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General Duke

Lying is un-Islamic: no Ethiopian troops in Burhakabo/Leego operation..

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Guddoomiyaha Degamada Buur Hakaba oo Beeniyay in Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ahi yimaadeen magaaladaas.



Muqdisho, October 09, 2006 (WDN): Guddoomiyaha degmada Buur Hakaba Maxamed Cabdi Xuseen oo lagu naaneyso Awkaarey ayaa beeniyay wararka sheegaya in ciidamada Itoobiyaan ahi soo galeen Buur Hakaba. Mudane Maxamed Cabdi ayaa sheegay in aanu arag wax ciidan itoobiyaan ah oo yimi magaalada Buur Hakaba. Waxa uu Maxamed Intaas ku daray ay magaalada soo booqdeen qaar ka mid ah saraakiisha DFGM iyo ciidan la socaday dibna ugu laabteen Magaalada Baydhabo.


Waxa uu Guddoomiyuhu dhaleeceeyay saxaafadda gudaha gaar ahaan kuwa Muqdisho oo uu ku tilmaamay in aanay dhexdhexaad ka ahayn arrimaha Soomaaliya.


Waxa uu Guddoomiyuhu sheegay in uu isagu yahay mas'uulka ay degmada u magacawdey xukuumadda kmg ahi, si rasmi ahna u beeninayo wararka sheegaya in ay ciidamo Itoobiyaan ahi soo gaareen Buur Hakaba.


Ciidanka DFGM oo ay taageerayaan sida la sheegay Ciidamo Itoobiyaan ah ayaa maanta qadar saacado ah la wareegay Degmada Buur Hakaba. Waxaa ciidamadaas hogaaminayey Col Saciid Dheere oo ka mid ah saraakiisha ciidamada dawladda kmg ah.




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but that same gudoomiye said he met saraakiil itoobiyaan ah in buurhakaba and they numbered about 7 or 8 personnel, he said that on da BBC somali @ 1400.

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Ciidamo Ethiopian ah iyo kuwa dowadda KMG ah oo la wareegay Buur-hakaba



Buurhkaba 09, Oct.06 ( Sh.M.Network) Ciidamo ethiopian ah oo ay la socdaan kuwa dowladda Somalia ayaa isku gadaamay degmada Buur-hakaba oo horey u aheyd magaalo ka madax banaan dowladda iyo Maxkamadaha, iyadoo wararkii ugu dambeeyana ay sheegayaan in ay ka soo gudbeen deegaanka Buur-hakaba oo ay soo aadeen dhanka deegaanka Leego.


Ciidamada Ethiopianka ah ee soo galay gudaha magaalada Buur-hakaba, oo ay wehliyaan ciidamada taageersan dowladda Somalia ayaa kulamo ay la qaateen odayaasha buur Hakaba Ka dib waxa ay u soo ruuqaansadeen dhinaca deegaanka Qardho oo 20 u jira deegaanka Leego ee gobolka Sh/hoose.


Ilaa 5 baabuur oo kuwa Uralka ah ee ciidamada Ethiopia lagu yaqaan ayay indhoodu qabteen dad jooga magaalada Buur-hakaba oo codsaday in aan mahacyadooda la shaacin, waxaana dadkaasi ay codsadeen in ay ka baxaan deegaanadooda ciidamada soo galaya saakay, kuwaasi oo ay yiraahdeen waxa ay sabab u noqon karaan isku dhacyo dhex mara iyaga iyo kuwa Maxkamadaha.


Gudoomiyaha degmada Buurhakaba Max'ed Cabdi Xuseen Owkaareey oo kulamo la qaatay saraakiisha hogamineysa ciidamada soo galay magaalada Buurhakaba ayaa shabelle u sheegay in aysan ku jirin kuwo Ethiopian ah, waxaana uu intaasi raaciyay in uu la kulmay Col. cabdi Madoobe iyo Col. Saciid Dheere oo hogaaminaya ciidamada dowladda oo ku hubeysan ilaa 30 baabuur oo kuwa dagaalka ah, waxaana uu sheegay in ay kala hadleen wax ka qabashada arimaha nabadgalyada wadada isku xirta Buur-hakaba iyo Baydhabo iyo kalsooni dhisid dhex marta dowladda iyo dadka magaalada Buur-hakaba sida uu yiri.


Owkaareey oo sheegay in uu yahay gudomiyaha sharciga ah ee magaalada Buurhakaba ayaa ku gacan seyray suurto galnimada in deegaanadaasi ay soo galeen ciidamo Ethiopian ah sida ay qabaan Maxkamadaha islaamka, waxa uuna sheegay in loo baahan yahay taxadir in laga muujiyo arinkaasi.


Hasayeeshee waxaa jira walwal isi soo taraya oo la xiriira talaabooyinka xiga la wareegista degmada Buur-hakaba, oo muujineysa in ay markaan yimaadeen meelo ay isaga dhow yihiin falal keeni kara isku dhacyo dhex mara dowladda iyo Maxkamadaha oo sheegaya in ciidamo Ethiopian ah ay yimaadeen degmada Buurhkaba.

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Buurxakabo Oo Dib Ugu Laabatay Gacanta Midowga Maxakamiinta


Warkii 09-Oct-2006 iyo Qormadii: Maxamed Keenadiid

Sida uu sheegayo war iminka soo gaadhay studio ee magalda laas caanood ayaa cadaynaya in ay dib uga laabtaan buurxakaba gacanta ciidama maxakimiinta ka bid markii ay saaka la wareegaan ciidamo lagu sheegya Ethiopian & kuwa dowlada DFKG.



Sida uu xaqiijiyey duqa dagmada buurxakabo Axmed Cabdi Xuseen (awkaaray) ayaa xaqiijiyey mar uu la hadlay saxafiyiin madax bana oo ku sugnaa halkaas in aysan jirin wax ciidamo ethoipian ah oo la socday ciidamadii saaka la wareegay gacan ku haynta magaaladaas isgoo hadlkiisina sii watana ayuu yiri.


Ciidamadii saakayto yimi halkan lama socon wax ethiopian & ajnabi kale ee waxay aaayeen dad aniga booqasho iigu yimid , waa sida uu hadalka u dhigaye.


Ciidamadan saaka la wareegay gacan ku haynta magaaldan ayaa waxa watay Col Siciid Dheere oo ay isku hayb yihin madaxweyaha DFKG waa sida uu cadeeyey Gudoomiyhu e.


Hadaba Su aasha mesha taal ayaa ah saaka markii ay la wareegatay Dowladu magaladaas wax dagaal ah kama dhicin galabtana kama dhicin Miyeysan u ekayn in dadweynah somaliyeed been ay u sheegayaan dhamaan dhinacyada is hayaa?


Maxamed Keenadiid

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Gudoomiyaha Buur Hakaba oo Beeniyey in Ciidamo Itoobiyaan Yimaadeen Buurhakaba

Last Updated::2006-10-09 23:52:50


Baydhabo:- Guddoomiyaha degmada Buurhakaba Mamxamed Cabdi Xuseen oo loo yaqaan Awkaarey ayaa

waxa uu saxaafada u sheegay in uusan arag wax ciidan itoobiyaan ah isaga oo sheegay in ay soo booqdeen qaar ka mid ah saraakiisha DFGM ayna dib ugu laabteen Magaalada Baydhabo.


Guddoomiye Awkaarey ayaa wax kama jiraan ku tilmaamay iyo been in ay ciidan itoobiyan ah yimaadeen Buurhakaba waxa uuna dhaleeceeyey warbaahinta maxaligga ah gaar ahaana kuwa Muqdisho isaga oo intaa raaciyey in aysan dhex dhexaad ka ahayn arimaha Soomaaliya


[...Aniga ayaa ah maamulaha rasmiga ah ee dowaldda Soomaliya usoo magacawday degmada Buurhakaba waxaana idin xaqiijinayaa in aysan jirinwax Itoobiyaan oo yimid Buurhakaba...] ayuu yiri Awkaarey


Ciidanka DFGM ayaa maanta qadar saacado ah la wareegay Degmada Buurhakaba waxaana ciidamadaas hogaaminayey Col Saciid Dheere.


C/fitaax Yare

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Keep posting more propaganda General Duke, but the damage of TFG has already been made and we wait to see the UIC will do next. As far as the courts is concerned they have now got every right to remove these munafiqs

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lol. The propoganda and lies are from your side. The truth is even in Ramadan these people dont have a problem in propogating falsehood.


Saxib keep defedning your clan and its oppostion to the government.

Today you saw a small example of when the troops move the courts run away, they have done it in Galkacyu and soon will do it in other locations.

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The whole truth is yet to come. Ethiopians like Duke are the last ones see the light.


"Somali Islamists 'near Ethiopia' ".


Ethiopia's prime minister has warned parliament that Somali Islamist fighters are massing near the border.

Meles Zenawi said Ethiopian troops were ready to defend themselves against possible attack.


He also said he had sent military trainers to help Somalia's beleaguered government but they were not to fight.


Somalia's Islamists have declared "holy war" on Ethiopia, raising fears of a regional conflict. They deny Ethiopian claims they have al-Qaeda links.


There have been several eyewitness reports of hundreds of Ethiopian troops in Somalia.


Foreign fighters


Meanwhile, Somalia's President Abdullahi Yusuf has accused the Union of Islamic Courts of flying the "black flag of the Taleban" and al-Qaeda, reports the AFP news agency.


Islamist radicals from Afghanistan, Chechnya, Arab nations and Europe "make up a considerable number" of UIC forces, which were now dominated by hardliners, he said.



"The [islamists] draw massive, material, financial and military support from international terror networks," he told a meeting in Kenya of the International Contact Group on Somalia led by the United States.


He also accused the UIC of plotting to assassinate government members. He survived a suicide bomb attack last month.


At the meeting, US Assistant Secretary for African affairs Jendayi Fraser accused Ethiopia's rival, Eritrea, of arming the UIC.


"I think Eritrea is quite clearly attacking Ethiopia on another front. We have pretty clear evidence. [Eritrea is] shipping arms into Somalia," she said.


The UIC did not attend the meeting, as they had been expected to do.




Mr Meles did not say how many military trainers were in Somalia but accused the UIC of attacking targets inside Ethiopia.


"We have the right to defend ourselves against these people. We have been very patient throughout this ordeal," he told parliament.


"If the incursion continues... the armed forces have a duty to respond to that. But at this moment, it has not reached this level."


Earlier this month, residents of a Somali town said that Ethiopian troops had helped government forces briefly take a town from the Union of Islamic Courts.


The UIC immediately vowed to wage a "holy war" in revenge.


The town of Bur Haqaba lies on the road from the government base in Baidoa to the Islamist-held capital, Mogadishu.


Earlier, the BBC's Mohammed Olad Hassan in Baidoa saw a convoy of Ethiopian army trucks pass through, with about 200 troops.


Somalia has not had a functioning national government since 1991.



Originally posted by General Duke:

lol. The propoganda and lies are from your side. The truth is even in Ramadan these people dont have a problem in propogating falsehood.


Saxib keep defedning your clan and its oppostion to the government.

Today you saw a small example of when the troops move the courts run away, they have done it in Galkacyu and soon will do it in other locations.

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Originally posted by erselam:

The whole truth is yet to come. Ethiopians like Duke are the last ones see the light.

Lying is un-Islamic and Ethiopia is inside Somalia.



"Somali Islamists 'near Ethiopia' ".


Ethiopia's prime minister has warned parliament that Somali Islamist fighters are massing near the border.

Meles Zenawi said Ethiopian troops were ready to defend themselves against possible attack.


He also said he had sent military trainers to help Somalia's beleaguered government but they were not to fight.


Somalia's Islamists have declared "holy war" on Ethiopia, raising fears of a regional conflict. They deny Ethiopian claims they have al-Qaeda links.


There have been several eyewitness reports of hundreds of Ethiopian troops in Somalia.


Foreign fighters


Meanwhile, Somalia's President Abdullahi Yusuf has accused the Union of Islamic Courts of flying the "black flag of the Taleban" and al-Qaeda, reports the AFP news agency.


Islamist radicals from Afghanistan, Chechnya, Arab nations and Europe "make up a considerable number" of UIC forces, which were now dominated by hardliners, he said.



"The [islamists] draw massive, material, financial and military support from international terror networks," he told a meeting in Kenya of the International Contact Group on Somalia led by the United States.


He also accused the UIC of plotting to assassinate government members. He survived a suicide bomb attack last month.


At the meeting, US Assistant Secretary for African affairs Jendayi Fraser accused Ethiopia's rival, Eritrea, of arming the UIC.


"I think Eritrea is quite clearly attacking Ethiopia on another front. We have pretty clear evidence. [Eritrea is] shipping arms into Somalia," she said.


The UIC did not attend the meeting, as they had been expected to do.




Mr Meles did not say how many military trainers were in Somalia but accused the UIC of attacking targets inside Ethiopia.


"We have the right to defend ourselves against these people. We have been very patient throughout this ordeal," he told parliament.


"If the incursion continues... the armed forces have a duty to respond to that. But at this moment, it has not reached this level."


Earlier this month, residents of a Somali town said that Ethiopian troops had helped government forces briefly take a town from the Union of Islamic Courts.


The UIC immediately vowed to wage a "holy war" in revenge.


The town of Bur Haqaba lies on the road from the government base in Baidoa to the Islamist-held capital, Mogadishu.


Earlier, the BBC's Mohammed Olad Hassan in Baidoa saw a convoy of Ethiopian army trucks pass through, with about 200 troops.


Somalia has not had a functioning national government since 1991.




Originally posted by General Duke:

lol. The propoganda and lies are from your side. The truth is even in Ramadan these people dont have a problem in propogating falsehood.


Saxib keep defedning your clan and its oppostion to the government.

Today you saw a small example of when the troops move the courts run away, they have done it in Galkacyu and soon will do it in other locations.

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very tiresome isn't it?


these kinda topics are as dry as river bed in the middle of dry season while at the same time scorched by hot heat of the sun--yeah it's really that dry.My head is spining, Buurhakabo in possession of ICU, then Burhakabo in possession of Ethiopian lead TFG,,,,, which one is it?

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