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Would you marry non-Somalis?

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Originally posted by dixon_fahma1:

[QB] I am about to get get married to a Frenchman,originally from Quebec, in April. My criteria for a future husband were as follows:


Frenchman,originally from Quebec, LOWESST PPL ON EARTH! RUN 4 DE BORDER HOME-GAL!!!!!!!!!!!

YO! ALL CAN SAY, RUN...........~~~~! WORD!


1) do I love him

2) can I respect him

3) will he be my best friend

4) does he work and will he have a good future

5) are we compatible in our expectations


r u nut! he aint gonna be nothint like dat! home-gal!

run 4 your life while u is alive! or u gonna be selling French bread on the street to support him! WORD TO YOU HOME-GAL!!

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Yasmine: Nice topic sis.. though I am late to respond as usual.


My answer to the question at hand is, NO. But I have learnt long time to never say never. "It does bite you back".. But I can't picture myself with another man other than my handsome Farahs. And where are the sisters that said, our brother r ugly. Walaahi they don't know beauty. Take any farah from the nearest cafe` and give him make over.. i.e. New clothes, new hair cut and new teeth :D . Walaahi he will be transformed into an stunning prince. So don't say our Farahs are ugly.


PLUS... I personally would walaahi dare to see a somali sister or brotha for that matter with a breath taking ajinabi. I am YET TO SEE. They are always with the ugliest of that society. Atleast have the decency of going with the MOST eligible Bachelor or Bachelorette... of that ajinabi community since u deserted your own kind..


FARAHS YOU RULE DON'T LET INSECURE SISTERS DISCOURAGE YOU Just take good care of your selves and the way you look. You will reign the world.. that is fo sho

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Assalamu Alaikum


This is what Rahma Wrote quoting from her




I'm so surprised by some of the replies.


Would I marry a non-somali? Yes, not because I want to have cute children or I hate somali guys. But ethnicity is not something that needs to be imperative when looking for marriage. I rather put more emphasis on their personality and their level of taqwa/iman. I know it might be difficult for my family to communicate with him because of the language barrier, but am sure they will find a way. culturally speaking though their shouldn't be any problem becuase Islam should be our culture.



Yes i would marry a non somali

Only on the basis of deen and if he qualifies on the basis of marriage in our deen. Other than that everything else is MUMBO JUMBO.

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Interesting to see a few sisters saying they would marry a non-somali for the sake of having cute kids. Now let me see here,somali women have been getting all kinds of praise for their beauty in the Qurbolands,sort of distorting their thought at the same time. Yet they always forget that this so called beauty of theirs would not have been possible without the union of a somali man and women. Now isn't the real reason somalis feel that they are in higher calibre to the rest of the africans, is because there seen as blacks with caucasoid features? Meaning a mixed child will not have that specialty,and just be looked at as another-->half cast. In the end don't commit actions out of selfish or lustfull reasons,your parents happiness should be parallel with if not above your own.



Don't forget marriage does not belong to no certain race or ethnic group,but to Allah only.

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IT`s funny.. or shall I say.. SAD..that so many of you guys are (except for being superficial with the "cute baby" bull) self-delusional.


It makes me ask myself if any of you have heard of this thing called a 'mirror'?


Why this selfhatred?


And also .. when asked the Q .. every ethnicity from INDHAYAR to CALI BEESTAAN to CARAB to CAD CAD is mentioned... but nothing about our fellow africans.


...back to the topic in Q. I think Opinioted said all that needed to be said ...agree 100 %.

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Yet they always forget that this so called beauty of theirs would not have been possible without the union of a somali man and women


Wow this is so true, one of the best pieces i have seen, well it is only fair to say , that our older generation done well their part, by producing "US" the Diamonds of the world,true beleivers in GOD,Culturally Safe. But are we the current generation need to abandon this , for the sake of "Skin Color" ,hope not, but if one of us does, please take care yourself and good luck.Don't trash talk to our souls.

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Come u know the amount of cute somali boyz..around..they're a bit inexperienced wen it comes to treating a woman..but give em a break..Be patient..

The other day i saw this 'cute as hell' somali brae..he's going out wit timo jilec..u know..How sick is dat..

I was so time i saw her (me n my girls)..(WE R NICE PPL)..we had a good drawing class dat day...(OOPS HER FACE)..

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In the meantime, Somali women are not questioning why so many Somali "faraxs" are marrying non-Somali women. hmmmmmm, do I smell a hint of double-standardness from the guys?

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Asalaamu Aleikum Wr Wb

would u marry a non somali? The answer is no simply miro faraqaaga kujiro miyaad u daadin kuwo geed ka lusha? Of course no, bololaa or not ilaah ayaa og. So why gamble with ur entire life? I have nothing against inter-rational marriages, if ur excuse is they ugly or can’t get a long with them. Have u ever thought maybe u have a problem & need to sort it out, instead of generalising and dissing all Somali men? don’t run away ur own problems be brave enough and face it. The way I see it is, if u can’t fit in ur own society how can u fit a foreigner one? walaahi is heart breaking to see a lost kids with gaalo relatives, what u going to tell Allah about their aqiidah the day of judgment?


Walaahi I am not kidding our brothers r the best if u compare other races, not long a go a sister was telling me her Arab friend were complaining about their men and how they mistreat women. If u heard it u would have being proud to be Somali. For example pay close attention to any Arab world and their behaviors to words women. And tell me if that is the kind society u want to be in. I am not talking about religion aspects I am referring their cultures. So brothers and sisters be proud what u have.

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In the meantime, Somali women are not questioning why so many Somali "faraxs" are marrying non-Somali women. hmmmmmm, do I smell a hint of double-standardness from the guys?


Double standards always existed in this world,and it is not confined to somalis only. It is very simple, somali women are the ones who are showing an apetite for arrogance,and not the faraxs. From non-somali married ones to ones who are single,many of them have that thought in their head. In the case of the Faraxs,they rarely show unrationale justification for marrying a non-somali besides their love for them. Where the xalimos will try and give many of the reasons already outlined in this topic. Almost at every somali website,you will see the females playing around with this idea,and not the males. Why can't it be just love,and not "because somali men are this and that"?


I don't know maybe this is a Freudian like conundrum,where father-daughter,mother-son relationship should be examined in the somali front!



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