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Kismayu: Governor tours areas + Locals led by Afgaduud are at the gates

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Governor tours areas


It aint over till the fat lady sings, in this article the governor Dr Gaboose has toured Beerxaani, Bulu Gaduud, the areas were the fighting took place and has spoken to the locals about the crimes being commited inside the city by the JVA thugs.


On the other hand Gedoweb reports that....

Col Afguduud iyo Ilyaas Badal oo mar kale kaabiga u soo fariistay Kismaayo


Posted by Abu-raas

Saturday, June 23 @ 20:49:13 PDT



ka dib markii xalay ay dib ugu soo noqdeen maleshiyadii beesha **** magaalada Kismaayo ayaa lagu soo waramayaa inay soo baneeyeen dhamaan dhulkii ay dagaaladu ku dhex mareen maleeshiyada col Afguduud. Col Afguduud iyo gudoomiyihii gobolka J/hoose Ilyaas Bbadal oo ay la socdaan maleeshiyo aan saa u tiro badnayn ayaa lagu soo waramyaa inay fariisan ka samaysteen tuulo abaarihii 45 KM u jirto magaalada Kismaayo oo lagu magacaabo Tuulada Janaale Cabdalle.



Kooxahaas ku sugan tuulada Janaale Cabdalle ayaa ahaa kuwii shalay looga adkaaday gacan ku haynta magaalada Kismaayo. Wax faah-faahin oo ilaa iyo hadda laga hayo ma jiraan iyo warar madax banaan oo cadaynaya joogitaankooda tuuladaas.


Dhinaca kale gudaha magaalada Kismaayo ayaa waxaa ka dhacay boob iyo bililiqaysi. Bakhaarada raashiinka iyo goobaha ganacsiga ee dadka rayidka ah ayaa boob loo gaystay, inkastoo markii dambe ay ciidamada amaanku faraha la soo galeen xaalada iyagoo ku guulaystay inay joojiyaan boobka iyo dhaca loo gaysanayo goobaaha Ganacsiga.


Magaalada kismaayo ayaa caawo degan inkastoo bandow lagu soo rogay magaalada ayaa misan Waxaa wadooyinka lugaynayey rag dhalinyaro oo hubaysan oo aanan ka mid ahayn Ciidanka Amaanka cidna aan ka amar qaadan.





Gedoweb Onlinle


Anyhow the local Waamo militia will continue the struggle to liberate their town from these thugs.

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Actually,this aint over sidaan maqlay.


One Sub clan of the waamo clans is aligning with Afgaduuds people..Just like Reer Gedo were helped by the "other" sub clans from Waamo.


Waa laisku dheganyahay...Pretty soon you will see the clans from Benadir fighting against one another.

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Horn, Puntland post report is supported by Gedoweb the second Gedo clan web portal.

Also the fighting has restarted. It continues, the Waamo locals are fighting.

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^ I was just saying that. Its not all of the Waamo clans,its just one sub sub clan that is supporting Afgaduud.


Its getting out of hand now...waa laisku dhex yaacay!

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Originally posted by The Duke:

^^^Of course its getting out of hand its every clan for itself. Though the locals are supporting the admin hence it aint over.

No No,Some 1 Sub sub clan is supporting the TFG admin. The other Locals are with reer Gedo sxb. You know it adba!


So,what is your Govt doing about this? Send the Ethiopians?

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Adeer, I know the majority of the locals are with the admin, no such thing as one subclan. The boys from Afmadow, those who fought the JVA militia in Beerxani and the rest of the Waamo clans are with the locals and the admin.


No one wants the JVA, what did they ever do for Kismayu apart from loot and sell charcoal.


Anyhow those days are over and with one call the TFG will snuff any resistance against it.


Though HE President Yusuf has yet to give that order.

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Mr Hornoow, balaayaa SomaliaOnline ku habsatey dheh, balaayadaasna Mr Duke baa koobka dahabka u qaadey, adna koobka qalinka ayaad u qaadey, no offense to my dear friend Duke and to you as well sxb smile.gif



Meesha waxaa ku qadey oo koob la'aan noqdey dad badan oon anigu ka mid ahey!

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