
Proposed constitutional amendments - redrafting the Fed. constitution

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On 4/2/2024 at 1:03 PM, galbeedi said:

5- The regional leaders shall be called governors or Hogaamiye.

O Allah, I love this article. By far most Somalis like this. We the Awdal State had called our leader Hogaamiye not a president just like Khaatumo did. Somalis had rejected these so called 6 presidents. Somalia waa in ay lahaataa hal madaxweyne 

galbeedi what happpend the only one you likedd from Dastuur Hasan was in madaxweeynasha loogu yeero Hogaamiyaal, ma aragtay warqadii maantay ka soo baxday HSM oo ku saxiixneed




horaan kuugu sheegay, qodobada qaar waa lagu codbadsanaya ee dan lagama laheen, oorka lagy kacsanayay,

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Xasan saw Geylan Media report about maamul goboleedka being unified and baaq soo saari lahaayeen. He panicked and called for this deg deg shir wadatashi with zero agenda. Maxaa laga hadlaa meesha yaalo.

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Other Federal Member States coming of age joining the fanfare. A clear case of growth and development at the FMSs stymied in Xamar. 



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