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Maay and Jareerweyne: 'A case of modern enslavement?

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Why some of the Somalis are slaves in their own country?


By: Abaay Faama Eenow.




One should be wondering how a
or any of the others so called Others became low-class citizens or refugees within their own Country surviving the stunning violence, poverty, lack of education, trauma, oppression they live under, and what it would take for the world to see and recognize how their sufferings and plight is directly connected to the actions, past and present of
Tribe X
Tribe Y
who have given themselves the world a plenty of airtime to promote their agenda of land expansionism policy in a legitimate well-orchestrated propaganda that is going smooth and unchallenged !!.


There is always about fiction civil war propaganda in the World media and when in actuality is a declaration call for genocide against the unarmed Somali Maay population, vs. the well equipped SRRC Ethiopian backed and USC Arab backed Groups, that no one minds to see again and again as the haunted starvation pictures coming back as another East African event caused by the unending continuous civil war! Whose Civil-War? And for Gods sake what civil war?


As the
Tribe X
Tribe Y
each fully aware their endless mischievous works in which repeating itself as a good cause for their own clan that will pass once again unnoticed with lots of contracts and money to gain from, war means money was always the case of Somali aggression. Again despite the terrifying pictures we’ve seen in 1992 -1993, they do not see it as a crime against humanity but see themselves as a good planners who are being rewarded by their legitimate reserved rights to govern over the unarmed subjects whom they consider an inferior ethnic groups, and on their behalf can work together with the international community to receive Aid packages after they starve them to death.


Their ideology reminds me back in 1992 when a Somali-Canadian women from Toronto at CBC TV. Who belong to
Tribe Y
Clan related to the current President of Somalia Abdullahi Yusuf described Canada as a stolen Country. It is common among themselves that say; ‘the strong is permitted to steal the poor’. And we are stealing one for ourselves. They have good skills in telling fiction stories in a ways that international community convincing them how humane they are for these helpless people whom they pretend to be one of their own, when in reality they don’t even speak the same language. They may look alike for the Arab, other African or White-man but everything else differentiates them as a two separate nation.....


Again we are compelled to follow their agenda and the miracle of their newly acquired wealth and power in the past 46 years, in addition we are deprived of wealth and education and can’t match their skill to market their newly packages of history and clan settlements in Somalia advanced by airlifting thousands of them as well as using a sophisticated modern weaponry system to push and eliminate the indigenous people from certain areas. While able to provide certain indigenous people that will endorse their agendas, traitors who are willing to sell their peoples cause for money and government positions.

---> Finish reading the rest of the article.


In one of her beautifully written and well-thought artilce, Abaay Faamo, opines one very crucial paragragh, which I will reproduce below. She writes:


Abaay Faamo:
The Somali Maay Populations plea for help was never legitimate or a matter worthy of discussion as the nomadic invaders always brandishing them as a virulent and intolerant nationalism sweltering from a peaceful land, when in reality there was no peace for the past 46 years of killings, rape, lootings, land grapping, and every abusive action ever existed.
See and compare to Somaliland!

Isn't it really time we faced our Nomadic deamons and have an honest debate about the matters raised in the above article? I know Abaay Faamo makes some bizare accusations such as where she claims the atrocities of these Nomadic Invaders are unheard by the international community, "...because the work is always done covert and discreet. Their missions are always perfected and agreed upon both sides not to leak details or nature of the facts informative reports relating the ethnic cleansing of the Somali Maay population to their media outlets."


But other than that, she makes good and true points which require sensible and honest debate. So has the time arrived?



* Emphasis and Italics mine.

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Well, our Somalis bantous brothers have suffered a lot of unjustices, even more than say the barawaneses or others, and I naturally expect the UIC to implement urgently their policy vis-a-vis the so-called "minorities" (as if we weren't all Muslims and Somalis).


Now, I've never heard of enslaved reer May.


I do admire their tolerance, peacefulness and work ethic which makes them unvaluable to other Somalis.


Nomads used to exchange their production with the crops of these hard-working peasants while negociating pastures rights.


Obviously, ignorant as they were, the former were perplexed by these settled, tribally mixed farmers who valued manual labour as agriculture, much unlike them.


Yet, every civilization has thrived on such productive manual dexterity and mixing, certainely not on irrational pride in one's ancestors or most primitive disdain for agriculture.


At any rate, mixing and agriculture are definitely the way forward and Shariah implementation will force the unruly nomads to adopt higher moral values, hence ensuring their own dignity and prosperity (not least through self-sufficiency)...

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Now, I've never heard of enslaved reer May.

Reer "Bantu" that arrive Mareykanka call themselves locally Maay people, after the language/dialect they speak. It is the foreigners who label them as "Bantu," oo iyaga badankooda iskuma yaqanaan "Bantu."


The potilically correct name is now Jareerweyne, encompassing a whole section of them, from Qalaafe to Hiiraan to Jubbooyinka.


"Bantus," contrary to popular belief, are not one homogeneous group. Those who live in Shabeellaha Dhexe-Hiiraan corridor are starkly different from the Jubbooyinka "Bantu" who to this day had retained some resembles of their original culture and language, especially kuwa Mushunguliga la dhaho.


The Qalaafe-Shabeellaha Dhexe-Hiiraan corridor degan are wholly and completely integrated into Soomaali system, including the clan system. Waa dadka uu Mowliid Macaane kasoo jeedo iyo reer Qaasin Hilowle, including Faadumo Qaasin.


Second most integrated are kuwa dego Gedo iyo Baay, waana kuwa vice-speaker, a Maay-speaking, Dalxa kasoo jeedo.


Abaay Faameey Eenoow dadkee ka hadleyso waa the so-called "Boon" Maay-speaking people dego Jubbooyinka, Shabeellaha Hoose, Baay, Gedo iyo Bakool. She has some points, though. Dadkaas waala dulay, waliba aad loo dhibay.

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Very informative MMA; maybe I should switch to you for my Somali history & affairs lessons instead of the superficial and biaised works of Lewis and co.


But did not the former governments, especially the Kacaan outlawed outright discrimination in the case of Reer Maay?


How could they be isolated if they are integrated, even among clan lines?

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Salaan iyo soonfur wanaagsan.


Not many of them held a higher positions in the last regime, even though the very regime encouraged the minority to participate the government activities. I think the definition of "minority" was strictly defined to those who resembled like and shared historical ethnicity with Soomaalida kale oo la dhibay than Jareerweyne.


However they, like other so-called "minorities," freely had dominant position in entertainment sectors of the country.


How could they be isolated if they are integrated, even among clan lines?

Dadkaan la lee yahay "Bantu" badanaa maanta aan maqalno waa dadkii ka yimid in the deep jungles of Jubbooyinka. Xataa Soomaaliya magaalo kuma arkin, oo integration iskaba dhaaf. They were one of most isolated groups within a country in Afrika ee ahayeen. Kuwa magaalooyinka joogay waa ka duwanayeen.


Kuwa magaalooyinka isdhexgalka waala qabsadeen, wax apparent discrimation ku sameynaayena ma jirin, oo xataa reer xaafada ee kamid ahayeen, oo daris wanaag iyo caadi la iskula dhaqmi jiray iyo ciyaal xaafada la wada ahaa oo saaxiibtinimo. Of course midabtakoor iyo timatakoor waa jirtay oo badanaa aad ee u yarayd iyagoo Soomaali kale gabar ka guursaday, inkastoo ee shukaansan jireen.


Reer ciyaal xaafada ayaa is wada og, we never used to think kan ayaa "boon" eh iyo kan ayaa "bilis" -- our allegiance always lied for xaafada, not qabiil, not ethnicity. Runtii this was huge achievement.


Qabiilo iyaga kamid ah oo dego Shabeellaha Hoose, Baay, Gedo iyo Bakool had even been given a choice to participate clan actitivies, xataa even being given a privilege to be a member of any clan ee la degaan. Saas ee tahayna still discrimination waa jirtay, oo qabiilkii member ee ku yihiin, yet no so-called "bilis" would marry a "boon."


At least that was a leap progress from maryooleeys, I believe.


I remember my abti that whenever his childhood friend came to Xamar, in uu baabuurkiis hore saaran jiray oo soo wareejin jiray, shopping iyo wax kalena u gadi jiray. Unfortunately him being a Gaashaanle Sare, some waxmagarad at his job or other places resented seeing that "boon" friend baabuurka hore u fadhiyo.

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