Xaaji Xunjuf

Donald Trump will be president again Second term

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A contested convention at this time would be bad for the Dems, but IF democrats have the balls to replace Joe (if he declines the nomination) at this stage, my money is on Whitmer. I reckon she has a wider appeal compared to Newsome.

As for the reason why - imho- the USA is likely electing a twice impeached, pathologically lying, Putin worshipping, convicted felon; is to do with the disgruntlement of the average citizen with the economy. After all people vote with their wallets. 

On the campaign trail so far, the democrats failed to explain to people why prices are never going back to pre-pandemic levels (an expectation if not a demand of the average person in the world today), and why an economy doing good on the macro scale bodes well for everyone eventually. 

Americans are tired of the Dem/Rep duopoly on the political landscape, they are infuriated with the lack of a real option which offers them solutions that effect their everyday lives. Hence why people gravitate towards Trump when he pitches them his oil snake strategy of turning everything malab iyo subag. The issue is also apparent in most western democratic countries, for example, the Tories are facing a historic wipeout in UK GE in a couple of days. Why? Because they failed to address the livelihoods of their electorate. And in a couple of years when the labour doesn't do enough of a tangible change, we most definitely will see a Trumpism 2.0 candidate/party - probably Reform - making the rounds in UK politics in 2030s. 

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16 hours ago, Aroori said:

the USA is likely electing a twice impeached, pathologically lying, Putin worshipping, convicted felon; is to do with the disgruntlement of the average citizen with the economy.

Well throwing trillions of dollars around won't fix inflation. Also, the numbers that banks and statistic agencies state in terms of inflations numbers doesn't correspond prices at the grocery stores. Furthermore, due to the new religion called " Climate Change", electricity prices has doubled.

Joe Biden is gone soon, I mean within days or weeks. THere are reports that his family is at Camp David today to make a decision. Others say that he might be in a hospice care by end of the years. People will not forget how they have cheated the population while a senile old man was used to exercise power from behind the scene. The will be a contested convention, there is no if or but, it will happen.

It will be between Gavin Newsom, Roy Cooper of North Carolina and maybe Withmer of Michigan. Do not even think of including VP Kamala Harris, she has even a lower rating of Biden.

I knew the guy was finished when he pronounced so many resolutions about Gaza and no one had listened. Netanyahu probably knew that Biden was useless and he sticked to his gone.





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The only way for the democrats to replace Joe Biden if he concedes and says he will not run. So far he won the nomination  let’s see how it goes

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