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Anti Ethiopia protest held in central Somalia (Beledweyn)

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Mohamed Abdi Farah


(SomaliNet) Mass rally against the deployment of Ethiopian troops in Somalia has been held in Beledwein, the capital of Hiran region in central Somalia on Friday.


After Friday prayer, hundreds of people have gathered in the central of Beledwein where residents strongly condemned the Ethiopian intervention in Somalia affairs.


People were chanting ant Ethiopian slogans ‘Down Ethiopia, down the collaborators of the enemy’.


The demonstration was organized by officials of the Islamic court in the town.


In the rally, local official asked for the world community to see the aggression of Ethiopian government into Somalia.


People expressed their strong impression on how they oppose Ethiopia troops to enter Somalia soil.


Since the approval of deployment of unclassified foreign troops by the Somali law makers based in Baidoa, it has been increased rallies in many towns of Somalia in which people made clear their total objection to any foreign troops in Somalia.


Islamic courts union who controls key parts of Somalia had warmed any deployment of outside troops in Somalia saying this might result more bloodshed.

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