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Egypt understands Ethiopia's Somali intervention

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SHARM EL SHEIKH, Egypt, Jan 4 (Reuters) - Egypt said on Thursday it understood why Ethiopia intervened militarily against Islamists in Somalia, despite an earlier Arab consensus that Ethiopian troops should withdraw.


Egyptian presidential spokesman Suleiman Awad said President Hosni Mubarak stated the Egyptian position at a meeting with Ethiopian Foreign Minister Seyoum Mesfin.


"President Mubarak expressed his understanding for the reasons behind the Ethiopian intervention in Somalia, which was based upon the request of the legitimate interim Somali government," Awad told reporters after the meeting.


Before the Somali government and Ethiopian troops captured the capital Mogadishu last month, Arab governments said unanimously that Ethiopian troops should leave the country, which is a member of the Cairo-based Arab League.


But conservative Arab governments such as Egypt's also had reservations about the Somalia Islamic Courts Council (SICC), which had imposed sharia law across much of southern Somalia.


Awad added that Mubarak said he supported the deployment of an African peacekeeping force in Somalia.


The SICC fled Mogadishu last week in the face of advancing government troops backed by Ethiopian tanks and warplanes.


Many Somalis say they resent the government as an Ethiopian puppet propelled to power by Ethiopian troops, and analysts say the SICC may still launch an insurgency against a government they see as supported by a hated, Christian-led "occupier".


In November, a U.N. report said Egypt was among a number of countries had provided training to the SICC. It said a senior retired Egyptian officer, who is also a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, was aboard a vessel carrying arms to Somalia.


At the time, an Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman said the report was "totally untrue".

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Egypt is led by a secular government. Its government is very weak because of secularism and nationalism. Its government cannot guarantee its own survival without the aid and support of the West. Its government can do nothing about defending a Muslim country invaded and occupied by non-Muslims. This is true for all secular and nationalist governments in the Muslim world. Only Islamists have what it takes to defend and free their countries from invasion, occupation, iwm. Afghanistan was freed from the Soviet occupation by Islamists. Iraq and Afghanistan will be freed from the American occupation by Islamists, insha'Allah. So will Somalia. Allahu Akbar.

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why Egypt interfering somalia's issue while they know that they are weak and can't do anything ?? l,,


why did they support the ICU while they are a secular administration ??


Why washing hands now when it is all over ???

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Afganistan was not saved by islamists, but rather by afghani militias financed and logistically supported by arab petrodollars and pakistani training.


Oh I am sorry I should have finished reading the post, damn these quick reply boxes, If I had finished reading your post I would have realised what a unique grasp on reality you have.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

why did they support the ICU while they are a secular administration ??

Care to backup your allegation? In what capacity (military, economic, iwm) did the Egyptian government help the ICU?


Originally posted by LIQAYE:

Afganistan was not saved by islamists, but rather by afghani militias financed and logistically supported by arab petrodollars and pakistani training.

Incorrect. Afghanistan was saved from the Soviet by Al-Qaida and Afghan mujahideens (i.e. Islamists). The bulk of financial support come from wealthy individual Islamists. Pakistan (at the time headed by the Islamist leader Zia Ul-Haq and the Islamist intelligence agency) provided intelligence, logistical, training and other supports. The Americans provided limited weapons and arms support.

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may be you were in a jail or something during this period ,,,, YES they did support them politically and financially ,,,,,,,,,, not only egypt but almost all the Arab countries

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

may be you were in a jail or something during this period ,,,, YES they did support them politically and financially ,,,,,,,,,, not only egypt but almost all the Arab countries

Maybe. However, we are in the Information Age, you can't make allegations or claims without a backup. Do you have a link or two to backup your allegation? I am asking because I know secular governments cannot support Islamist movements. For a number of reasons, the most important; the West will not allow them to provide such support. Are you saying America didn't condemn the Egyptian government for supporting an Islamist movement it consdiers terrorist?

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" Egypt: The government has allegedly provided training in support of ICU. On July 26, 2006, a meeting took place in Mogadishu between officials from ICU and visiting Libyan, Egyptian and Eritrean senior military officers at the residence of ICU finance chief Abdulkadir Abukar Omar Adani. According to the report, the meeting resolved that military training be provided to about 3,800 fighters at the Hilweyne military barracks, near Bal'ad town, north of Mogadishu."

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I thought that Egypt was the last country Mr Aweys went to before his latest secret one to somewhere? Could have been to the American ships petrolling around the Indian Ocean....who knows.

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Originally posted by LIQAYE:

" Egypt: The government has allegedly provided training in support of ICU. On July 26, 2006, a meeting took place in Mogadishu between officials from ICU and visiting Libyan, Egyptian and Eritrean senior military officers at the residence of ICU finance chief Abdulkadir Abukar Omar Adani. According to the report, the meeting resolved that military training be provided to about 3,800 fighters at the Hilweyne military barracks, near Bal'ad town, north of Mogadishu."

That's from Wikipedia under the title "Alleged military support to the ICU." Under the same title (scroll a bit down), there's this allegation:



Hezbollah: Supposedly, the Hezbollah movement has provided military training to ICU and has made arrangements with other states on behalf of ICU for the latter to receive arms. In mid-July 2006, ICU apparently sent about 720 men to Lebanon to fight alongside Hezbollah against the Israeli military. The Somali force was personally selected by ICU's Hizbul Shabaab (youth movement) leader Aden Hashi Farah "Eyrow." One of the selection criteria was an individual's combat experience, which might include experience in Afghanistan. In exchange for the contribution of the Somali military force, Hezbollah arranged for additional support to be given to ICU by the governments of Iran and Syria.



This allegation (by the United Nations) of 720 ICU men sent to support Hezbollah has been discredited. The allegation has killed the little that was left of the United Nation's integrity, impartiality, reputation, iwm.



Look, I can register at Wikipedia and write an allegation alleging George W. Bush is an Islamist, but then it would be an allegation, nothing more.

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So Taliban ,, i guess you want to hear only what you want to believe huh ?? ,,,,


Djibouti, Eriteria, Egypt, Yemen, etc. they all supported ICU one side or another ,,,, believe it or not that was da situation ,,,,


I'm glad now Egypt is begging Ethiopia for a lil mercy ,,,,,,,,,,,, damn it they should know this before ,,,,,

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Egypt also "Understood" the Iraqi invasion,The Lebanon war & many other invasions that had everything to do with Big Brother. I wonder why that is the case….mhmmmm…Perhaps billions of dollars in AID money? Me don know.

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Originally posted by Jacaylbaro:

So Taliban ,, i guess you want to hear only what you want to believe huh ?? ,,,,


Djibouti, Eriteria, Egypt, Yemen, etc. they all supported ICU one side or another ,,,, believe it or not that was da situation ,,,,


I'm glad now Egypt is begging Ethiopia for a lil mercy ,,,,,,,,,,,, damn it they should know this before ,,,,,

No, I don't want to hear only what I want to believe. You got that wrong.


You allege Djibouti, Eriteria, Egypt, Yemen, etc supported the ICU. That means those countries supported a "terrorist" movement. If that's the case, how come the US didn't accuse those countries of supporting a "terrorist" movement? How come the US didn't condemn those countries? I mean, does Ethiopia or the TFG has better intelligence than the US' CIA/FBI? The US has a military base in Djibouti where hundreds of American troops (including special forces, CIA/FBI agents) are stationed; how come they didn't know about Djibouti's support for the ICU?


The US has leverage on the secular governments of Djibouti, Eriteria, Egypt and Yemen. What's more; Djibouti, Eriteria, Egypt and Yemen are part of the US' coalition of the "War on Terror." It's absurd to allege those countries supported the ICU, a "terrorist" movement that's sheltering Al-Qaida "terrorists."


BTW, I didn't hear or read Egypt begged Ethiopia for a "lil mercy"; care to provide the link? Thank you.

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Request, they can’t get everything they request!


Lawfully it is dead wrong.


The people in Darfur were crying, even begging for help. They were being massacred and still are today. But the world at large ignored them all together, refused to help them. But today the world at large wants to immediately send peace-keeping troops to Somalia.


What is this? It makes no sense whatsoever. They ignore the cries of the innocent and notice the cries of the traitorous warlords who have destroyed our country.

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