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Abu Ghraib Abuse Leader Gets 10-Year Sentence

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Abu Ghraib Abuse Leader Gets 10-Year Sentence

Sat Jan 15, 2005 05:44 PM ET



By Adam Tanner


FORT HOOD, Texas (Reuters) - A military jury sentenced Spc. Charles Graner to 10 years in prison on Saturday for his leading role in the 2003 Abu Ghraib torture of Iraqi prisoners, five years less than the maximum sentence possible.


The sentencing at a central Texas military base came a day after a 10-person jury found Graner guilty on 10 counts related to the abuses, many of which were documented in photographs that included naked prisoners stacked into a pyramid and being forced to masturbate.


In his first public remarks on the scandal earlier in the day, Graner admitted he had acted wrongly, but said he complained repeatedly to superiors and was told to continue rough treatment.


In 2 1/2 hours of testimony at the sentencing hearing, Graner smiled from time to time and spoke confidently as he detailed his role in the scandal that delivered a powerful blow to the U.S. image abroad.


"I didn't enjoy anything I did there. A lot of it was wrong, a lot of it was criminal," said Graner, 36, the first soldier to go on trial in the abuse case.


The former Pennsylvania prison guard was convicted on charges including conspiracy, assault and indecent acts.


"The enemy needs rallying points," prosecutor Maj. Michael Holley said in arguing for the maximum 15-year penalty. "The accused has provided so much in that regard.


"If a maximum was ever appropriate in a case, this is the case."


Graner, seen grinning in photos of abuses such as stacking a pyramid of naked Iraqi detainees, said gallows humor was the only way to deal with the harsh environment at Abu Ghraib, once Saddam Hussein's most notorious prison.


"There was a lot of things that we did that were so screwed up, if we didn't look at them as funny then there was no way to deal with it," he said. "When I knew someone would take a picture, I'd be smiling; that's the only explanation I have."

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^^he is worse but not sicker compared to Gonzalez who istigated such tactics :mad: did you see him almost pee in his pants while facing the committee :D LOCO SOB ;)

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