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Why is Somaliland stable Somalia anarchic?

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^^ loool


Waanu idin jecelnahay waxaad tihiiin walaalahayaga, inaad banaanka naga aadaan ma rabno. United we stand devided we fall sidaa ula soco adeer. Waa laga bixi doonaa xaaladdan ee wax isulahara nimanyo.


Waana la xisaabtami. Waan ogahay waxaa idnku jira rag badan oo waxaan dareemayo dareensan balse inta JB & Mujaahidoo kale ah wa aay badan yihiin. Waana u samraynaa smile.gif

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dhib ma leh mar hadii aynu isla ogolaanay inaanuu jacaylku khasab ahayn then waynu heshiin karnaa ama aynu kala tagno ama aynu heshiinee ,,,,


Idinkuna qaylada badan, hinaasaha iyo xaasidnimada iska daaya .......

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Northerner's plan on discrediting Somali nationalists and nationalism by calling people like Duke, Emperor, Naxar nationalists. Northerner by calling people like Duke, Emperor or Naxar names it doesn't make your stance any better. You guys are all the same.


Northerner miyaad iska dhig dhigaysaa mise waad tahay? :D

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Sheekha, idinma jeclin, jaceylkuna khasab ma'ah, ee waan indinla yaaban nahay!!!Istacajib!!!


If anything, indinkaa na'isku keen dhadhajinaaya...If you guys have a "country", as y'all claim it, why in GOD'S name do you have the need to get an 'approval' from us "SOMALIS"...Isdhadhajista badan kadareey waaye...You're always here posting S/land this S/land that...Who gives a dhish!!!Certainly not SOMALIA!!!


The problem with S/landers, such as yourself is that you're always deviding Somalia...If I speak for myself, as a PUNTLANDer, I am very proud of what our "STATE" has accomblished...However, I will never enjoy the misfortunes of any other SOMALI...Get it...Besides what country do you guys have? Idinka intaad rabtiin waad is aqoonsan kartaan, laakin haduusan aduunka idin aqoosaneen, then you are not a COUNTRY!!! It is that SIMPLE!!! ;)

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Sheeka and dadkiinan ku riyoonaya gooni isu taaga, Soomaaliya waa mid lamana kala jarayo period, entertain any other idea but gooni isu taag will not happen. The secessionist entity is not receognized and will not be recognized. Soomaaliya waan isla leenahay sxb ogowtaas dhulka Soomaliyeed qeyb iskama sheegan kartid.

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Originally posted by Kool_Kat:

Sheekha, idinma jeclin, jaceylkuna khasab ma'ah, ee waan indinla yaaban nahay!!!Istacajib!!!


If anything, indinkaa na'isku keen dhadhajinaaya...If you guys have a "country", as y'all claim it, why in GOD'S name do you have the need to get an 'approval' from us "SOMALIS"...Isdhadhajista badan kadareey waaye...You're always here posting S/land this S/land that...Who gives a dhish!!!Certainly not SOMALIA!!!


The problem with S/landers, such as yourself is that you're always deviding Somalia...If I speak for myself, as a PUNTLANDer, I am very proud of what our "STATE" has accomblished...However, I will never enjoy the misfortunes of any other SOMALI...Get it...Besides what country do you guys have? Idinka intaad rabtiin waad is aqoonsan kartaan, laakin haduusan aduunka idin aqoosaneen, then you are not a COUNTRY!!! It is that SIMPLE!!!

I know and you clearly said idinma jeclin markaa maxaaba isu keen keenaya ? meel aan lagaa jeclayn inaad joogto waaba dembi.


Arinkan imika laga hadlyo has nothing to do with Somalilanders unless you want to accuse South Africa as usual ..... It is an international conference and you can give your concern if you have any.


Malaa idinka laftiinu inaad isa soo waafaqdaan baa fiican ,, look at the person below your post waxa uu sheegayo iyo waxa aad sheegayso is kaaf iyo kala dheeri.

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Sheekha, you lost me there!!! Are you saying you believe in

Soomaaliya waa mid lamana kala jarayo

You certainly have a very very hard way of showing it...What did you understand about the post by ME?


The reason I said "idin ma jeclin" is I don't like anyone who devides SOMALIA, period...You can be proud of your so called "country", but stop comparing it to the rest of SOMALIA...That's all...


C'mon now...

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I know it is not comparable :D



Now don't make excuses and stick to your statement IDINMA JECLIN ..... that sums everything up.


Somalia was never been mid ,,,, and now it is even worse. If by any means you want to do something about Somalia you better start in the south and build a Somalia as one and then we can see about Somaliland.


Bottom line, SOMALILAND WILL NEVER EVER JOIN SOMALIA AGAIN .... dream it, cry a river go commit suicide ...........

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I don't have to make any excuses...And you're right IDINMMA JECLIN sums it all up for any one who devides SOMALIA...Write it down, take a picture, I don't care...


The rest of your post is just blah blah blah...You sound like a broken record maandhoow...I don't dream of S/land joining Somalia again, I have better things to dream of...Ee waxaan la yaabanahay sababta aad wili na'iskugu keen dhadhajineysaan...You're the ones crying deep down inside wanting our acceptance of your so called "country"...WE DO NOT ACCEPT IT!!!Makuu hingaadiyaa hadana...

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All that oohin, cabaad iyo qaylo iyo buuq is markaan nidhaahno waanu idinka baxnay sow maaha ?? .... miyaan weligiin la idinka bixin ,,, dhibi ma jirtee bal intiinaa yar uun isku filaysiiya anagu galbannaye.


Dal beri hore idinka tegey baad ka daba ooyaysaan ka waran .... marna aad leedihiin idinma jeclin marna aad leedihiin ha naga tegina ,,, bal dhinac uun isugu lugo duda.

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I am not sure if I should laugh or laugh...You're one funny dude...


Baxaa sheegteenee waligiina sii socda...Who cares!!!Dad idiin ooynaayo maleh, ee wili idinkaa naga maarmin owaxaad rabtaan in aan idiin qirano inaad "country" tihiin...Does our acceptance mean that much to S/land...THAT WILL NOT HAPPEN!!! WE WILL NOT ACCEPT IT!!!


It is obvious how much this means to you...OK, K_K says S/land is a "country"...



NOOOOT!!! ;)

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Originally posted by me:

Northerner's plan on discrediting Somali nationalists and nationalism by calling people like Duke, Emperor, Naxar nationalists. Northerner by calling people like Duke, Emperor or Naxar names it doesn't make your stance any better. You guys are all the same.


Northerner miyaad iska dhig dhigaysaa mise waad tahay?

Didnt know being called a nationalist was offensive saxib :D


My point was everyone is up in arms on this thread but its ironic some of those are one's who support an invasion and occupation. That was my point,,,,,but hey any excuse when ever SL is involved init?

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