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Mogadishu curfew to start friday

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Gudiga amaanka qaranka iyo Maamulka Gobolka banaadir oo shir jaraa'id oo ay wada qabteen bandow ku saaray caasumada.


Shir jaraa'id oo ay wada jir u qabteen gudiga amaanka qaranka iyo Maamulka Gobolka Banaadir ayaa laga soo saaray amar ku aadan Bandow buuxa oo lagu soo rogay xiliyada hamayn kii ah magaalada Muqdisho iyadoo bandawgan aan la shaacin xiliga uu ku egyahay sidoo kalana lagu amray dadka shacabkaa in qofkii la arko isagoo soconaya wixii ka dambeeya 7.00PM ama Todobada Fiidnimo loo aqoonsan doono dambiile.


Bandowgan ayaa bilaabanaya todobada fiidnimo wuxuuna ku egyahay Shanta aroontimo xiliga salaada subax iyadoo qofkii la qabto xiliyada udhexeeya labadaas wakhti loo aqoonsan doono inuu ka mid yahay dadka fadqalalada kawada muqdisho.


Bandowgan ayay ka qayb qaadan doonaan ciidamada Militaryga ee Dawlada somalia iyo kuwa booliska iyo sidoo kale ciidamada ethiopia ee ku sugan Muqdisho.


Maamulka Gobolka iyo gudiga amaanka qaranka ayaa ku macneeyay bandowgan mid lagu sugayo amaanka shacabka iyo Dawlada somaliyeed laguna cirib tirayo kooxaha caadaystay amaan darida iyadoo ay barbar socondoonto Bandowgan baaritaano xoogan oo lagu baarayo hubka iyo waxyaalaha qarxa ee lagu dhexhaysto Muqdisho.


Allmudugnews Desk.


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Adiga duke maxaa ku dhaba dhigay?


Everything is ok in Xamar Cadeey. This is standard security clampdown in what's otherwise crime ridden city :D nothing biggie

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^^Nicely put, :D there are weapons in the hands of some trouble makers they will be dealt with sooner or later.


Anyhow, bombing civilians and suicide bombs wont further the religious cause will it now ;)

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Originally posted by xiinfaniin:

When every thing else fails, they resort shutting the city down miyyaa?

Actually, many if not most of the attacks on the occupiers and their dabadhilifs happen in broad daylight. Having a curfew won't change a thing.


And how did they go from having a reconciliation conference one week ago to a curfew now? LOL.

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The curfew is just another tool. The weapons are being confiscated, the ministries built up. The sea and airport working, taxes are being paid by business groups who never paid a penny for 17 years.


The big shots like Musa, Ato, Enow, A/Qasin, Daylaaf weapons have been confiscated.


The fact that a broad based curfew can be implemented in itself is a remarkable turn around.

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