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ELDR calls upon the European Union and all of its Member States to give diplomatic re

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ELDR calls upon the European Union and all of its Member States to give diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Somaliland


RESOLUTION ELDR CONGRESS IN BERLIN 18-19 OCTOBER 2007 Resolution: Somaliland ELDR notes that Somaliland Republic recognition approaches.


1) Four days after its independence from the United Kingdom, Somaliland agreed to merge with the newly independent Somalia;


2) Following the fall of the Siad Barre dictatorship and the subsequent anarchy in the South, the former British Colony abrogated this merger and embarked on a programme of democracy and free market economy;


3) The Republic of Somaliland has declared that it has no territorial ambitions regarding any of its neighbours;

ELDR calls upon the European Union and all of its Member States to give diplomatic recognition to the Republic of Somaliland, actively encouraging the African Union to accept that Somaliland is not a secessionist state but rather a democratic entity which has abrogated a union with a failed State.




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