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Ahmadinejad won. Get over it

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Of course he won. But,i think,it is not a bad question to ask,to show how Mousavi lost his home state & Tehran and most importantly,how,the state knew M.A.D(Mohamud A.Denajab) won with only 20% of the precints reporting.


Did he win,I think he did,but,i doubt it he won with that wide margin.

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this morning i was listening to the news and they were talking to Mccain ... he said "it is obvious that the election was rigged" what a windbag


more of the typical western selective democracy it is only valid if they like the outcome then it is democracy.


another funny one was on CNN obama was saying how he "was troubled by the way peaceful protesters were being treated and freedom of speech BS" and on the split screen you have young guys in green setting cars on fire ... and they just kept on rolling .. now that is indho-adayg iyo nus walaahi :D

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I still can not understand why these so called pro reform Iranians can't see the Western trap. They're trying to bring down the Islamic republic without 'shock and awe' using its young people with pre text of freedom and democracy etc. Crap.

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Is getting tiresome to watch all you fake talibans go on about democracy this and western that. Is anyone forcing you guys to live in a peaceful, western democracy? Leave and go to tora bora if you hate living in western democracy. Ahmednijaaz is a fing joke running around debating a historical events nothing to do with iran, trying to wipe countries of the face of the earth, build nuclear weapons, isolating his country, being an embarrassment not only to his country but muslims everywhere. what is worse then that nut is you people here who enjoy everyday simple freedoms like sharing sick thoughts will cheerleading for the oppression of people you call brothers instead

standing with these people struggling to free themselves of sick people like ahmednijaaz

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Obama's response to the Iranian election was very credible. This is what he said, "it is up to Iranians to make decisions about who Iran’s leaders will be; that we respect Iranian sovereignty and want to avoid the United States being the issue inside of Iran, which sometimes the United States can be a handy political football — or discussions with the United States."


I think Ahmednijad has the support of the poor majority. He is populist just like Hugo Chavez. He said that redistribution of the oil wealth and combatting corruption make to the top list of his policy agenda as President whereas Mousavi rejected such notion and said that he would open up Iran to an outside investment, ameliorate his country's relations with the west, and put the country's nuclear program under the control of a consortium.


If I were Iranian, I would definately vote for Ahmednijad.

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^You will never be an Iranian


The Leverett's article appears to lack credibility. For one, the author appears to have ulterior motive for contributing this article, along with his wife to politico because of its timing.


The author and the nuclear Iran argument is foolish, especially if everything Mr leverrett's said were to be implemented but nevertheless Mr leverett just got his big break by getting the opportunity to perform in-front of a striking crowd, made up of the heavyweights of broadway after struggling in the small market.


Besides, the author's past history handicaps his rather weak effort into swaying the views of the public towards the legitimacy associated with Ahmadinejad's so called landslide victory. The fact that he (the author) was once in bed with the government is one of the main reasons why his argument for the incumbent is ineffective. His delivery is flawed because he made frequent references to the so called American "Iran experts" instead of focusing on his subject by demeaning their experience and their inside knowledge of Iran politics. He is looking to sell an expired product that can no longer be stomached by the Iranian youth and women votes.


I think that Mr Leverett is looking to settle a score with the United States government and he is using the Iranian election and the recent publicity the voting irregulaties generated to fulfill his agenda. The Leveretts attack on the " most American “Iran experts” " makes their argument and their bellittlement towards the so called American "iran experts" contradictory because they too are part of this core group of experts, author included. For that reason, his argument and his wife's arguement come across as nothing more than two couple blowing hot air and using the occasion to show their displeasure like a couple of angry teenagers. Mr Leverret is in the same boat as the so called american "iran experts" because he has the same background. They, the so called american "iran experts" are scholars who wrote countless books, published journals and given advise to high ranking officials, including the United States of America.


Besides their irrelevancy, the article references the TFT firm as a legitimate source of information and their findings of the Iranian election as the last words of the gospel and delegitimize the opposition and the 10+ million stolen votes from the iranian youth and iranian women who make over 60% of the population, mostly women.


What the authors of the article do not address is the voting irregularities that have been reported from every possible foreign reporter that talked to eye witnesses, voters etc. They did not answer why the pro- government forces are using excessive force to maintain crowd control?


Why are the police officers, armed, some dressed as c ivilians are going out of their way to harm the people?


Why do you think the youth and the women of Iran are out setting fire to buses? This excess of protest was fueled by the government forces and their conduct towards the public on saturday.


It is undemocratic to repress votes and at the same time call the process a free election, where every vote counts and use the west as an avenue to dismiss the people who put their lives at risk in order to stand up and fight for their lives, their sole right to exist as humans and to live in peace, as all of you do and most importantly, to be heard because their voices were stolen by Ahmadinejad forces..



Getting back to the author(s), he and his wife did not address both sides of the argument, instead they dismissed the opponent and called for Ahmadinejad's victory by boosting support to perhaps score points with the man himself for whatever his reasons may be.



Lastly, with all of the author's vast knowledge in the field and the many years of research , Mr Leverett has failed his audience by not presending a very persuasive argument to the world wide reader as to why the 10 million Iran youth and women feel that they have been robbed of their right to choose their candidate.



In addition to that, how do you, geele jire, typical farax, explain the conduct of the officers, both uniform and private security forces, shooting and beating harmless protesters? (how about u just go ahead and dismiss the actions of the pro-government forces and only concentrate on the actions of the youth and women out in the streets of Tehran fighting for the same freedoms you take for granted)



Furthermore, can you excuse the action of the paid group aka the so called pro-government militia who forced their way into the University of Tehran in the hopes of doing harm to students and staff that were inside the premise?


How about the fact that the government shut down all communications, especially to social sites long before people went to the voting booths?


How about the reports that were filed by the reporters without borders and the hundreds of foreign organizations, independently conducting their own investigations? Are they working for the united states?



You and anyone who feels that these people are just blowing off hot air and there is not much to their revolt, think again. Jeb Bush corrupt ways and nearly destroying half a million vote is minor in comparison to destroying 10 million votes, especially the votes that were casted in the mosques.


This author and his article are a failure, just like the Iranian authority has failed its citizens. Uprising is officially in effect, may allah ease the pain and hardship of the Iranian youth and women.

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Originally posted by Naxar Nugaaleed:

Is getting tiresome to watch all you fake talibans go on about democracy this and western that. Is anyone forcing you guys to live in a peaceful, western democracy? Leave and go to tora bora if you hate living in western democracy. Ahmednijaaz is a fing joke running around debating a historical events nothing to do with iran, trying to wipe countries of the face of the earth, build nuclear weapons, isolating his country, being an embarrassment not only to his country but muslims everywhere. what is worse then that nut is you people here who enjoy everyday simple freedoms like sharing sick thoughts will cheerleading for the oppression of people you call brothers instead

standing with these people struggling to free themselves of sick people like ahmednijaaz

:D if it isnt SOL's house broken poodle ... I'm curious are you capable of a single independent thought , recycled garbage from FOX news doesn't count adeer.


trying to wipe countries of the face of the earth


build nuclear weapons


isolating his country


being an embarrassment not only to his country but muslims everywhere



you get an B- for regurgitating Bill orielly's vomit .. you see I would have give you full marks but you forgot the one where ahmedanijad denied fags existed in his country (oops that wasnt a politically correct :D )


what is worse then that nut is you people here who enjoy everyday simple freedoms like sharing sick thoughts will cheerleading for the oppression of people you call brothers

miskiin did bill o'rielly tell you, that you require permission before you air your views ... go ahead adeer i promise no one hurt you (I didn't say anything about ridiculing you though :D )

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^ how about you relocate to mogadishu and see how long you last.


PS: the O man is more reasonable than all of you simpletons put together and using that tired old "fox news line" does not help your cause of going everything extreme, jihadi style and using the masjid to execute your plan of defrauding voters, how sick is that?

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^danbiga iska daa. Never question another man's iman. or get in between him and his God (acuudika qabso) go pray to allah inta aad ahmadinejad aad cheerleading u sameyneysid.


PS:ciyaalka caafada, try your best to address the topic(thats if u have inside) instead of focusing on naxarla.

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The Zack   

^Practice what you preach, lady! You are telling me not to focus on someone while focusing on me, dhagahaaga iyo afkaaga ma is maqlaan?


As far as Naxar, I was commenting on his statement "Leave and go to tora bora if you hate living in western democracy" We HATE democracy but we still live here. Allah gave us the opportunity to live in these peaceful countries, we are not gonna follow, love or thank them, we thank Allah.

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Thank Allah, jesus or or the hard working people who make it possible, point is your thankful for it yet here you are, advocating for the oppression of others. Why are you people so blind to this hypocrisy? You like crazy mullahs go to tora bora or waziirastan and let as know it feels like. Like dictatorships, point your finger at any random spot in the middle east and let us know about the experience. But to be here in the "West" and their "democracy" to look up to oppressors, nobody stopping anyone, go by all means enjoy tyranny in all its forms and destitution that inevitably comes with it.

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