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Murder:::Sheikh hotel's militia start killing compaign, 3 youth murdered

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Ciidamada DKMG ah oo Madiina ku toogtay 3 dhalin yaro ah

By Somalimirror on 29 May, 2009 2:31 PM in Main, Wararka


Ciidamada DKMG ah ee ku sugan degmada Dharkeynleey ayaa maanta Abaare 11:00 duhurnimo waxay si bareer ah toogasho ugu dileen 3 dhalin yaro ah oo ka tirsanaa dadka deeganka Madiina.



Ciidamada ayaa la sheegay in ay wiilashaan ka soo kaxaysteen guryahooda kadibna ay madaxa kaga toogteen bartamaha Wadada laamiga ee Macmacaanka gaar ahaan Agagaarka Sarta Xaaji Gaabow waxayna diideen in maydka Dhalinyarada la qaado kadib markii ay Waalidiinta dhalinyarada la laayay isku dayeen in ay maydadka qaadaan si ay u soo aasaan waxayna wali yaalaan Goobtii lagu dilay.


Nin ka tirsan Dadka deegaanka oo aad u yaqaanay Dhalinyarada ay dileen Ciidamada DKMG ah ayaa sheegay in ay ahaayeen dhalinyaro aan lug ku lahayn siyaasadaha isla markaana mid ka mid ah uu ahaa ganacsade ka shaqaysta Electronics-ka halka kuwa kala ay ahaayeen Dhalinta Sports-ka.


Ciidamada DKMG ah ee ku sugan Xaafadda Madiina gaar ahaan Macmacaanka ayaa waxaa aad uga cabta dadka shacabka ah iyo Gaadiidleeyda ka shqeeya halkaa oo ay kula kacaan falal isugu jira Baarasho iyo tacadiyo kale waxaana degmada yaala Isbaarooyin dhawr ah oo ay lacago baad ah ku qaataan ciidamadaasi.

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Nin ka tirsan Dadka deegaanka oo aad u yaqaanay Dhalinyarada ay dileen Ciidamada DKMG ah ayaa sheegay in ay ahaayeen dhalinyaro aan lug ku lahayn siyaasadaha isla markaana mid ka mid ah uu ahaa ganacsade ka shaqaysta Electronics-ka halka kuwa kala ay ahaayeen Dhalinta Sports-ka.

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Ciidamada ayaa la sheegay in ay wiilashaan ka soo kaxaysteen guryahooda kadibna ay madaxa kaga toogteen bartamaha Wadada laamiga ee Macmacaanka gaar ahaan Agagaarka Sarta Xaaji Gaabow waxayna diideen in maydka Dhalinyarada la qaado kadib markii ay Waalidiinta dhalinyarada la laayay isku dayeen in ay maydadka qaadaan si ay u soo aasaan waxayna wali yaalaan Goobtii lagu dilay.


Ina'lilaahi WA'inaa Ilayhi Raajii'uun, Allaha yarxmad....


Killing the innocent is onething but denying their parents to bury the dead bodies and leave them to decay out is totally a whole new and different chapter in the Somali conflict...

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^^^They killed "Al Shabaab" in Madina, now the problem is that the Al Shabaab militia they need to fight are a few blocks away from Sharif Ahmed house.

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^What do you mean good work Shariifow, Adeer Shariif Ahmed and his supporters used to accuse Ethiopians forces of doing exactly the same, and now his militia are taking kids from their houses killing them cold bloodedly in a broad daylight, even worse denying to bury the dead... Subhanalaah.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^What do you mean good work Shariifow, Adeer Shariif Ahmed and his supporters used to accuse Ethiopians forces of doing exactly the same, and now his militia are taking kids from their houses killing them cold bloodedly in a broad daylight, even worse denying to bury the dead... Subhanalaah.

The point is that it is wrong whomsoever carries out such acts. When the Ethiopians and Abdullahi Yusuf used to do it, you and your sidekick(duke)used to deny it ever happened. One remembers certain folk used to deny Ethiopian soldiers had carried out rape. Now, all of sudden, you guys are supposedly concerned about the plight of the civilians, their displacement, and you are bombarding the forum with bad news. Clearly, even a child can see that, your aim is to somehow prove that Abdullahi Yusufs reign was better or to "vindicate" him. In Arabic this is called "Munafiqnimo".

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^^^Al Zaylici: The difference is A/Yusuf used to defeat and hunt down the real "Al Shabaab" exile their eladers and capture their areas. Sharif Ahmed is killing unarmed kids in this case and hiding in Villa Somalia impotent and unable to do a thing. Its called giving you facts adeer. You and Sharif Ahmed were Xasid's and suffered from the sin of enemy. Now he is suffering and you are lost in the abyss.

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Originally posted by Emperor:

^What do you mean good work Shariifow, Adeer Shariif Ahmed and his supporters used to accuse Ethiopians forces of doing exactly the same, and now his militia are taking kids from their houses killing them cold bloodedly in a broad daylight, even worse denying to bury the dead... Subhanalaah.

Islan garob ah oo marki lo sheego nag la furey tirah ' wa so maray sheekadaas' ma maqli jirtey?

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@duke,Adullahi "Hannibal" Yusuf exiled Alshabab and he was the Somali equilavent of Alexander the Great.kkkkkkkk. Nice fantasy. Abti, lets cut to to chase, simple questions:


1. Why did you deny the suffering of the civilians when your idol was in power, but now you and your sidekick are acting like Amnesty international when it comes to the current leader?


2. Did Abdullahi Yusuf and Ethiopians not commit attrocities and why are did you support( you described it as clean up operations) it, but not the current shelling and attrocities? ;)

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AlZaylici, Adeer focus and do not dwell on the poster rather look at the message and comment according to that not the messenger, for god's sake we can't personalise every topic, comment on the topic or leave, it's simple as that...


Maanta dhan saas tahay iyo saasuu yahay iyo waxaas aaminsantahay iyo kuma jiri karno... Talk about the topic at hand or else open another thread to deal with Emp. to find his stance, wickedness or motive or what have you...


You want talk about my intentions, that's fine but open a different thread I will be glad to join ya over there...

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The legend Abdullahi Yusuf is a polished military commander. The fact of the matter is he has proven how important he was when we see the hapless Sharif, the headless chicken strategy of Al Shabaab and the unraveling of the big lie of Mogadishu society argument.


Indeed crimes where committed by many sides, though note Yusuf never danced on dead corpses, never relished the assassination of individuals nor dug up graves. He was not a flip floper like the Sharif who yesterday had a large beard and loved Eritrea hated Ethiopia. Today has cut his beard loves Ethiopia and hates Eritrea and is being protected by foreigners.


Now why all the tears dear lad. This is reported by a pro Sharif Ahmed clan website. go blame them



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The Zack   

Originally posted by Al Zeylaci:

@duke,Adullahi "Hannibal" Yusuf exiled Alshabab and he was the Somali equivalent of Alexander the Great.kkkkkkkk. Nice fantasy. Abti, lets cut to to chase, simple questions:


1. Why did you deny the suffering of the civilians when your idol was in power, but now you and your sidekick are acting like Amnesty international when it comes to the current leader?


2. Did Abdullahi Yusuf and Ethiopians not commit atrocities and why are did you support( you described it as clean up operations) it, but not the current shelling and atrocities?

Spot on! Nimankii shalay taageerayay leynta shacabka ee arxan darrada aheyd baa maanta is baddalay oo isla shacabkii u hadlayo, so the key thing they need to clarify is a) Miyaad toobad keenteen oo shacabka leyntiisa iney qalad aheyd baad ogaateen, or b) now your uncle is gone you changed your position... do clarify please.

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No more than another clueless sentiment from your groups. Nothing has changed on our end adeer, we stand for reason and equality and development and hence our central arguments have been proven correct. Federalism, a unitary system, disarming armed militias and reconstructing the country has been and will continue to be our goal. Its your group who demonstrated yesterday because of “mass murder” and the destruction of Mogadishu who are quite today when mass murder is being committed by the same players as yesterday. Its your group who fought the national government who today are further destroying any hope we have by the sheer incompetence of your Prince the flip flopper extraordinaire Sharif Ahmed.

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