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Ciidamada(ama alshabab)?

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Ciidadamada lamagac baxay alshabab iyo inta raacsan, ma ciidamo siyaasad ahaan ku saleesan ama kudagaalama miyaa mise kuwada mab'da islaam ku dagalama?

waxan maqlaa waxey qabsadaan, caruuru ama naago walidkood ushaqeeeya dowlada,oo ay ku dhahayaan islam ma ihidiin, waxey wacan dadka dowlada somaliya u shaqeeeya oo ay ku dhahaan waa idin dileenaaa dadkaaso baahi u geysay in ay shaqeestaan?


what do u think alshabab iyo ciidamada kale ee racsan? mise dad siyaasad wata ayaa ku dhax dhuunta?

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