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General Duke

Final warming to clan court media outlets...change or become extinct

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waaxda nabad sugidda qaranka oo u digtey mar labaad idaacadaha magaalada muqdisho


Dowladda Soomaaliya waax-deeda Nabadsugidda ayaa digniino kala duwan u jeedisay Idaacadaha FM-yada ah ee Muqdisho qaarkood.


Idaacadda Shabeelle, HornAfrik iyo Banaadir ayaa loo soo jeediyay digniintaan ayaa waxaa loo sheegay inay yihiin kuwo buunbuuniya dhibaatooyinka dalka ka dhaca, waxaana waax-da ay uga digtay inaysan been ka sheegin howlgallada ciidam-ada isla markaana aysan shaca-bka aysan qalqal ku abuurin.

Taliye xigeenka Nabadsugidda Qaranka Gen. Nuur Maxamed Max’ud (Nuur Shirboow) ayaa sheegay inay idaacadahaan caadaysateen inay buunbuuniyaan wararka wax u dhimaya xasilloonida dalka oo dhan, gaar ahaan Muqdisho.

“Idaacadahaan, waxay sheegayaan warar been abuur ah oo ku saabsan waxa ka dhaca Muqdisho, sida Qaxa oo ay ka sheegaan been iyo sidoo kale goobaha ay wax ku dhac-aan, waxaana ay ka gaabiyaan inay sheegaan kooxaha soo tuuraya hubkaas wax dhibaat-eeyay, balse ay sheegaan wixii ay doonaan” ayuu yiri Nuur Shirboow.

Nuur Shirboow ayaa sheegay in Dowladda ay u soo gudbinayso qoraallo ku aaddan qaabka ay doonayaan in ay saxaafadda uga shaqeyso gudaha dalka iyo dhacdooyinka dhaca ee is daba joogga ah.


ololnews desk

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How will they become extinct? The government is going to stop them? And you support that foolish act, Duke?

What is it with you and lost causes, saaxib? I at least understand your support for the TFG, it’s a big task and there is a slight (deluded) hope of success. But supporting a completely futile idea like the gagging of the press? People could just as easily setup satellite radio stations based outside Somalia and reporting the same news. How will the TFG stop them then?


You got too drunk in the euphoria of this transient victory, saaxib. Wake up and smell the gunpowder.

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The media is central in a democracy, the TFG is stopping a free press. what are they so afraid of, is it that they don't want the world to know that Ethiopian are removing veils from Somali women in the street, that people are being taken from the houses and then disappering, That people are being are tortured in various places in the country.

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NGOONG, yes I do, any medium used to further destabalise the country and incite clan hatred needs to be shutt down.


These radios will be shutt down if they do not change their horrid practice.

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