
Proposed constitutional amendments - redrafting the Fed. constitution

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11 hours ago, galbeedi said:


I wanted to illustrate the weaknesses Of HSM, especially the criticism that is openly debated in mogadishu. While his selling public land to oligarchs are known, some of the other allegations of  incompetence in his army chief could be an exaggeration, because they are usually said by those who oppose him. Since it is Ramadaan, I don't want say something that is not proven. HSM has some weaknesses and his is involved in nepotism, but his toughness and hard work , especially his campaign against Al-shbaab and to pacify Somalia out weights his weaknesses. Madaxweynuhu dagaal markuu ku jiro waa in la taageeraa.

Now forget about my criticism of HSM and let us debate about the current constitutional changes, especially  the six key changes.

1- Amending the relationship between the elected president and the prime minister. Somali  presidents campaigned for years through thick and thin, propose their platform and plans for their administration and get elected. Then They  appoint a prime minister to manage their agenda and assemble his cabinet. Now if there is disagreement,  the appointed premier could block the president that appointed him and create constitutional deadlock by bringing the parliament to the equation. Money has to change hands, parliamentarian has to be bribed to help dismiss the premier and so on. It is a mess. Rooble and Farmaajo is a good example for which  we lost two years of squabbling. 

I agree the proposal of the president about dismissing the premier without the parliament and it is the best interest of Somalia.

2- Both the regional satiates and the federal government should hold one person one vote.

I support this article and most Somalis support it. We have witnessed how the  last election was done by the maids and drivers of Ahmed Madoobe.

3-Three political parties.

I wish the government should have  left this alone, but since they added , I don't see a major issue that should be an obstacle to the other important things. Sometimes you have to take the good and bad to move forward.

4- The election commission will be appointed by the federal government.

Some places like America, states manage the national elections, but in Canada the election commission and the management of the national election is done by the federal government. THey hire directly the employees who should be working for the election. Personally, I don't trust a clan enclave led by the likes of Madoobe, Dani and qoor qoor to manage a national election. I support the idea of thhe federal government appointing the 18 member commission, so does most of Somalis. As  I said before,  there are no functioning federal states, they are all fake and  in name, they can't manage national and they should not manage either. Ahmed Madoobe Kismaayo dhinac uma dhaafin 13 sano Miyaan Doorasho u dhiibi? maya.

5- The regional leaders shall be called governors or Hogaamiye.

O Allah, I love this article. By far most Somalis like this. We the Awdal State had called our leader Hogaamiye not a president just like Khaatumo did. Somalis had rejected these so called 6 presidents. Somalia waa in ay lahaataa hal madaxweyne 

6- The term of the regimes should be 5 years.

I also support these.With the current dysfunction, the first 6 months  are done while assembling cabinet and setting . The third year is consumed usually by constitutional debates or how the election should done, and the fourth year is electioneering. Now, with  thie new system, the next president will have the confidence to appoint his prime minister  and work four full years and do the elections the fifth year.

Now please tell us which one of these C/laahi Dani is opposed. We the Somali people want president HSM to keep fighting Al-shbaab and finish the work. We don;t want  C/laahi Dani and company to put this country to another useless constitutional debate for these 6 points and squabble for the next 24 months. . The Somali parliament including those elected from Puntland had voted.  Case closed.

11 hours ago, galbeedi said:


For a moment there, I forgot you were an acolyte of the atrocious Kacaan ideology. Q&Q nicely refuted your short-sighted, ill-conceived, self-serving points, but I still want to get back to my original question, but at first let me dispense with a more pertinent query:

  • Would you want someone in Xamar to organise district council elections in Awdal: Boorama, Baki, Lughaya, and Zaylac? Or would you want Dr Bahar et al to undertake the engagement?
  • If no, and you would prefer Dr Bahar et al, then the same is true for the 20 MPs representing reer Awdal in the Federal Parliament, both Houses, as one would not want them (s)elected, or their election  being managed, by some busy bees dispatched from Xamar.
  • Or are you advocating for the opposite?

Let me remind you the question (focus on the underlined bit): what was wrong with PL's local elections? 

    On 3/30/2024 at 10:02 PM, galbeedi said:
    In Mogadishu, I realized that there is no such thing as federal states ( Dawlad Goboleed). Puntalnd might be slightly better than the rest, yet Puntland itself couldn't deliver minor issues like organizing local elections.

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We can make arguments for some of the changes that are going to beneficial as such the PM issue. But I  do believe elections should be ran by the states. Perhaps the federal government and political parties can observe the process. Political parties can certainly challenge the results in the court system.

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Many of you seem as if to have penchant for tyrannical rule. Surely, it is not just 'cos you have been brought up under such a rule, and have not learnt anything from the lesson of the past 50 years of the nation's history.

Instead of resorting to power-grabbing methods, which is what most of the amendment rise to, implement democratic institutions and safeguards to prevent usurpation of powers, and maintain checks and balance.

The only time the PM's powers being diluted would make sense is when political parties and elections had been implemented throughout the nation, till then, and in order to maintain the political power-sharing principle, which is the only thing keeping the nation intact, and thus far made the FGS possible, till then it must remain in place. Otherwise, it is back to the ugly days of tyranny and dictatorship. The nation has come a long way to revert back to that.

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I was speaking in general terms. What HSM did is a power grap and will lead  to an term extension and years of bickering. Even if we don't get into the merits of the changes, the fact that he didn't engage any stakeholders discredited the whole process not to mention the abuse or complete disregard of parliamentary procedures.

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Now we have Galbeedi, others supporting the new constitution, 

This country is very fragile and ever that has to be created and moved forward must be inclusive, this new constitution has no credibility and lacks wider support.

Also, if it is easy just to rewrite a social contract like this, then what is stopping HSM to continue rewriting it for his interest?

Dadka nadaamkan khaldan tageeri, waxa ay tageeri in GOD dheer Somalia sii gasho, oo meesha lagu kala tago, nimankii Arsenal ka faiideeystaan

Waxa hada muuqata in the OLD circus, vising Ethiopia has started.

This dumb HSM is going to do serious damage to Somali Federal gov

Bal salaad  ma tukan kartaa, adigoo weesaysan, dastuuraka in wax laga bedelo waa muhiim, laakin waxa ka horeeysta  in lagu heshiiy cidda wax ka bedelaysa.

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Let us not forget reer Awdal are true acolytes and beneficiaries of the Kacaan, which explains Galbeedi's frequent dirgax dirgax & diga rogasho. I suppose when he revisited Xamar, memories of old resurfaced and he is now a born again Kacaanist. He and MMA would make a lovely companions frequenting old ground whilst reminiscing of the good old days, which had never been.

Dhal Kacaan will forever be just that.

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This news below midnimada Soomaaliya dhaawaceyso is what you calI 'progress,' I guess.

A perennial warring bantustans Xabashada, Imaaraadka iyo Kiikuuyada see rabaan iskaga ciyaaraan. And you dare to call it 'federalism.' Federaalo xaal qaado.

And what business do they have attending a meeting with a foreign ministry - especially an avowed enemy - of another country? Xataa ma'aha foreign wasaarad maaliyadeed oo dhaqaalo ganacsi ah. Sidii dad dal ismoodo camal meesha u soo fadhiisteen. I will never support this pseudo madaxbannaanimo. It is not about Xasan Socdaal, shaqsiyo kale iyo dowladiisa, but Soomaaliya's midnamidadeeda, gobonimadeeda iyo madaxbannaanimadiida.

Kacaankii barakeysnaa was and is million times better than waxaan aan aragno socdo.

Puntland oo heshiis la gaartay Itoobiya xilli ay taagan tahay xiisada badda


"Maamulka Puntland iyo Ethiopia ayaa maanta heshiis horudhac ah oo dhinacyo badan taabanaya ku gaaray magaalada Addis Ababa ee caasimada waddankaasi.

Wasiirka Maaliyadda Puntland iyo wafdi uu hoggaaminayo ayaa kulan xasaasi ah Addis Ababa kula qaatay masuuliyiin ka tirsan wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Ethiopia.

Kulankaan ayaa lagu gaaray heshiis dhowr qodob ah, oo ugu weyn yahay iskaashiga kaabayaasha dhaqaale ee labada dhinac, kaasi oo ku qotoma dhinacyada ganacsiga, maalgashiga iyo iskaashiga tamarta.

“Puntland iyo Ethiopia ayaa waxaa ka dhaxeeya xiriir qoto dheer oo iskaashi ku dhisan,” ayaa lagu yiri qoraal kasoo baxay wasaaradda arrimaha dibadda Ethiopia. Xukuumadda Addis Ababa ayaa xilligaan u muuqata mid maqaam midkii hore ka sarreeya siineysa xiriirka maamulka Puntland."

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This is the legacy of your beloved Kacaan. Now, feast on broken glass, gobble up, and ingest it slowly lest choked in heaves.

Very poor timing. This has been an ongoing project about the Tuurdibi trade route connecting Garacad to DDS. Former Minister of Finance (Dhabancad) and the current (Maxamed Farax) are in DDS for that project.

Ethiopia FO intent on making some miles from it, and advertising it.

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7 hours ago, Illyria said:

He and MMA would make a lovely companions frequenting old ground whilst reminiscing of the good old days, which had never been

Kacaankii Barakaysnaa, O God,  we miss it too much , especially now. You know Illyria, if I make a party called 21 October, I have no doubt it could get the most votes. That fool called Farmaajo never understood why  people across clan lines and diverse geographical boundaries supported him despite his weaknesses and lack of courage for tough decision making. Because " Waxaan ka urinaynay Kacaankii Barakaysnaa" We thought he might have seen when we were a nation, we thought he might have build the army and put fear to our enemies and so on. He wasted his chance and no should leave the arena next leadership, probably people like us who understand all the criminals who destroyed the nation ( USC, SSDF, SNM).

Also, when I walk the old landmarks like schools, government ministeries, military bases and other agencies, I know the public owned the land not the oligarchs. You pass Dugisiga  sareYaasiin Osman, Bartamaha, 15 May, and Saqaawadiin, and be shocked how huge this public spaces were for our students. Huge hospitals with gardens and open spaces. Igadaa Ha xasuusinine.

Anyway, back to the topic, Yesterday, someone asked me how the Puntland leadership would react, and Lo, and behold, without even knowing this Addis travel by puntland officials, I said, " Knowing how power hungry and ruthless Puntland leadership are, I won't be surprised if Dani goes to Ethiopia and finds common ground ground with Ethiopia and then fly to Dubai and finish of the triangle alliance between UAE, Puntland and Ethiopia.

puntland leadership has always been stealth sessionist ( Gooni goosato aan radaarku qaban), especially Faroole and Dani. The good news is the people of Puntalnd are some of the most nationalist among Somalis if not the most. When I was in Mogadishu , we  met Puntland parliamentarians and other officials, unlike HSM who has tendency to appease the the Hargeisa separatists, they received us with open arms. You don't need to convince them about Awdal issue, they already understand it. I should say that Puntlanders are the natural allies of Reer Awdal, period.

The Puntland public, Like most of us,  they are disappointed about the Mogadishu leadership that has always under delivered and their local kings in Garoowe who always finds ways to create crises that drag the nation and allow foreign powers to exploit. I support Garacad to connect with Ethiopia, but this could be done nationally without by passing the federal government, especially while there is a huge diplomatic and territorial dispute with Ethiopia. Yet, for Dani he doesn't  care since there is political fish against the national government has be to fried, and everything else is just a useless debate for him.

Furthermore, during MOU between Muuse Biixi and Abiy, and grabbing of the land, not one single regional state people had demonstrated against Abiy Ahmed. Of course the people were against , but the Maamuls had discouraged any public showing except in Mogadishu were people had openly demonstrated.

Now, let me say few points about the "Wax ka bedelka Dastuurka"

On 4/2/2024 at 7:18 AM, Illyria said:

Would you want someone in Xamar to organise district council elections in Awdal: Boorama, Baki, Lughaya, and Zaylac? Or would you want Dr Bahar et al to undertake the engagement?

I definitely don't want someone from Mogadishu to organize district elections, absolutely.


On 4/2/2024 at 7:18 AM, Illyria said:

If no, and you would prefer Dr Bahar et al, then the same is true for the 20 MPs representing reer Awdal in the Federal Parliament, both Houses, as one would not want them (s)elected, or their election  being managed, by some busy bees dispatched from Xamar.

Look I am not an arrogant who should insist when challenged by real logical argument, and I will agree with you on these points. I don't want some bought and paid bureaucrat to impose on us.

On this case, it is up to the regions to propose a mechanism that allows political parties and local people to have a say how it should be organized, yet the most important and overbidding issue in any election is " an equal playing field".

 For example here in Canada the federal election chief is appointed by the parliament and reports directly to the parliament. Election Canada manages and registries political parties, districting and registering citizens . 

I agree with you that since corruption and power grab is the normal in Somalia, there has to be check and balances. Some might say, for example, those MPs sent from Jubbaland might represent the will of the people, yet it has shown once again that it is wishes of Ahmed Madoobe or Qoorqoor that is the overriding verdict. A parliament appointed national election commission might be diverse and based with different clans. Dani and Puntland should have been in the table to debate rather boycott the whole thing. Can you tell me the real reason Puntland refused last year's meeting of regional leaders and HSM other than stupid feud with HSM and Dani?

Puntland should demand and ask some changes in terms of the management of the election, but threatening sessions isn't one of them.




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On 4/2/2024 at 1:34 AM, Qurac&qansax said:

Galbeedi sidii aad xamar u tagtayba waad is badashay, xasan ma gabar buu ku balan qaaday mise qori baa madaxa lagaaga haya.

Mr. Qurac, it is probably the later.

It is Ramadaam and I would only say that after spending few months in the smelly Addis Ababa where people pee on the streets and Sawahili dominated Kenya , add that to decades of diaspora, it was a fresh air to intermingle Somalis of Mogadishi. The modest well dresses Somali women seem to be more beautiful than ever and the good scents of udug could be felt on the shops and the streets.

Having a second wife is also easy with famous Mogadishu accent of " Aboowe Macaane" . 

Anyway, let us leave it there before I get trouble back home in Canada.

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58 minutes ago, galbeedi said:

You pass Dugisiga  sareYaasiin Osman, Bartamaha, 15 May, and Saqaawadiin, and be shocked how huge this public spaces were for our students

i was hoping you will add, Sheikh Xasan Barsame, Alahayda, Jamaal abdinaasir, 

iskuuladaana ma taagan yihiin mise waa la boobay, bal war naga soo sii.

1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

I support Garacad to connect with Ethiopia, but this could be done nationally without by passing the federal government, especially while there is a huge diplomatic and territorial dispute with Ethiopia

Galbeedi what happend to you, i thought you are well versed for Somali affairs. Dont you remember when Khaire was appointed and invited to Garoowe with fan fair and the only think asked was "in uu xariga ka jaro Garacad" and refused, and within a week was in Hobyo to do the same. Dont you remember furitaankii Garacad ninka lagu sharfay oo xariga ka jaray. You see, Puntland always wanted Federal Goverment to play a crutial role for Garacad but cuqdad iyo xasid nimo ma daween kartaa. You advocating Puntland to wait and do nothing. 


1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

for Dani he doesn't  care since there is political fish against the national government has be to fried, and everything else is just a useless debate for him

You somehow obbsessed with Deni and dont see Hasan and his oligars their wrong doing. Deni for his credit, wuxuu ku sharfay Hasan in uu dakadii xariga ka jaro, wuxuu ku sharfay careema saarkiisii oo ka codsaday in lays cafiyo oo gogol ay puntland dhigtay xasan kana soo qayngalo isaguna maa mulo, xasan markii la doortay wuxuu ka codsaday in wadada isku xirta Federalku dhiso, xasana meel publick ah buu ku balan qaaday, maxaa waxaas oo dhan ku dhacay. umase jeedid miyaa. Dagaalku wuxuu ka socdaa federal govermentiga sida aad hadalkaada u dhigaysid in uu Deni ka socdo baad ka dhigaysaa.


1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

during MOU between Muuse Biixi and Abiy, and grabbing of the land, not one single regional state people had demonstrated against Abiy Ahmed. Of course the people were against , but the Maamuls had discouraged any public showing except in Mogadishu were people had openly demonstrate

Galbeedi, are you kidding on us. Ma dadkaan maskiintaa oo lacagta la soo siiyo oo ayaad ku amaanaysaa "mogadishu people had openly demonstated". dadkii u madahaarady Badii in lagu wareejiyay Turkishka weeye. Dadkii u muduharaday weeye in dastuurkii xasan jeebka ku shubtay weeye. Maxay ugu muduharaadi waayey markii SSC ay dhukooda ka xoreeysay Qaran diidka. Dadkaan lacagta lagu shubto baad amaan ka dhigaysaa.

1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

Some might say, for example, those MPs sent from Jubbaland might represent the will of the people, yet it has shown once again that it is wishes of Ahmed Madoobe or Qoorqoor that is the overriding verdict. A parliament appointed national election commission might be diverse and based with different clans

It seems you still dont understand the issue of our parlimentaitans MPs. They dont represent the will of the people. They also dont represent the will of the person who hand pick them such as Madoobe, Qoorqoor or Deni. They only represent their pocket, the lowest denomenator, the lowest point an MP can go down to. If they represent the will of their leader such as Deni, what happend to those Deni choose from Puntland, he hand picked himself, why did they vote against Deni and voted for the Dastuurka Hasan jeebka ku watay. You have to understand we dont have parlimentatians we have punch of theves and please dont compare Canda and US.

1 hour ago, galbeedi said:

Dani and Puntland should have been in the table to debate rather boycott the whole thing. Can you tell me the real reason Puntland refused last year's meeting of regional leaders and HSM other than stupid feud with HSM and Dani?

Galbeedi where have you been. Dont you remember just over a month ago, Deni gogol dhigaya oo Hasan iyo dhamaan other leaders aqbaleen, xasan markuu arkay one of the issue in uu yahay dastuurka uu jeebka ku wato, cancelay gogoshii. Nin yahoow gaal dil gartiisana sii. Deni iyo Xasankaan aad jeebka ku wadatid wax laysku bar bar dhigo ma ahan.


Galbeedi, meesha qadiyada Owdal baad u tagteen.  Qalbi wanaagan aad xasan baryahaan u haysid malaha wax buu idiin balan qaaday. Ogoow Xasan nin laysku haleen karo ma ahan, ee nin yahoow is deji oo maskaxdii iyo caqligu ha shaqeeyo.


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Mr. qurac, the issue isn't about C/laahi Dani or HSM, it is bigger than that.

In terms of Awdal support, Allah is my witness HSM isn't interested in Awdal or Khaatumo either. It is a fact. There are oligarchs and people whose HSM fears  more than anything we have ever seen  in Somali politics. The ruling class has unfounded fear of the D block taking power from them and might even sacrifice some fundamental values of the nation. The separatists have 35 votes combined 9 other from Omar Geelle and these 45 members are fighting us in Mogadishu with help of Omar Geele, and it seems HSM won't do anything Geelle didn't approve.

Now, on the topic.  I know Gracad was done without the help of the Somali government, yet now isn't the time to travel to Addis and kiss Ethiopia for business or other diplomatic reasons. While Abiy Ahmed has lowered his rhetoric about taking the sea, that threat didn't disappear yet,  and the federal government is fighting him in diplomatic arena. Visiting Ethiopia for deals at the moment seems to be aiding and abetting the enemy, it is a no no in foreign policy affaires, unless you have the same mentality like the Hargeisa regime.

2 hours ago, Qurac&qansax said:

Dont you remember just over a month ago, Deni gogol dhigaya oo Hasan iyo dhamaan other leaders aqbaleen, xasan markuu arkay one of the issue in uu yahay dastuurka uu jeebka ku wato, cancelay gogoshii

It wasn't Gogol, but a political maneuvering by Farmaajo and Shariif to be relevant again. Dani could deal with his old friend HSM if he wishes. It's just a phone call away.

Now let me move to the big picture.

We all agree that HSM isn't the right president in terms integrity and avoiding clan animosity. It is who is and we can't change. Yet, those issues are not disqualifications for him to rule as he sees fit for the national interest. At the moment HSM and the super majority of the parliament thinks that the next two years should not be wasted on constitutional matters and the usual unending Somali debate. Farmaajo lost two years when Dani and company dragged his term until it is too late and then demanded he appoint a provisional government. 

Now, only two years are left of the four year term of HSM. Most us believe that rather wasting time , he should concentrate and finish the war on Al-shbaab.

THese so called democracy in Somalia is nothing but a useless pickering of a people who born to talk until cows come home. I my experience , I have been to different political and non profit organizations and every simple issue that should have been debated and resolved half an hour takes four hours without resolving. That is nature of the Somali debates where everyone  wants  to be heard without saying anything meaningful.

Let this guy clear Al-shbaab as much as he can and wait what happens and see how  the next election plays out. If he fails to clear them from central Somalia and lower Shabeelle for the next two years, his chances of coming back is almost zero.

Furthermore, if C/laahi Dani want to fight HSM, he should within the Somali political landscape. Find regional allies, convince your idea to others and try to improve things for the next year. Bringing foreign powers to the equation and weakening the state might help you in the short term to sideline HSM, but it's effects will be deadly for the future. We have seen how the TPLF took advantage of the internal divisions.

If I were the leader, I wouldn't even debate a day with these useless regional leaders. My army would march to reach Raascambooni and Lawyacado without anyone's permission.



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