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What the Somali needs !

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Peace in our time...



An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

• The Somali race must turn its back on the culture of violence that has plagued it since time immemorial. Its time to learn the art of compromise and of settling disputed through dialogue than by arms. All forms of violence especially those political in nature must be repudiated.


In all the lands means not just the old Republic but even in our new homes, gang violence, extremist violence, the glorification of violence must seize and fought against. Our children must be taught there is a better way.



Most Somali's I have come across view themselves rightly as being cultured individuals with good manners. However we have allowed a few to lead us stray and to pervert our culture and faith and hence created this false image of the Somali Vandal.

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Peace at Home, Peace in the World. The Somali political classes must endeavor to make peace with all our neighbors, no longer can we view the Ethiopians, Kenyans and “others” as our enemy and yet reside in their lands. Our neighbors must feel secure enough to view us not as their enemies but their partners. Somali must cultivate simultaneous good relations with everyone in the region. Our Islamic identity our African heritage and our strategic location as the bridge between continents should no longer be ignored.


No longer should we waste our time indulging our childish fears and end up as so often mistaking an Ant for an Elephant

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As much as i like negotiating and talks, the somali question is an existential battle for existence. example...!


Somaliland claim all the former British protectorate based on treaties and international recognised borders during its independence in 1960 not based on clan but on its unification with Italian somalia, it requires this to move forward and join the club of nations which would benefit all its people.


Puntland claims Sool and Sanag based on clan loyalties and its dream of becoming a dominant player in a federal state within Somalia for its clansmen.


Southern Somalia claims both Somaliland and Puntland in federal system or central system based on a non-existent formula's and retoric and has been unstable for 18 years with islamic growing "islamic" movements fighting for supremacy which is similar to that of afghanistan.


So you see my friend, this is an existential question? I will not negotiate my existence and submit to another man, particularly when i have been treated unjustly and attempted to be wiped out, cant take that chance, nor can you !


So lets continue to sharpen our swords and get back to it, may the best man win,its etheir we see justice and i get my right under international law to go back to my status in 1960, or after all of southern somalia wipes it self out, the last of us left will then wipe each other out until no one is left.



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Captain_Mike20, why do you need to inject somaliland everywhere and rub it in people's noses? you do know that is not a good look.

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To Get Rich is Glorious


The Somali must be encouraged to trade, in less than a decade we have transformed our fortunes all one has to do is look at the experience of our people in Nairobi, Minneapolis or London. Those in the Diaspora must find new ways to create opportunities for themselves in Africa, which no doubt will be the fasted growing economy in the world in the next couple of decades. So my people work hard and get rich, use your passports, your clan connections and your courage...

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this guy is talking about peace, peace for what saxib, I am a realist.


The choice is simple saxib,for us its ethier ..



( another state genocide which the vast majority would love)


or this..


sharpen your swords man, this is to the end, no jokes.


God gave me the right to defend myself, my property and my land.

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lol your paranoid sxb you shouldn't worry about that stuff aslong as the people of somaliland have their destiny in their hands, and not anarchic groups like al shabab & co.

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"God gave me the right to defend myself, my property and my land." by Captain-Mike, if your simple logic is taken into account then people of Awdal State, SSC and Maakhir deserve nothing less.

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