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Alle-Ubaahne, Dadka reer Dhahar waxa ay isaga difaacayaan Puntland waxa weeye waxay ogsoonyihiin in Cadaha Puntland Ethiopian kusoo hogaamin rabo LaasQorey iyo qayba kaloo Sanaag ka mid ah. Waayo, Cade ayaa ku eedeeyey in ay Maxaakimti Muqdisho iyo reer Sanaag xiriir diineed leeyihiin. Dhulkan hadeer lagu dagaalamayo iyo halka Ethiopianka lagu wado waa halkii Sheikh Xassan Daahir Aweys lagu magan-geliyey 1990kii markuu C/llaahi Yussuf Boosaaso ka qabsadey.


Reer Laasqorey, they were subjected to humiliation by pinpointing Ethiopians to the Laasqorey factory, with the pre-text that this factory was manufacturing arms. Again, few months ago, American 'anti-terror' troops landed in Laasqorey harrassing the locals. Now, its the turn of the Ethiopians. All being directed by the Cade regime.


No wonder therefore that they are being fought off. Being fought off now would almost guarantee the construction of Laasqorey port which the Puntland government is adamant to sabbotage.

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Paragon and Suldanka,

The poeple who are fighting there are actually from Dhahar or other parts of Sanaag? same scenario pple in Laascaanod faced. at the end of the day , locals will suffer, We dont need Somaliland and Puntland in our territory..there will be a third group who kick both of them out.

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^^Dabshid, its well and good if the people of the region come up woth a third choice. Let them do it. Its within their right. I am all for choice.


Originally posted by Suldaanka:

Its always the Puntland side that tries to create trouble because they know without the clanish talk they will have a hard time getting any support for their clanish state. Its nowonder the great majority of the well known elites (the educated people) from Eastern Sanaag do support Somaliland and not Puntland.


Reaching a consensus on any issue is a cornerstone of Somalialnd's politics.

Yes, suldaanka. Its no wonder. I personally know some fellows who started supporting the Somaliland regime in fact after realising Puntland's policies of thwarting peace in the region.

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Warar sheegaya in Ciidankii Somaliland la jebiyey



Bosaaso:- Warar goor dhoweyd nasoo gaarey ayaa sheegaya in ciidankii Somaliland ee uu horkacayey wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Mr Cabdulahi Cirro ee ay dagaalka la galeen ciidamo ku sugnaa dhahar oo taageersan Puntland in la jebiyey oo aan la garaneyn goobaha ay ku sugan yihiin.


Magaalada Dhahar ayaa hada degan iyadoo ay adagtahay xogta dhabta ah ee ku saabsan dagaalkii saaka ka dhacay magaalada.


Masuuliyiinta Puntland ee Dhahar ku sugan ayaa waxay sheegeen in dagaalka lagu jebiyey Somaliland oo aan hada la garaneyn goobta ciidankoodu ku sugan yahay iyadoo ay jirto warar kale oo sheegaya in ciidankaasi uu u cararey hawdka Dhahareed.


Dhinaca Ceerigaabo ayaa iyaduna cirka isku shareertey iyadoo muran xoogani ka taagan yahay imaanshihii uu ku yimi magaalada Wasiirka arimaha gudaha ee Cabdualhi Cirro oo sida naloo sheegey hogaaminayey ciidanka weerarka ku qaadey dhahar


Gobolka Sanaag ayaa u eg mid la isku jiid jiidanayo oo hadba maamul aan dan u hayn uu sheeganayo.


Dagaalkan ka dhacay Dhahar ayaa dhabar jab weyn ku ah nabad gelyada Gobolka maadaama beesha lagu bartey Nabad iyo deris wanaag.




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^^Ciidan Somaliland ka socda meesha ma joogo, its the locals that are defending their city from Puntland aggression.


We will wait for the news when things settle down.

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^^Lol, are you sure there is no 'ciidamada sida raxa u booda' batallion of Somaliland in Dhahar? :D Maxay ciidamada Puntland kusoo duuleen? Shacabka? smile.gif

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The fighten started,as some somaliland officials reached Dhahar Yesterday, and today morning Puntland Militia left from Qardho.

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It is funny how Puntland all of a sudden takes notice of rer Sanaag Barri.


The Dhaharians are now realising the B.S. "tolka" talk from Puntland isn't getting them anywhere. That is why they are seeking and welcoming alternatives.

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Dagaalo culus oo saaka ka qarxay magaalada Dhahar



Waxa magaalada Dhahar ee gobolka Sanaag saaka soo weearary ciidamo ka socday maamul goboleedka ******teeniya, weerarkani oo ay ku soo qaadeen sidii ay ula wareegi lahaayeen gabi ahaanba magaalada Dhahar ayaa waxa ay ku soo weerareen ciidan xoogan oo watay baabuur tiniko ah oo ka kooban 14 baabuur iyo ciidamo hubaysan xagaasi oo ay iska caabiyeen ciidamada deegaanka Dhahar ee Somaliland isla markaasina ay halkaasi dib uga riixeen ciidmadii duulaanka ku soo qaaday deegaanka, xiligasi waxa magaalada dhahar ku sugnaa baabuur iyo ciidan xoogan oo ah kuwa Somaliland oo ay is kaashanayaan deegaanka iyo gobolkaba halkaasina waxa ay guuldaro weyni ka soo gaadhay ciidamdii duulimaadka ku soo qaaday magaalada.


Dhanka kalena waxa ayaamihii ina soo dhaafayba magaalada Dhahar iyo gobolkaba ku sugnaa madax sar sare oo ka tirsan xukumada Somaliland kuwaasi oo u kuur galaayay nolosha dhabta ah iyo sidii wax qabdka dawlada iyo adeegyada bulshada loo siin lahaa shicib weynaha dhamaanba gobolka Sanaag, waxa saaka magaalada, Dhahar sidoo kale ku sugnaa madax sar sare oo ay ka mid yihiin.


Wasiirka Wasaaradda Ciyaaraha, Mudane Maxamuud Siciid, Wasiir ku Xigeenka Wasaaradda Dib-u Dejinta, Mudane, Cabdixakiim Garaad Maxamed iyo Xildhibaan Baar Siciid.


Dhanka kalena waxa saaka subaxdii hore ilaa xalay ku sii qul qulaayay dhanka Dhahar iyo aagagag bariga gobolka Sanaag ciidamo aad u tiro badan ooo ku gaashaanaa, hub aad u culus iyo gaadiidka xambaara Taangiyada oo iyagu baryahaba diyaar ku ahaa duleedka Ceerigaabo iyo sadex goobood oo kale oo gobolka Sanaag ah iyaga oo ilaa saaka ilaa hada ku sii jeeeda agagaasi laga filaayo in ay ka soo cusboonaadaan weeraro kale oo daan daansi ah.


Ciidamada Somaliland ayaa amar lagu siiyay difaacida iyo wax ka qabashada daan daansiyda ka iman kara shuftada iyo weeraradooda la filan karo, magaalada Dhahar ayaa magaalada Ceerigaabo oo aan hada ku suganahay u jirta 240KM.


Wixii warar ah waxa aad kala socon doontaan qarannews



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Galkacyo 09, April.07 ( Sh.M.Network) Deegaanka Dhahar ee ku yaala gobolka Sanaag ee dalka Somalia ayaa waxaa ka dhacay iska horimaad hubeysan oo u dhaxeeya ciidamada Maamulada Somaliland iyo Puntland.


Sida ay sheegeen ilo ku dhow dhow Madaxtooyada Puntland, ilaa iyo haatan lama oga qasaaraha ka dhashay dagaalkaasi, waxaana soconaya isku hub urursi ay wadaan labada maamul ee Somaliland iyo Puntland


Dagaalkaan dhex maray xoogagga Somaliland iyo Puntland ayaa ka dambeeyay ka dib markii wafuud ka socota Puntland oo uu horkacayo Gudoomiyaha Baarlamanka MG Puntland ay gaareen deegaanka Dhahar oo ay ku sugnaayeen ciidamo ka tirsan maamulka Somaliland.


Ciidamo ka socda maamulka Somaliland ayaa waxa ay ka soo ambabaxeen degmada Ceeri-gaabo ee gobolka Sanaag, iyadoo dhinaca kale ciidamo reer Puntland ah oo ka soo baxay magaalooyinka Boosaaso iyo Garoowe ay ku wajahan yihiin halkaasi sida ay sheegeen ilo wareed ku sugan magaalada Boosaaso.


Sidoo kale Waxaa jira wafuud ka socota Puntland oo maalmaha soo socda u baqooli doonta gobolka Sool.

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THanks Jac for the update!


Suldaanka,Dhibka meeshaka jira waa dheer yahay, if the people in those areas dont come up with a solution, it is gonna be like Kashmir!

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^^The current problem is stemming from Puntland which doesn't want its hegemonic dictatorial rule being challenged by locals who want to freely express their wishes.



Press release:******teeniya Armed Openly Crossed Somaliland Border



Press release


This morning of April 9th 2007 at 5 am, while members of Somaliland cabinet and other

international organizations were present in western regions, the militia of ********** armed with 17 technical vehicles and 3 transport trucks openly crossed Somaliland border at Dhahar district, Sanaag region.


At 8 am, they started to attack Dhahar city. Somaliland National Army and Dhahar people forcefully defeated the enemy and pushed back 15 km away from the city, killing many of them and ceasing a technical vehicle called Dheshico. Dhahar people openly welcomed and showed full support to Somaliland army. Somaliland lost 1 soldier and 3 injured.


Other reliable information confirmed that ********** defeated militia is regrouping in Dhahar suburb, Shimbirale and Huddun villages. This is not the first time that ********** attacked Somaliland. Similar operations happened in many occasions and larger scale war has been avoided by Somaliland patience.


From now on, Somaliland has lost such patience and is not going to tolerate any aggression from **********. Therefore, we are appealing to the international communities to understand the position of Somaliland, who has no other alternative but to defend its border.


Somaliland democracy, stability and development cannot be jeopardized by ********** warlord militia.


Ahmed Haji Dahir Elmi

Minister of Information and national Guidance

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