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Former President Mohamed Siad Barre, The Most Wrongfully Vilified Person

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^I have no Idea, but I know for a fact that happened, are you saying that never happened? Go on put a brave face for all to see ...

I know for the fact it didn't happened coz I was there......Dhafoorqiiq was a part of the opposition at the time they were occupying the stadium in which they evacuated after they were bombarded by their allies USC. I remember them requesting for arms and they were given Shimbiralaaye(Check below picture) coz no one trusted them.



There is no way Barre's folks to let these people near Villa Somalia let a lone saving him. Is not logic ee wax kale sheega sxb.





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ah for god sakes the troll hi-jacked another topic with his copy & pasting, stop trolling and next time compose these excerpts in one reply and save us 5 pages of poo

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^^Waxaa la yiri ninbaa rag u warramay oo yiri: Xalay ninkii shaydaan ahaa habarti [hooyadii] buu jiidey. Nin raggii loo waramayey ka mid ahaa baa wuxuu ku jawaabay: Shaydaan habarti wax la jiido iyyana waa tahay isna nin yeela waa yahay. :D


^^That goes to Barre & the armed movements that opposed him!

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I know for the fact it didn't happened coz I was there......Dhafoorqiiq was a part of the opposition at the time they were occupying the stadium in which they evacuated after they were bombarded by their allies USC. I remember them requesting for arms and they were given Shimbiralaaye(Check below picture) coz no one trusted them.



There is no way Barre's folks to let these people near Villa Somalia let a lone saving him. Is not logic ee wax kale sheega sxb.



LOL, It's not logic iyo meelahaas kuwareeg, adeer wax walba in laga doodo waa ceeb hadana hadhow la resign gareeyo, hadaayay waxaad kadoodaysay heesta Dadbay meeli bugtaa cida loo qaaday kadibna aad kusoo dhamaysay so be it, whatever or something to that effect. Tannna kaala sii hadli maayo, Meeshan waa kucusbtahay bal xoogaa yara naso...

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Originally posted by HornAfrique:


It all has to do with the
coup attempt right after our defeat in the 1977 war. Siad, like you say, did many a good things for Somalia, treated everyone equally, and even went in to the 1977 war intent on actually realizing the objective sewn into our flag.


Yet after a time of national defeat at the hands of the Communist world; a time of national grief and mourning; at a time of national loss a greedy and selfish clan-based coup was undertaken by a clan group who felt this was the most opportune moment to set the clock back to the corrupt 60's. Corruption that had amazed even "Afrophiles". The sentiments of Somalis was summed up by many poets such as Dharbaaxo Jaan, Cabdulle Raage, etc. Nevertheless this was a wake-up call to Siad and implanted in his head doubt and suspicion, leading him to make a very close inner circle. He also started tightening his grip in a bid to be ahead of information, a direct consequence of the SSDF coup which was undertaken at the gates of Mogadishu.


That, believe it or not, was the road to autocracy.

Heh :D ! (copyrighted NG)


Horn allow me to tell you the defination of the word autocracy. An autocracy is a form of government in which the political power is held by a single person, it is usually seen synonymous with despot, tyrant and/or dictator. A classic example of autocrasy is the miltary coup of late President in Somalia October 21, 1969 that ended Somalia's short democratic run. Simple really.

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Xiin topiga- yaan lagaa halayn, this is not about a dragger or the dragged kinda of story, it's about the historic weight of a man as a Somali National leader.

How Barre fares or fits that title...


Comparing between pple is quite amusing at times, the man Barre was the leader of a united Somali country when Yey was prisoner, Aideed was his bodygourd and Ali Mahdi was Maqaaxi owner, the rest simply were nothing, what had Barre done to make the country better, what did go wrong to the point where he's reduced to this and even compare him today to his former bodygourd and prisoner, isn't that a complete failure... The man left no legacy but shame for himself, pple and generally Somalia.

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^Your definition is not Kacaan friendly Khalafoow :D


Ragoow isugu taga xeer inooma aheyn Jaale Hornna waa idinka gudboon yahay maxaa wacay Xidigta Hanti wadaaga Kacaanka 21ka Octoobar ayuu taabacsan yahay.


Wadaaygeey Horn bal aayara waaciyo. Amaantii Aabe Siyaad madfac baa na hilmaamsiiyey balse aan intaan ka xusuusto mariyo.


Gun wadoow Siyaad

Aabihii Gardarada


Hanti wadaagu waa

Habkaa barwaaqa naga

Hor joogsadoo


Aawaye ciyaalka kacaanka? Sii daadihiya hee.

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edit: :D:D:D @maxaa wacay!



Emperor: - I have contributed my two cents about Barre in relation to those who came after him. But good Dhulqarnayn objected it on the basis of that I was being grossly unfair to the late president because rebel movements were the ones physically destroyed the nation and looted its national treasuries. That’s where my devil and his proverbial mom analogy come in. Now unless you missed it in the first read, the catch is this: though devil and his mother supposedly are of a same genre, one actually got the fame [or the infamy if you like] and become synonymous with all things bad.


I don’t think this thread is hijacked at all. I don’t know what Horn’s intent was when he initiated this post. It’s quite obvious however that this thread went to the flames as it were, and is beyond salvage now! And deservedly so, if I may add.


Abu Sufyaani’s famous maqaalah sums up my attitude toward Barre defenders cries: maa amartu bihaa walam tasu’nii!

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Originally posted by The Duke:


1.Siyad Barre and the Duke are from the same clan.

2.Duke and Siyad's clan are still in Kismayu.

3. Siyad's failure effected the whole clans of Somalia and his and Dukes were cleansed out of their historical lands of Mogadishu.


Duke, You wrong buddy! why are you lying? All above bulsh1t is utterly wrong. Do you think that FB is from Tanzania or Ugandha? caqligaada isticmaal adeer. And tell us whats the link between Siyad's and Duke's? You know all the historical business transaction between them :D . so, meesha waa lagula joogaa ee is ilaali. We all know the problem with one sub-clan, Duke's actually an obstacle to any peace between Siad's and even between other reer Puntland sub-clans themselves. :D So next time is carefully choose what to write.

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We have seen many solers here incl. some somalilander's contribution to this topic and how they see the late president (rip). Their overall criticism is well understood and of course healthy ones, however, the xtream club-19 (Siad Bare basher) here and ask yourself what is their common denominator, clan and political affiliation. Then you find it for yourself. Waa jiro & cuqdad isku quruntay waxa meesha la yimadeen. smile.gif

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The last half of the thread seems to have turned into the wailing wall of that ill-founded and vanquished SSDF's remnants.


Intriguing how some of the remnants such as Duke, Xiinfaniin, etc had to come in multiple times only to reiterate (I would appropriately call it regurgitate) their already written opinion. It seems to be past the point of redundancy. Pray what leads them to feel the need to continuing making their mark throughout the discussion?


Originally posted by Jimcaale:


Gun wadoow Siyaad

Aabihii Gardarada


Hanti wadaagu waa

Habkaa barwaaqa naga

Hor joogsadoo


Aawaye ciyaalka kacaanka? Sii daadihiya hee.

Haye, what other juvenile wants to come in and fart in grown people's discussions?

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Originally posted by Jimcaale:



Wadaaygeey Horn bal aayara waaciyo. Amaantii Aabe Siyaad madfac baa na hilmaamsiiyey balse aan intaan ka xusuusto mariyo.


Gun wadoow Siyaad

Aabihii Gardarada


Hanti wadaagu waa

Habkaa barwaaqa naga

Hor joogsadoo


Aawaye ciyaalka kacaanka? Sii daadihiya hee.

I'm sure your awoowayaal and adeerayaal sang the song in a different way sxb :D


Admit it niyow ...

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