar ahaan qur’aanka, waxana uu ahaa nin aad u adkaysi badan oo leh dhabar adayg aanay ka muuqan wajigiisa xilliyada ay jirto xaalad adag oo qallafsani jirto.


Alle ha u naxariistee wuxuu marxuunku ifka kaga tagay laba Hamlood iyo Hooyadood.



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SNM Mujaahid? :mad: They killed many of my family members. They are murders.


Mujaahid Kulahaa :rolleyes:

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Don't tell me those seccesionist are/were hereos. Qod dadkiisii kala hanfaraaraqinaaya maa mujaahid la dhahaa. Mujaahid is he who fights for his people and defends unity among his fellows.

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ILaahay naxariistii jano ha ka waraabiyo mujaahidka weyn ee Jaamac Cali. He will be remembered for his great service to the country like many of the SNM leaders.


As for those who are throwing dirt at the SNM. I would just like to remind them to look inwards and think a little bit. The SNM was never fighting a particular clan. The SNM was fighting a ruthless regime who never made it a secret its intention to arm the non-SNM civilians to help the "clancleanthing" it was undertaking in Burco, Berbera and Hargeisa.


Obviously, with a government like that, there was always those that felt for it and hence, the clan wars which took place in Somaliland between neighboring brotherly clans.


What the SNM did when it removed the ruthless regime was to unite those clans and bring them under a big tree to discuss a peaceful future where our neighboring clans would live in peace and prosperiety. The SNM then dissolved itself and handed over the Power to the people.


The fruits of the SNM is today's Somaliland. Peaceful, democratic and looking forward to development and bright future.

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^^ the ruthless government pitted clans against one another.


Neighboring clan melitias fought out each other and obviously uncles and cousins died from everyside. That is the clan wars that every one forgive/forget each other in the Peace conferences in Burco and Boorama in 1991 and 1993 respectively.


But the SNM vs Government war is completely different. The SNM faced the Government's formidable military rooting them out of their bases in the country side until they were surrounded in the big cities.


There was no SNM which targeted a particular clan or city.


It happened twice only, once in Buuhoodleh in 1989 and in Borama in 1991. In both instances, the SNM leadership immidiately ordered the withdrawal of the forces from these towns. In the case of Borama, the SNM stayed less than 12 hours before it were ordered to leave.


Compare that, to the Siyad Barre armed melitia from clans of Lascaanood who occupied Caynaba from 1984 till 1990. And the clan melitia from Borama which occupied Gabiley from 1988 to 1990. Or the clan melitia from Eastern Sanag which occupied Erigabo till 1991.


There was obviously bad blood between the clans of Somaliland which obviously can not be denied. And that bad blood was the result of a government which encouraged non-SNM clans to take their "once in a blue moon" opportunity to gain lands under the payroll of the government. Those who took part in the looting of Hargeisa and Burco is well known as well.


When that ruthless government was removed from the country, the SNM never retaliated against any particular clan. Instead, they called for peace and brotherly coexistence between neighboring clans. Land, property and farms which belonged to every clan was given back, even the minority clans like the Gabooye clan got their rightful lands and property back.


The fruits of that call to peace is what we have today in Somaliland.


Compare that to what happened in the South when the government left the scene and you will understand what the commendable job the SNM undertook.

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^^ SNM gang, criminals ,, haday Caruur iyo dumarkii ay dileen ay mujaahid ku yihiin mujaahidnimadu Xaal iyo nus ha qaadato.


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Those who throw cheap dirt against the SNM are those who had everything going for them under the Siyad Barre regime.


But inasfaras, the SNM goes, its history is golden and its achievements commendable.

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you are really funny suldaanka, rer sanaag occupied their own capital, rer borame "occupied" gabiley and and rer las anod occuppied one of their villages. This again shows the contempt some of you woqoye galbeters have for the people of SSC and awdal yet you want them to be part of sland. ruunta isu sheega people, you have been land grabing sense you were the british foot solders. You say that the SNM only attacked the people of Buhoodle and borame for few days. The others in places like Xudun and ceerigaabo must be animals then. Why is it that you slanders can make peace with these three others provences and buhoodle district in the north, install the top leader of the regime for which you is the cause of all this but not the south?

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